<?php /** * @file * Generate form elements for the font settings. */ use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss; // Elements to apply fonts to. $font_elements = font_elements(); $websafe_options = []; $webfont_options = []; // Websafe stacks and select options. $settings_font_websafe = theme_get_setting('settings.font_websafe'); if (!empty($settings_font_websafe)) { $websafe_fonts = $settings_font_websafe; } else { $websafe_fonts = implode("\n", websafe_fonts()); } if (!empty($websafe_fonts)) { $websafe_options = explode(PHP_EOL, $websafe_fonts); } // Webfont options. foreach (['google', 'typekit', 'local'] as $webfont_type) { $wfn = theme_get_setting('settings.font_' . $webfont_type . '_names'); $webfont_options[$webfont_type] = []; if (!empty($wfn)) { $wfn_list = explode(PHP_EOL, $wfn); foreach ($wfn_list as $wfn_key => $wfn_value) { $wf_name = trim(str_replace(['"', "'", ','], '', $wfn_value)); $webfont_options[$webfont_type][str_replace(' ', '_', $wf_name)] = ucfirst($wf_name); } } } // Font Options - here we must test if there are values set for each font type // and populate the options list. $font_options = [ 'none' => t('-- none --'), ]; if (!empty($websafe_fonts)) { $font_options['websafe'] = t('Websafe font'); } if (theme_get_setting('settings.font_google')) { $font_options['google'] = t('Google font'); } if (theme_get_setting('settings.font_typekit')) { $font_options['typekit'] = t('Typekit'); } if (!empty(theme_get_setting('settings.font_local'))) { $font_options['local'] = t('Local font'); } $form['fonts'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Fonts'), '#group' => 'extension_settings', ]; // Font Setup. $form['fonts']['setup'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Fonts Setup'), ]; // Help. $form['fonts']['setup']['help'] = [ '#type' => 'container', '#markup' => t('First set the fonts you want to use in your site and save the Extension settings. Then apply fonts to specific elements.'), ]; // Font Setup: Websafe stacks. $form['fonts']['setup']['websafe_fonts'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Websafe fonts'), '#description' => t('Websafe fonts are fonts most commonly found on computers and other devices.'), ]; $form['fonts']['setup']['websafe_fonts']['websafe_fonts']['settings_font_websafe'] = [ '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Websafe stacks'), '#rows' => 10, '#default_value' => Xss::filter($websafe_fonts), '#description' => t('Enter one font stack per line. Separate fonts with a comma, quote font names with spaces, e.g <code>"Times New Roman", Times, serif;</code>.'), ]; // Font Setup: Google font. $form['fonts']['setup']['google_fonts'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Google fonts'), '#description' => t('Google fonts are provided by the Google webfont service.'), ]; $form['fonts']['setup']['google_fonts']['settings_font_google'] = [ '#type' => 'textarea', '#rows' => 3, // '#maxlength' => 1024, '#title' => t('Google font URL'), '#default_value' => Xss::filter(theme_get_setting('settings.font_google')), '#description' => [ '#theme' => 'item_list', '#list_type' => 'ol', '#attributes' => ['class' => ['google-font-wizard-desc', 'web-font-desc']], '#items' => [ t('Use the <a href=":google_font_wizard" target="_blank">Google font wizard</a> to select your fonts.', [':google_font_wizard' => '']), t('Click the "Use" button, then copy/paste the URL from the <em>Standard</em> method, e.g. <code></code>'), t('If using multiple Google Fonts, make sure your URL reads css instead of css2 and uses a pipe delimiter to separate the fonts, e.g. <code>|Parisienne</code>'), t('Note: always use <code>https</code>, even with <code>http</code> and mixed content websites.'), ], ], ]; $form['fonts']['setup']['google_fonts']['settings_font_google_names'] = [ '#type' => 'textarea', '#rows' => 5, '#title' => t('Google font names.'), '#description' => t('Enter Google font names, one per line. E.g. <code>Open Sans</code>. Do not quote names with spaces.'), '#default_value' => Xss::filter(theme_get_setting('settings.font_google_names')), ]; // Font Setup: Typekit. $form['fonts']['setup']['typekit_fonts'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Typekit fonts'), '#description' => t('Typekit fonts are provided by the Typekit