<?php /** * @file * Arch base module. */ use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\node\Entity\Node; /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function arch_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) { return [ 'arch_terms_of_use' => [ 'render element' => 'elements', ], ]; } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function arch_theme_suggestions_arch_terms_of_use(array $variables) { $settings = _arch_content_settings(); $suggestions = []; $suggestions[] = 'arch_terms_of_use__' . strtolower($settings['mode']); return $suggestions; } /** * Preprocess arch terms of use theme. */ function template_preprocess_arch_terms_of_use(array &$variables) { $variables += [ 'settings' => [], 'mode' => '_none', 'tc_link' => NULL, 'node_tc' => NULL, 'pp_link' => NULL, 'node_pp' => NULL, 'content' => '', ]; $settings = _arch_content_settings(); $variables['settings'] = $settings['settings']; $variables['mode'] = $settings['mode']; if (!empty($settings['mode']) && $settings['mode'] != '_none') { $variables['tc_link'] = NULL; $variables['node_tc'] = $settings['node_tc']; if (!empty($settings['node_tc'])) { $variables['tc_link'] = $settings['node_tc']->toLink()->toRenderable(); } $variables['pp_link'] = NULL; $variables['node_pp'] = $settings['node_pp']; if (!empty($settings['node_pp'])) { $variables['pp_link'] = $settings['node_pp']->toLink()->toRenderable(); } $template = t('I accept the Terms of Use', [], ['context' => 'arch_terms_of_use']); if ($variables['mode'] === 'TCPP') { $template = t('I accept the {{ tc_link }} and the {{ pp_link }}', [], ['context' => 'arch_terms_of_use']); } elseif ($variables['mode'] === 'TC') { $template = t('I accept the {{ tc_link }}', [], ['context' => 'arch_terms_of_use']); } elseif ($variables['mode'] === 'PP') { $template = t('I accept the {{ pp_link }}', [], ['context' => 'arch_terms_of_use']); } $variables['content'] = [ '#type' => 'inline_template', '#template' => (string) $template, '#context' => [ 'tc_link' => $variables['tc_link'], 'pp_link' => $variables['pp_link'], ], ]; } } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). * * Alters the theme form to use the admin theme on node editing. * * @see arch_form_system_themes_admin_form_submit() */ function arch_form_system_themes_admin_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) { $form['admin_theme']['use_admin_theme_arch'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Use the administration theme when administrating store', [], ['context' => 'arch']), '#default_value' => \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('arch.settings')->get('use_admin_theme'), ]; $form['#submit'][] = 'arch_form_system_themes_admin_form_submit'; } /** * Form submission handler for system_themes_admin_form(). * * @see node_form_system_themes_admin_form_alter() */ function arch_form_system_themes_admin_form_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('node.settings') ->set('use_admin_theme', $form_state->getValue('use_admin_theme_arch')) ->save(); \Drupal::service('router.builder')->setRebuildNeeded(); } /** * Implements hook_library_info_alter(). */ function arch_library_info_alter(&$libraries, $extension) { if ($extension == 'toolbar_themes') { if (isset($libraries['toolbar_seven.icons'])) { $libraries['toolbar_seven.icons']['dependencies'][] = 'arch/'; } if (isset($libraries['toolbar_admin_menu.icons'])) { $libraries['toolbar_admin_menu.icons']['dependencies'][] = 'arch/toolbar_themes.admin_menu.icons'; } } elseif ($extension === 'arch') { $core = '/core/assets/vendor/underscore/underscore-min.js'; if (is_file(DRUPAL_ROOT . $core)) { $libraries['underscorejs']['js'][$core] = [ 'weight' => -20, 'minified' => TRUE, ]; unset($libraries['underscorejs']['js']['assets/js/underscore/underscore-min.js']); } } } /** * Get content settings. * * @return array * All settings with keys: * - settings: stored settings. * - mode: selected mode. * - node_tc: Terms&Conditions node. * - node_pp: PrivacyPolicy node. */ function _arch_content_settings() { $settings = drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($settings)) { $langcode = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId(); $config = \Drupal::keyValue('arch.content_settings'); $settings['settings'] = $config->getAll(); $settings['mode'] = $config->get('mode', '_none'); if ($settings['mode'] != '_none') { foreach (['tc', 'pp'] as $item) { $key = 'node_' . $item; $settings[$key] = NULL; if (!in_array($settings['mode'], [strtoupper($item), 'TCPP'])) { continue; } $nid = $config->get('nodes.' . $item); if (!$nid) { continue; } /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */ $node = Node::load($nid); if (!$node || !$node->isPublished()) { continue; } if ($node->hasTranslation($langcode)) { $node = $node->getTranslation($langcode); } $settings[$key] = $node; } } if ( ($settings['mode'] == 'TC' && empty($settings['node_tc'])) || ($settings['mode'] == 'PP' && empty($settings['node_pp'])) ) { $settings['mode'] = '_none'; } elseif ($settings['mode'] == 'TCPP' && empty($settings['node_tc'])&& !empty($settings['node_pp'])) { $settings['mode'] = 'PP'; } elseif ($settings['mode'] == 'TCPP' && empty($settings['node_pp']) && !empty($settings['node_tc'])) { $settings['mode'] = 'TC'; } } return $settings; } /** * Implements hook_toolbar_alter(). */ function arch_toolbar_alter(&$items) { $items['administration']['#attached']['library'][] = 'arch/toolbar'; }