<?php namespace Drupal\aggrid\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter; use Drupal\aggrid\AggridConfigHelpers; use Drupal\aggrid\AggridSuppression; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html; use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemInterface; use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface; use Drupal\Core\Field\FormatterBase; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; /** * Plugin implementation of the 'html_formatter_type' formatter. * * @FieldFormatter( * id = "html_formatter_type", * label = @Translation("HTML grid view mode"), * field_types = { * "aggrid" * } * ) */ class HtmlFormatterType extends FormatterBase { /** * Complimentary suppression for aggrid item. * * @var boolean */ protected $suppComplimentary; /** * Complimentary suppression for aggrid item. * * @var array */ protected $rowSuppression; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function defaultSettings() { return [ 'suppression_override' => false, // Implement default settings. ] + parent::defaultSettings(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $form = parent::settingsForm($form, $form_state); $form['suppression_override'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Suppression override'), '#description' => $this->t('If enabled, suppression will be ignored'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('suppression_override'), ]; return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function settingsSummary() { $summary = []; // Implement settings summary. if ($override = $this->getSetting('suppression_override') ? 'Yes' : 'No') { $summary[] = $this->t('Suppression override: @suppover', ['@suppover' => $override]); } return $summary; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function createAggridRowData($rowSettings, $columns, $headers, $rowData) { $aggridSuppression = new AggridSuppression(); // Get configuration for suppression setting $settings = $this->getSettings(); // Default override $suppOverride = false; // Get suppression override setting if (!empty($settings['suppression_override'])) { $suppOverride = $settings['suppression_override']; } // Clear any previous suppression $this->rowSuppression = []; // Cycle through suppression multiple times if (is_array($rowData)) { for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $processSuppression = $aggridSuppression->processSuppression($rowSettings, $headers, $rowData, $suppOverride, $this->suppComplimentary); $rowData = $processSuppression['rowData']; $this->rowSuppression = $processSuppression['rowSuppression']; } } // HTML rendering $table_render = ''; $spanSkip[][] = 0; if (is_array($rowData)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($rowData); $i++) { // Each row... then each cell in each row. $table_render .= '<tr>'; $colCount = -1; foreach ($headers as $field) { $colCount++; // Loop and look for cell data. $colSpan = 1; $rowSpan = 1; $cellClass = ""; // Check if a spanCount exists for item. If not, create it. if (!isset($spanSkip[$i][$colCount])) { $spanSkip[$i][$colCount] = 0; } // If it exists, do it if (($spanSkip[$i][$colCount] == 0 || $spanSkip[$i][$colCount] == '')) { // Has data, put it to cell. // Get the colspan and rowspan. if (isset($rowSettings[$i][$field]['colSpan'])) { $colSpan = $rowSettings[$i][$field]['colSpan']; } if (isset($rowSettings[$i][$field]['rowSpan'])) { $rowSpan = $rowSettings[$i][$field]['rowSpan']; } if ($rowSpan == '' || $rowSpan == NULL) { $rowSpan = 1; } if ($colSpan == '' || $colSpan == NULL) { $colSpan = 1; } // Loop span and set skips. for ($si = 0; $si < $rowSpan; $si++) { $rowNum = $i + $si; for ($sc = 0; $sc < $colSpan; $sc++) { $colNum = $colCount + $sc; $spanSkip[$rowNum][$colNum] = 1; } } $cellClass = ''; // Get the class, switch the name from just aggrid to aggrid-html. if (isset($rowSettings[$i][$field]['cellClass'])) { $cellClass = str_replace('aggrid-', 'aggrid-html', $rowSettings[$i][$field]['cellClass']); } // Get the class, switch the name from just aggrid to aggrid-html. if (isset($rowSettings[$i][$field]['formatType']) && $rowSettings[$i][$field]['formatType'] != '') { $cellClass = $cellClass . ' aggrid-html-ftype-' . $rowSettings[$i][$field]['formatType']; } // Check if this cell item is actually a label. If so, define as a row for scope (accessibility). if (strpos($cellClass, 'aggrid-htmlcell-label') !