{# /** * Template for displaying monetization products. * @todo: REplace with win drupal entity API Rendering. * * Available variables: * - api_product: An product from the monetization SDK. * @see:\Apigee\Edge\Api\Monetization\Entity\ApiProduct * * - api_product.id ID of the API product. * - api_product.displayName User-friendly display name of the API product. * - api_product.name Name of the API product. * - api_product.description Description of API product. * - api_product.status Status indicator for the API product. Valid values include: CREATED, ACTIVE, INACTIVE. * - api_product.organization The organizaiton the product belongs to. */ #} <div class="apigee-sdk-product"> <div class="apigee-product-details"> <div class="apigee-product-display-name"> <h3 class="label id-label">{{ api_product.displayName }}</h3> </div> <div class="apigee-product-id"> <em class="label id-label">{{ 'ID:'|t }}</em> {{ api_product.id }} </div> <div class="apigee-product-name"> <em class="label name-label">{{ 'Product Name:'|t }}</em> {{ api_product.name }} </div> <div class="apigee-product-description"> <em class="label description-label">{{ 'Description:'|t }}</em> {{ api_product.description }} </div> </div> </div>