service.'), ]; $form['fonts']['setup']['typekit_fonts']['settings_font_typekit'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Typekit ID'), '#default_value' => Html::escape(theme_get_setting('settings.font_typekit')), '#description' => [ '#theme' => 'item_list', '#list_type' => 'ol', '#attributes' => ['class' => ['typekit-font-desc', 'web-font-desc']], '#items' => [ t('Locate the <em>Embed Code</em> details for your kit. Do not quote names with spaces.'), t('Copy/paste the ID, e.g. <code>okb4kwr</code>.'), ], ], ]; $form['fonts']['setup']['typekit_fonts']['settings_font_typekit_names'] = [ '#type' => 'textarea', '#rows' => 5, '#title' => t('Typekit font names.'), '#description' => t('Enter Typekit font names, one per line. '), '#default_value' => Xss::filter(theme_get_setting('settings.font_typekit_names')), ]; // Font Setup: Local fonts. $form['fonts']['setup']['local_fonts'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Local @font-face'), '#description' => t('<p>Local fonts are font files stored on your server. Place font files in a directory somewhere in your Drupal site, e.g. in your theme or in the /themes/ directory if sharing fonts between several themes.</p><p>The path to files must be relative to the fonts.css file, i.e. <code>@fonts_css_location/fonts.css</code></p>', ['@fonts_css_location' => $generated_files_path]), ]; $form['fonts']['setup']['local_fonts']['settings_font_local'] = [ '#type' => 'textarea', '#rows' => 10, '#title' => t('@font-face declarations.'), '#description' => t('Paste in <code>@font-face</code> CSS code, e.g. the CSS generated by services such as <a href="@font_squirrel">Font Squirrel</a>. Adjust paths to suit.', ['@font_squirrel' => '']), '#default_value' => Xss::filter(theme_get_setting('settings.font_local')), ]; $form['fonts']['setup']['local_fonts']['settings_font_local_names'] = [ '#type' => 'textarea', '#rows' => 5, '#title' => t('Local font names.'), '#description' => t('Enter local font names, one per line. Do not quote names with spaces.'), '#default_value' => Xss::filter(theme_get_setting('settings.font_local_names')), ]; // Global settings. $form['fonts']['setup']['global_font_settings'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Global settings'), '#description' => t('Set a fallback font and line heights.'), ]; // Global settings: Fallback. $form['fonts']['setup']['global_font_settings']['settings_font_fallback'] = [ '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Fallback font family'), '#options' => [ 'sans_serif' => t('Sans-serif'), 'serif' => t('Serif'), 'monospace' => t('Monospace'), 'cursive' => t('Cursive'), 'fantasy' => t('Fantasy'), ], '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('settings.font_fallback') ? theme_get_setting('settings.font_fallback') : 'sans_serif', '#description' => t('In the event a font does not load use a generic fallback.'), ]; // Global settings: Line heights. $form['fonts']['setup']['global_font_settings']['line_height']['settings_font_line_height_multiplier_default'] = [ '#type' => 'number', '#title' => t('Line height (global)'), '#description' => t('Normally this value will be between 1 and 3.0.'), '#max-length' => 4, '#step' => 0.001, '#default_value' => Html::escape(theme_get_setting('settings.font_line_height_multiplier_default')), '#attributes' => [ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 10, 'step' => 0.001, 'class' => ['font-option'] ], ]; $form['fonts']['setup']['global_font_settings']['line_height']['settings_font_line_height_multiplier_large'] = [ '#type' => 'number', '#title' => t('Headings line height'), '#max-length' => 4, '#step' => 0.001, '#description' => t('Headings usually require a smaller line-height.'), '#default_value' => Html::escape(theme_get_setting('settings.font_line_height_multiplier_large')), '#attributes' => [ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 10, 'step' => 0.001, 'class' => ['font-option'] ], ]; // Apply Fonts. $form['fonts']['apply'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Apply Fonts'), ]; // Build form. foreach ($font_elements as $font_element_key => $font_element_values) { $form['fonts']['apply'][$font_element_key] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => t($font_element_values['label']), ]; $form['fonts']['apply'][$font_element_key]['settings_font_' . $font_element_key] = [ '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Font type'), '#options' => $font_options, '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('settings.font_' . $font_element_key), ]; // Websafe fonts. if (isset($font_options['websafe'])) { $websafe_font_element_key_setting = theme_get_setting('settings.font_websafe_' . $font_element_key); $form['fonts']['apply'][$font_element_key]['settings_font_websafe_' . $font_element_key] = [ '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Select a font stack to apply to this element.'), '#options' => $websafe_options, '#default_value' => isset($websafe_font_element_key_setting) ? $websafe_font_element_key_setting : 0, '#states' => [ 'visible' => [ 'select[name="settings_font_' . $font_element_key . '"]' => [ 'value' => 'websafe', ], ], ], ]; } // Google font. if (isset($font_options['google'])) { $form['fonts']['apply'][$font_element_key]['settings_font_google_' . $font_element_key] = [ '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Google font name'), '#options' => $webfont_options['google'], '#default_value' => Xss::filter(theme_get_setting('settings.font_google_' . $font_element_key)), '#states' => [ 'visible' => [ 'select[name="settings_font_' . $font_element_key . '"]' => [ 'value' => 'google', ], ], ], ]; } // Typekit font. if (isset($font_options['typekit'])) { $form['fonts']['apply'][$font_element_key]['settings_font_typekit_' . $font_element_key] = [ '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Typekit font name'), '#options' => $webfont_options['typekit'], '#default_value' => Xss::filter(theme_get_setting('settings.font_typekit_' . $font_element_key)), '#states' => [ 'visible' => [ 'select[name="settings_font_' . $font_element_key . '"]' => [ 'value' => 'typekit', ], ], ], ]; } // Local fonts. if (isset($font_options['local'])) { $local_font_element_key_setting = theme_get_setting('settings.font_localfont_' . $font_element_key); $form['fonts']['apply'][$font_element_key]['settings_font_localfont_' . $font_element_key] = [ '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Local font name.'), // '#description' => t('Select a local font to apply to this element.'), '#options' => $webfont_options['local'], '#default_value' => isset($local_font_element_key_setting) ? $local_font_element_key_setting : 0, '#states' => [ 'visible' => [ 'select[name="settings_font_' . $font_element_key . '"]' => [ 'value' => 'local', ], ], ], ]; } // Font size. if ($font_element_key !== 'h1h4' && $font_element_key !== 'h5h6') { $form['fonts']['apply'][$font_element_key]['settings_font_size_' . $font_element_key] = [ '#type' => 'number', '#title' => t('Size'), '#field_suffix' => 'px <small>(coverts to rem)</small>', '#default_value' => Html::escape(theme_get_setting('settings.font_size_' . $font_element_key)), '#attributes' => [ 'min' => 0, 'max' => 999, 'step' => 1, 'class' => ['font-option'] ], ]; } // Font smoothing. $form['fonts']['apply'][$font_element_key]['settings_font_smoothing_' . $font_element_key] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Apply font smoothing'), '#description' => t('Font smoothing only works in Mac OS X and may improve legibility, in particular for Google and Typekit fonts.'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('settings.font_smoothing_' . $font_element_key), ]; // Custom selectors has a textarea. if ($font_element_key === 'custom_selectors') { $form['fonts']['apply']['custom_selectors']['settings_custom_selectors'] = [ '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Custom Selectors'), '#rows' => 3, '#default_value' => Xss::filter(theme_get_setting('settings.custom_selectors')), '#description' => t("Enter a comma separated list of valid CSS selectors, with no trailing comma, such as <code>.node__content, .block__content </code>. Note that due to security reason you cannot use the greater than symbol (>) as a child combinator selector."), '#states' => [ 'disabled' => ['select[name="settings_selectors_font_type"]' => ['value' => '<none>']], ], ]; } // Show the selectors this applies to. $form['fonts']['apply'][$font_element_key]['selector'] = [ '#type' => 'container', '#markup' => t('Applies to: @selectors', ['@selectors' => $font_element_values['selector']]), '#attributes' => ['class' => ['font-selector-list']], ]; }