<?php namespace Drupal\alter_blocks_element_markup; use Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ThirdPartySettingsInterface; use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup; use Drupal\block\Entity\Block; /** * Define the AlterBlocksElementMarkup block class. */ class AlterBlocksElementMarkup { /** * alter_blocks_element_markup block preprocess. * * @param array &$variables * An array of the block template variables. */ public static function preprocess(array &$variables) { $element = &$variables['elements']; if (!isset($element['#id'])) { return; } $block = Block::load($element['#id']); if ($block instanceof ThirdPartySettingsInterface) { $settings = $block->getThirdPartySetting('alter_blocks_element_markup', 'alter_blocks_element_markup', []); } // Iterate over alter_blocks_element_markup sections and set the classes and/or HTML element. if (isset($settings['sections'])) { foreach ($settings['sections'] as $section => $info) { $classes = self::processClasses($info['classes']); // Set the alter_blocks_element_markup section HTML element classes. switch ($section) { case 'wrapper': self::addClasses($variables, 'attributes', $classes); break; case 'label': self::addClasses($variables, 'title_attributes', $classes); break; case 'content': self::addClasses($variables, 'content_attributes', $classes); break; } // Set the alter_blocks_element_markup section HTML element. $variables['alter_blocks_element_markup_element'][$section] = $info['element']; } } } /** * Add alter_blocks_element_markup block configuration form. * * @param array &$form * An array of form elements. * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state * The form state object. */ public static function addConfigForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $entity = $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity(); if (!$entity instanceof ThirdPartySettingsInterface) { return; } $form['settings']['alter_blocks_element_markup'] = [ '#type' => 'alter_blocks_element_markup_tag', '#title' => new TranslatableMarkup('Alter blocks element markup'), '#sections' => [ 'wrapper' => new TranslatableMarkup('Wrapper'), 'label' => new TranslatableMarkup('Label'), 'content' => new TranslatableMarkup('Content'), ], '#default_value' => $entity->getThirdPartySetting( 'alter_blocks_element_markup', 'alter_blocks_element_markup', [] ), ]; $form['#entity_builders'][] = [get_class(), 'buildBlockEntity']; } /** * Block entity builder callback. * * @param string $entity_type_id * The entity type identifier. * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\Block $entity * The entity object. * @param array &$form * An array of form elements. * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state * The form state object. */ public static function buildBlockEntity( $entity_type_id, Block $entity, array &$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state ) { $entity ->setThirdPartySetting('alter_blocks_element_markup', 'alter_blocks_element_markup', $form_state->getValue(['settings', 'alter_blocks_element_markup'])) ->save(); } /** * Process CSS classes. * * @param array|string $classes * Either a string or array of classes. * @param string $delimiter * The boundary string for exploding classes. * * @return array * An array of processed CSS classes. */ protected static function processClasses($classes, $delimiter = ', ') { if (!is_array($classes)) { $classes = explode($delimiter, $classes); } return array_map( '\Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::cleanCssIdentifier', $classes ); } /** * Add classes to attributes. * * @param array &$variables * An array of template variables. * @param string $name * The class attributes key. * @param array $classes * An array of classes to add. */ protected static function addClasses(&$variables, $name, array $classes) { if (!isset($variables[$name]['class'])) { $variables[$name]['class'] = []; } $variables[$name]['class'] = array_merge($variables[$name]['class'], $classes); } }