/** * @file * Load layout - taking out the thrash, oh hell yeah. */ (function ($, window) { "use strict"; Drupal.behaviors.atLayoutLoad = { attach: function (context) { // Verify that the user agent understands media queries. if (!window.matchMedia('only screen').matches) { return; } $.fn.switchClass = function(remove, add) { var regex = new RegExp( '\\s' + remove .replace(/\*/g, '[A-Za-z0-9-_]+') .split(' ') .join('\\s|\\s') + '\\s', 'g' ); this.each(function(i, it) { var classname = ' ' + it.className + ' '; while (regex.test(classname) ) { classname = classname.replace(regex, ' '); } it.className = $.trim(classname); }); return !add ? this : this.addClass(add); }; // Never run this on really small devices. var notSmartPhone = window.matchMedia('(min-width: 320px)'); if (notSmartPhone.matches) { $(context).find('.regions').once('atLayoutLoad').each(function() { // Remove data-at-region first for "empty" regions, otherwise layout // classes will be wrong. Regions lacking the data attribute are // hidden with CSS. $(this).find('.region').filter(function() { return !($(this).find('.l-bl, .panel-panel')).length; }).removeAttr('data-at-region').prop('hidden', true); // data-at-region holds an int value corresponding to it's place in // the source order. var active_regions = $(this).find('.region').map(function() { return $(this).attr('data-at-region'); }).get().join('-'); if (active_regions) { var hr = 'hr--' + active_regions; var arc = 'arc--' + $(this).children.length; if (!$(this).hasClass(hr)) { $(this).switchClass('arc-*', arc).switchClass('hr-*', hr); } $(this).attr('data-at-regions', 'has-regions'); } else { // Set attribute hidden on the row wrapper. $(this).parents('.page__row').prop('hidden', true); } }); } } }; }(jQuery, window));