== false) { $cellScope = 'scope="row"'; } else { $cellScope = ''; } // Check settings if (isset($columns[0][$field]) && $columns[0][$field]['viewHide']) { $cellClass = $cellClass . ' aggrid-htmlcell-viewhide'; } // Check if field/cell exists. If not, blank it as default. if (isset($rowData[$i]->$field)) { $cellData = $rowData[$i]->$field; } else { $cellData = ""; } // Finally, display the cell. $table_render .= '<td ' . $cellScope . ' rowspan="' . $rowSpan . '" colspan="' . $colSpan . '" class="' . $cellClass . '">' . $cellData . '</td>'; } elseif ($spanSkip[$i][$colCount] > 0) { // No need to render the cell. } else { // No data, just a blank cell. $table_render .= '<td></td>'; } } // Close up the row. $table_render .= '</tr>'; } } return $table_render; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode) { $elements = []; // Set the agGrid Configuration Helpers $aggridConfigHelpers = new AggridConfigHelpers(); foreach ($items as $delta => $item) { $field_name = $this->fieldDefinition->getName(); $item_id = Html::getUniqueId("ht-$field_name-$delta"); $aggridDefault = $aggridConfigHelpers->getDefaults($items[$delta]->aggrid_id); if (empty($aggridDefault)) { $elements[$delta]['container'] = [ '#plain_text' => $this->t('Missing ag-Grid Config Entity'), '#prefix' => '<div class="aggrid-widget-missing">', '#suffix' => '</div>', ]; } else { if ($items[$delta]->value == '' || $items[$delta]->value == '{}') { $aggridValue = $aggridDefault['default']->rowData; } else { $aggridValue = json_decode($items[$delta]->value); } $pinnedTopRowData = @$aggridDefault['addOptions']->pinnedTopRowData; $pinnedBottomRowData = @$aggridDefault['addOptions']->pinnedBottomRowData; $aggridRowSettings = $aggridDefault['aggridRowSettings']; // Set complimentary suppression variable // Check to see if complimentary is enabled on the default row and rowDefault if (isset($aggridRowSettings['default']['rowDefault']['valueSuppression']['complimentary'])) { $this->suppComplimentary = true; } else { $this->suppComplimentary = false; } // Set the row data $rowData = $aggridValue; // Get header information $getHeaders = $aggridConfigHelpers->getHeaders($aggridDefault['default']->columnDefs); // Set the variables from header information $rowIndex = $getHeaders['rowIndex']; $colIndex = $getHeaders['colIndex']; $headers = $getHeaders['headers']; $columns = $getHeaders['columns']; // Data Header Settings. $dataHeaderSettings[][][] = ""; $dataHeaderSettings = $aggridConfigHelpers->getRowSettings($aggridRowSettings, $headers, $columns, 'dh-'); // Run the headers again for colSpan // Get header information $getHeaders = $aggridConfigHelpers->getHeaders($aggridDefault['default']->columnDefs, $dataHeaderSettings); // Set the variables from header information $headers = $getHeaders['headers']; $columns = $getHeaders['columns']; // Build table. $table_render = ''; $table_render .= '<table id="' . $item_id . '-table" class="aggrid-html-widget"><thead>'; // Get the header rows. for ($y = 1; $y <= $rowIndex; $y++) { // Each header row and each column cell with spanning. $table_render .= '<tr>'; for ($x = 1; $x <= $colIndex; $x++) { if (!array_key_exists($x, $columns[$y])) { $table_render .= '<th id="'. $item_id .'-h' . $y . 'c' . $x .'"></th>'; } else { foreach ($columns[$y][$x] as $count => $value) { // Set variables for columns $colClass = []; $field = $columns[$y][$x][$count]['field']; // Check settings if (isset($columns[0][$field]) && $columns[0][$field]['viewHide']) { $colClass[] = 'aggrid-htmlcell-viewhide'; } // Render the header $table_render .= '<th scope="col" id="'. $item_id .'-h' . $y . 