<?php /** * @file * Generate form elements for the touch icons settings. */ use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html; $form['touch_icons'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Touch Icons'), '#group' => 'extension_settings', ]; $form['touch_icons']['touch_icons_settings'] = [ '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Touch Icons'), '#weight' => 10, ]; $form['touch_icons']['touch_icons_settings']['description'] = [ '#markup' => t('<h3>Touch Icons</h3><p>Different devices can support different sized touch icons - see <a href=":mathiasbynens" target="_blank">Everything you always wanted to know about touch icons</a>.</p><p>Enter the path to each icon as required. Paths must be relative to your theme root. Leave fields blank to omit the icon.</p>', [':mathiasbynens' => '']), ]; $form['touch_icons']['touch_icons_settings']['icon-paths'] = [ '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Touch Icon Paths'), ]; // For non-Retina iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android 2.1+ devices (60x60) $form['touch_icons']['touch_icons_settings']['icon-paths']['settings_icon_path_default'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('iPhone @1x'), '#description' => t('For non-Retina iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android 2.1+ devices (60x60).'), '#field_prefix' => $theme . '/', '#default_value' => Html::escape(theme_get_setting('settings.icon_path_default')), ]; // For iPhone with @2× display running iOS ≥ 7 (120x120) $form['touch_icons']['touch_icons_settings']['icon-paths']['settings_apple_touch_icon_path_iphone_retina'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('iPhone @2x'), '#description' => t('For iPhone with @2× display running iOS ≥ 7 (120x120).'), '#field_prefix' => $theme . '/', '#default_value' => Html::escape(theme_get_setting('settings.apple_touch_icon_path_iphone_retina')), ]; // For iPhone 6 Plus with @3× display (180x180) $form['touch_icons']['touch_icons_settings']['icon-paths']['settings_apple_touch_icon_path_ipad_retina_3x'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('iPhone @3x'), '#description' => t('For iPhone 6 Plus with @3× display (180x180).'), '#field_prefix' => $theme . '/', '#default_value' => Html::escape(theme_get_setting('settings.apple_touch_icon_path_ipad_retina_3x')), ]; // For the iPad mini and the first- and second-generation iPad (@1× display) on iOS ≥ 7 (76x76) $form['touch_icons']['touch_icons_settings']['icon-paths']['settings_apple_touch_icon_path_ipad'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('iPad @1x'), '#description' => t('For the iPad mini and the first- and second-generation iPad (@1× display) on iOS ≥ 7 (76x76).'), '#field_prefix' => $theme . '/', '#default_value' => Html::escape(theme_get_setting('settings.apple_touch_icon_path_ipad')), ]; // For iPad with @2× display running iOS ≥ 7 (152x152) $form['touch_icons']['touch_icons_settings']['icon-paths']['settings_apple_touch_icon_path_ipad_retina'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('iPad @2x'), '#description' => t('For iPad with @2× display running iOS ≥ 7 (152x152).'), '#field_prefix' => $theme . '/', '#default_value' => Html::escape(theme_get_setting('settings.apple_touch_icon_path_ipad_retina')), ]; // For Chrome on Android (192x192) $form['touch_icons']['touch_icons_settings']['icon-paths']['settings_apple_touch_icon_path_chrome_android'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Android Chrome'), '#description' => t('For Chrome on Android (192x192).'), '#field_prefix' => $theme . '/', '#default_value' => Html::escape(theme_get_setting('settings.apple_touch_icon_path_chrome_android')), ]; $form['touch_icons']['touch_icons_settings']['icon-paths']['settings_apple_touch_icon_precomposed'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Use apple-touch-icon-precomposed'), '#description' => t('Use precomposed if you want to remove icon effects in iOS6. The default is <code>apple-touch-icon</code>. '), '#default_value' => Html::escape(theme_get_setting('settings.apple_touch_icon_precomposed')), ];