<?php /** * @file * Output formatted CSS for fonts. */ use Drupal\at_core\Ext\ExtGet; use Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface; /** * Convert the table row array to settings the rest of the system can use. */ function at_convert_image_alignment_settings($values) { $settings = []; foreach ($values as $row_key => $row_values) { foreach ($row_values['options'] as $alignment_item => $alignment) { $settings[$alignment_item] = $alignment; } foreach ($row_values['margins'] as $margin_item => $margin) { $settings[$margin_item] = $margin; } } return $settings; } /** * */ function at_core_submit_images($values, $generated_files_path) { $converted_values = at_convert_image_alignment_settings($values['table_image_align']); // Get stuff. $ext_get = new ExtGet(); $entity_types = $ext_get->getEntityTypes(); $view_modes = $ext_get->getViewModes(); $image_breakpoints = \Drupal::service('breakpoint.manager')->getBreakpointsByGroup($values['settings_breakpoint_group_images']); $generated_files_path = $values['settings_generated_files_path']; $css = []; if (!empty($entity_types)) { foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type_key => $entity_type_values) { foreach ($entity_type_values as $evk => $etv) { if ($entity_type_key === 'paragraphs' || $entity_type_key === 'comment' || $entity_type_key === 'block_content') { $entity_type_id = $etv->id(); } elseif ($entity_type_key === 'node') { $entity_type_id = $etv->get('type'); } // Entity type selector parts. if ($entity_type_key === 'node' || $entity_type_key === 'comment') { $entity_type_class = $entity_type_key; } if ($entity_type_key === 'block_content') { $entity_type_class = 'block-content'; } if ($entity_type_key === 'paragraphs') { $entity_type_class = 'paragraph'; } if (!empty($image_breakpoints)) { foreach ($image_breakpoints as $image_breakpoint_id => $image_breakpoint_value) { $breakpoint_ia_label = $image_breakpoint_value->getLabel(); $breakpoint_ia_mediaquery = $image_breakpoint_value->getMediaQuery(); $breakpoint_ia_key = strtolower(preg_replace("/\W|_/", "", $breakpoint_ia_label)); foreach ($view_modes[$entity_type_key] as $display_mode) { // Display mode strings. $display_mode_id = str_replace('.', '_', $display_mode['id']); $display_mode_selector_part = str_replace('.', '', strstr($display_mode['id'], '.')); // Alignment. $alignment = $converted_values['settings_image_alignment_' . $entity_type_id . '_' . $breakpoint_ia_key . '_' . $display_mode_id]; // Alignment properties. $alignment_property = 'float'; if ($alignment === 'center') { $alignment_property = 'text-align'; } // Build margins in trbl. $margin['top'] = $converted_values['settings_image_alignment_' . $entity_type_id . '_' . $breakpoint_ia_key . '_' . $display_mode_id . '_top']; $margin['right'] = $converted_values['settings_image_alignment_' . $entity_type_id . '_' . $breakpoint_ia_key . '_' . $display_mode_id . '_right']; $margin['bottom'] = $converted_values['settings_image_alignment_' . $entity_type_id . '_' . $breakpoint_ia_key . '_' . $display_mode_id . '_bottom']; $margin['left'] = $converted_values['settings_image_alignment_' . $entity_type_id . '_' . $breakpoint_ia_key . '_' . $display_mode_id . '_left']; // Overwrite center aligned margin left and right, these need // to be auto. if ($alignment === 'center') { $margin['right'] = 'auto'; $margin['left'] = 'auto'; } foreach ($margin as $margin_key => $margin_value) { $margin_unit = ''; if ($margin_value !== 'auto') { if ($margin_value >= 1) { $margin_unit = 'rem'; } $set_margins[$margin_key] = $margin_value / 16 . $margin_unit; } elseif ($margin_value == 'auto') { $set_margins[$margin_key] = $margin_value; } } // Build CSS output. if (isset($alignment) && !empty($alignment)) { $css[$entity_type_key . $entity_type_id . $breakpoint_ia_key . $display_mode_id]['css'] = '@media ' . $breakpoint_ia_mediaquery . ' {' . "\n" . ' .' . $entity_type_class . '--type-' . $entity_type_id . '.' . $entity_type_class . '--view-mode-' . $display_mode_selector_part . ' .field-type-image__figure { ' . "\n" . ' ' . $alignment_property . ': ' . $alignment . ';' . "\n" . ' margin: ' . implode(' ', $set_margins) . ';' . "\n" . ' }' . "\n" . '}'; } } } } } } } if (!empty($css)) { // Implode into something we can print in a file. $output = implode("\n", array_map(function ($entry) { return $entry['css']; }, $css)); $file_name = 'image-styles.css'; $filepath = $generated_files_path . '/' . $file_name; /*file_unmanaged_save_data($output, $filepath, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);*/ \Drupal::service('file_system')->saveData($output, $filepath, FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_REPLACE); } // Return the converted values for config. $values = array_merge($converted_values, $values); return $values; }