/** * @file registers the Address Suggestion toolbar button and binds functionality to it. */ import { Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core'; import { ButtonView, ContextualBalloon, clickOutsideHandler } from 'ckeditor5/src/ui'; import FormView from './AddressSuggestionIcon-view'; import icon from '../../../../icons/address-suggestion.svg'; export default class AddressSuggestionUI extends Plugin { init() { const editor = this.editor; this._balloon = this.editor.plugins.get(ContextualBalloon); this.formView = this._createFormView(); // This will register the UrlParserIcons toolbar button. editor.ui.componentFactory.add('addressSuggestion', (locale) => { const buttonView = new ButtonView(locale); // Create the toolbar button. buttonView.set({ label: editor.t('Address'), icon: icon, tooltip: true, }); // Bind the state of the button to the command. const command = editor.commands.get('InsertAddressCommand'); buttonView.bind('isOn', 'isEnabled').to(command, 'value', 'isEnabled'); // Execute the command when the button is clicked (executed). this.listenTo(buttonView, 'execute', () => { this._showUI(); }); return buttonView; }); } _createFormView() { const editor = this.editor; const formView = new FormView(editor); // On submit send the user data to the writer, then hide the form view. this.listenTo(formView, 'submit', () => { let address = formView.searchInputView.fieldView.element.value; editor.execute('InsertAddressCommand', address); this._hideUI(); }); // Hide the form view after clicking the "Cancel" button. this.listenTo(formView, 'cancel', () => { this._hideUI(); }); // Hide the form view when clicking outside the balloon. clickOutsideHandler({ emitter: formView, activator: () => this._balloon.visibleView === formView, contextElements: [this._balloon.view.element], callback: () => this._hideUI() }); return formView; } _hideUI() { this.formView.searchInputView.fieldView.value = ''; this.formView.element.reset(); this._balloon.remove(this.formView); // Focus the editing view after closing the form view. this.editor.editing.view.focus(); } _showUI() { this._balloon.add({ view: this.formView, position: this._getBalloonPositionData(), }); this.formView.focus(); } _getBalloonPositionData() { const view = this.editor.editing.view; const viewDocument = view.document; let target = null; // Set a target position by converting view selection range to DOM. target = () => view.domConverter.viewRangeToDom( viewDocument.selection.getFirstRange() ); return { target }; } }