{# /** * @file * Theme override for comments. * * Available variables: * - author: Comment author. Can be a link or plain text. * - content: The content-related items for the comment display. Use * {{ content }} to print them all, or print a subset such as * {{ content.field_example }}. Use the following code to temporarily suppress * the printing of a given child element: * @code * {{ content|without('field_example') }} * @endcode * - created: Formatted date and time for when the comment was created. * Preprocess functions can reformat it by calling format_date() with the * desired parameters on the 'comment.created' variable. * - changed: Formatted date and time for when the comment was last changed. * Preprocess functions can reformat it by calling format_date() with the * desired parameters on the 'comment.changed' variable. * - permalink: Comment permalink. * - submitted: Submission information created from author and created * during template_preprocess_comment(). * - user_picture: The comment author's profile picture. * - status: Comment status. Possible values are: * unpublished, published, or preview. * - title: Comment title, linked to the comment. * - attributes: HTML attributes for the containing element. * The attributes.class may contain one or more of the following classes: * - comment: The current template type; e.g., 'theming hook'. * - by-anonymous: Comment by an unregistered user. * - by-{entity-type}-author: Comment by the author of the parent entity, * eg. by-node-author. * - preview: When previewing a new or edited comment. * The following applies only to viewers who are registered users: * - unpublished: An unpublished comment visible only to administrators. * - title_prefix: Additional output populated by modules, intended to be * displayed in front of the main title tag that appears in the template. * - title_suffix: Additional output populated by modules, intended to be * displayed after the main title tag that appears in the template. * - content_attributes: List of classes for the styling of the comment content. * - title_attributes: Same as attributes, except applied to the main title * tag that appears in the template. * - threaded: A flag indicating whether the comments are threaded or not. * * These variables are provided to give context about the parent comment (if * any): * - comment_parent: Full parent comment entity (if any). * - parent_author: Equivalent to author for the parent comment. * - parent_created: Equivalent to created for the parent comment. * - parent_changed: Equivalent to changed for the parent comment. * - parent_title: Equivalent to title for the parent comment. * - parent_permalink: Equivalent to permalink for the parent comment. * - parent: A text string of parent comment submission information created from * 'parent_author' and 'parent_created' during template_preprocess_comment(). * This information is presented to help screen readers follow lengthy * discussion threads. You can hide this from sighted users using the class * visually-hidden. * * These two variables are provided for context: * - comment: Full comment object. * - entity: Entity the comments are attached to. * * @see template_preprocess_comment() */ #} {%- set classes = [ 'comment', 'js-comment', 'comment--type-' ~ comment.bundle|clean_class, view_mode ? 'comment--view-mode-' ~ view_mode|clean_class, status != 'published' ? status, comment.owner.anonymous ? 'by-anonymous', author_id and author_id == commented_entity.getOwnerId() ? 'by-' ~ commented_entity.getEntityTypeId() ~ '-author', title_visibility ? 'has-title', 'clearfix', ] -%} <article {{ attributes.addClass(classes)|without('role') }}> <div class="comment__container"> {%- if title -%} {{ title_prefix }} {%- set title_classes = [ title_visibility ? 'comment__title' : 'comment__title--visually-hidden', 'h4', ] -%} <h3{{ title_attributes.addClass(title_classes) }}> {{ title }} {%- if status != 'published' -%} <span class="comment__status comment--unpublished marker marker--warning" aria-label="Status message" role="contentinfo"> <span class="visually-hidden">{% trans %}This comment is {% endtrans %}</span>{% trans %}Unpublished{% endtrans -%} </span> {%- endif -%} {# Hide the "new" indicator by default, let a piece of JavaScript ask the server which comments are new for the user. Rendering the final "new" indicator here would break the render cache. #} <mark class="comment__new marker marker--success hidden" data-comment-timestamp="{{ new_indicator_timestamp }}"></mark> </h3> {{ title_suffix }} {%- endif -%} <div{{ meta_attributes }}> {{ user_picture }} <div{{ submitted_attributes }}> <span class="comment__author">{{ author }}</span> <span class="comment__pubdate">{{ created }}</span> </div> </div> <div{{ content_attributes.addClass('comment__content') }}> {# Indicate the semantic relationship between parent and child comments for accessibility. The list is difficult to navigate in a screen reader without this information. #} {%- if parent -%} <p class="comment__parent visually-hidden">{{ parent }}</p> {%- endif -%} {{- content -}} </div> </div> </article>