'c' . $x .'" class="'. implode(' ', $colClass) .'" colspan="' . $columns[$y][$x][$count]['colspan'] . '" data-width="' . $columns[$y][$x][$count]['width'] . '" data-minWidth="' . $columns[$y][$x][$count]['minWidth'] . '">' . $columns[$y][$x][$count]['headerName'] . '</th>'; } } } $table_render .= '</tr>'; } // Close up the headers and start on data rows. $table_render .= '</thead><tbody>'; // Pinned Top Row Settings. $pinnedTopRowSettings[][][] = ""; $pinnedTopRowSettings = $aggridConfigHelpers->getRowSettings($aggridRowSettings, $headers, $pinnedTopRowData, 't-'); // Pinned Top Rows. $table_render .= $this->createAggridRowData($pinnedTopRowSettings, $columns, $headers, $pinnedTopRowData); // (Data) Row Settings. $rowSettings = $aggridConfigHelpers->getRowSettings($aggridRowSettings, $headers, $rowData, ''); // Data rows. $table_render .= $this->createAggridRowData($rowSettings, $columns, $headers, $rowData); // Set the row suppression from after the actual rowData is run $rowSuppression = $this->rowSuppression; // Pinned Bottom Row Settings. $pinnedBottomRowSettings = $aggridConfigHelpers->getRowSettings($aggridRowSettings, $headers, $pinnedBottomRowData, 'b-'); // Pinned Bottom Rows. $table_render .= $this->createAggridRowData($pinnedBottomRowSettings, $columns, $headers, $pinnedBottomRowData); // Close up the table. $table_render .= '</tbody></table>'; $elements[$delta]['container'] = [ '#theme' => 'aggrid_table', '#title' => $this->fieldDefinition->label(), '#description' => $this->fieldDefinition->getDescription(), '#headers' => $headers, '#rowSettings' => $rowSettings, '#rowSuppression' => $rowSuppression, '#rowData' => $rowData, '#suffix' => $table_render, '#attached' => [ 'library' => [ 'aggrid/aggrid.widget', ], ], ]; /* * Putting this code to the side for now. They're currently working on multiple headers * for the '#type' => 'table' * * // Loop through header array and dive down max 3 header rows. Squash all down to single row with only the items with fields. // Header 1 foreach($aggridDefault->columnDefs as $column) { if (isset($column->children)) { // If children, then dive down for headers, otherwise establish column foreach ($column->children as $child) { // Header 2 if (isset($child->children)) { foreach ($child->children as $subchild) { if (isset($subchild->field)) { // Header from row 3 $columns[$column->headerName . ' - ' . $child->headerName . ' - ' . $subchild->headerName] = []; $columns[$column->headerName . ' - ' . $child->headerName . ' - ' . $subchild->headerName]['field'] = $subchild->field; } } } else { if (isset($child->field)) { // Header from row 2 $columns[$column->headerName . ' - ' . $child->headerName] = []; $columns[$column->headerName . ' - ' . $child->headerName]['field'] = $child->field; } } } } else { if (isset($column->field)) { // Header from row 1 $columns[$column->headerName] = []; $columns[$column->headerName]['field'] = $column->field; } } } // Headers foreach($columns as $column => $value) { array_push($headers, $column); } // Row Data for ($i = 0; $i < count($rowData); $i++) { foreach($columns as $column => $value) { $colField = $columns[$column]['field']; $tabledata[$i][$columns[$column]['field']] = [ 'data' => $rowData[$i]->$colField, 'class' => ['row_' . $columns[$column]['field'], 'col_' . $columns[$column]['field']], ]; } } $elements[$delta]['tablefield'] = [ '#type' => 'table', '#headers' => $headers, '#rows' => $tabledata, '#attributes' => [ 'id' => [$item_id . '-table'], 'class' => ['aggrid-html-widget'], ], '#prefix' => '<div id="tablefield-wrapper-' . $delta . '" class="tablefield-wrapper">', '#suffix' => '</div>', ]; */ } } return $elements; } /** * Generate the output appropriate for one field item. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemInterface $item * One field item. * * @return string * The textual output generated. */ protected function viewValue(FieldItemInterface $item) { /* * The text value has no text format assigned to it, so the user input * should equal the output, including newlines. */ return nl2br(Html::escape($item->value)); } }