<?php /** * @file * Drush commands for Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation. */ /** * Implements hook_drush_cache_clear(). */ function advagg_drush_cache_clear(&$types) { // Add in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation. $types['advagg'] = 'drush_advagg_smart_cache_flush'; } /** * Implements hook_drush_help(). */ function advagg_drush_help($command) { switch ($command) { case 'drush:advagg-cron': return dt('Run the advagg cron hook. This will clear out all stale advagg aggregated files, remove aggregates that include missing files, and remove unused aggregates.'); case 'drush:advagg-clear-db-cache': return dt('Remove all entries from the advagg cache bins. Useful if you suspect a cache is not getting cleared.'); case 'drush:advagg-clear-all-files': return dt('Remove all generated files. Useful if you think some of the generated files got corrupted and thus need to be deleted.'); case 'drush:advagg-force-new-aggregates': return dt('Force the creation of all new aggregates by incrementing a global counter. Current value of counter: %value. This is useful if a CDN has cached an aggregate incorrectly as it will force new ones to be used even if nothing else has changed.', ['%value' => advagg_get_global_counter()]); } } /** * Implements hook_drush_command(). */ function advagg_drush_command() { $items = []; $items['advagg-cron'] = [ 'description' => dt('Run the advagg cron hook.'), 'examples' => [ 'Standard example' => 'drush advagg-cron', ], 'aliases' => ['advagg-c'], ]; $items['advagg-clear-db-cache'] = [ 'description' => dt('Remove all entries from the advagg cache bins.'), 'examples' => [ 'Standard example' => 'drush advagg-clear-db-cache', ], 'aliases' => ['advagg-cdc'], ]; $items['advagg-clear-all-files'] = [ 'description' => dt('Remove all generated files.'), 'examples' => [ 'Standard example' => 'drush advagg-clear-all-files', ], 'aliases' => ['advagg-caf'], ]; $items['advagg-force-new-aggregates'] = [ 'description' => dt('Force the creation of all new aggregates by incrementing a global counter.'), 'examples' => [ 'Standard example' => 'drush advagg-force-new-aggregates', ], 'aliases' => ['advagg-fna'], ]; return $items; } /** * Callback function for drush advagg-force-new-aggregates. * * Callback is called by using drush_hook_command() where * hook is the name of the module (advagg) and command is the name of * the Drush command with all "-" characters converted to "_" characters. */ function drush_advagg_force_new_aggregates() { // Clear out the cache. drush_advagg_clear_db_cache(); // Increment counter. $config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')->getEditable('advagg.settings'); $new_value = $config->get('global_counter') + 1; $config->set('global_counter', $new_value)->save(); drush_log(dt('Global counter is now set to @new_value', ['@new_value' => $new_value]), 'ok'); } /** * Callback function for drush advagg-clear-all-files. * * Callback is called by using drush_hook_command() where * hook is the name of the module (advagg) and command is the name of * the Drush command with all "-" characters converted to "_" characters. */ function drush_advagg_clear_all_files() { // Run the command. $css_files = \Drupal::service('asset.css.collection_optimizer')->deleteAllReal(); $js_files = \Drupal::service('asset.js.collection_optimizer')->deleteAllReal(); // Report back the results. drush_log(dt('All AdvAgg files have been deleted. @css_count CSS files and @js_count JS files have been removed.', [ '@css_count' => count($css_files), '@js_count' => count($js_files), ]), 'ok'); } /** * Callback function for drush advagg-clear-db-cache. * * Callback is called by using drush_hook_command() where * hook is the name of the module (advagg) and command is the name of * the Drush command with all "-" characters converted to "_" characters. */ function drush_advagg_clear_db_cache() { \Drupal::service('cache.advagg.minify')->deleteAll(); // Report back the results. drush_log(dt('All AdvAgg cache bins have been cleared.'), 'ok'); } /** * Callback function for drush advagg-cron. * * Callback is called by using drush_hook_command() where * hook is the name of the module (advagg) and command is the name of * the Drush command with all "-" characters converted to "_" characters. */ function drush_advagg_cron() { // Run AdvAgg cron job. $output = advagg_cron(TRUE); // Output results from running AssetCollectionOptimizer::deleteStale(). list($css_files, $js_files) = $output['stale']; if (!empty($css_files) || !empty($js_files)) { drush_log(dt('All stale aggregates have been deleted. %css_count CSS files and %js_count JS files have been removed.', [ '%css_count' => count($css_files), '%js_count' => count($js_files), ]), 'ok'); } else { drush_log(dt('No stale aggregates found. Nothing was deleted.'), 'ok'); } } /** * Flush the correct caches so CSS/JS changes go live. */ function drush_advagg_smart_cache_flush() { // Run the commands. \Drupal::service('asset.js.collection_optimizer')->deleteAll(); \Drupal::service('asset.css.collection_optimizer')->deleteAll(); _drupal_flush_css_js(); drush_log('Advagg Aggregates Cache Cleared', 'ok'); }