<?php namespace Drupal\at_core\Layout; use Drupal\layout_plugin\Layout as LayoutPlugin; /** * */ class LayoutDiscoveryPlugin { /** * @return string */ public static function getProvider() { $provider = ''; // Layout discovery, Drupal core 8.3.x and up. if (class_exists('\Drupal\Core\Layout\LayoutPluginManager')) { if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('layout_discovery') == TRUE) { $provider = 'layout_discovery'; } } // Layout plugin contrib module, Drupal core 8.2.x and below. elseif (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('layout_plugin') == TRUE) { $provider = 'layout_plugin'; } return $provider; } /** * @return null */ public static function getDefinitions() { $provider = self::getProvider(); $layout_definitions = NULL; if (!empty($provider)) { if ($provider === 'layout_discovery') { $layout_definitions['layout_discovery'] = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.core.layout')->getDefinitions(); } elseif ($provider === 'layout_plugin') { $layout_definitions['layout_plugin'] = LayoutPlugin::layoutPluginManager()->getDefinitions(); } } return $layout_definitions; } /** * @return array */ public static function getThemeHooks() { $layout_definitions = self::getDefinitions(); $theme_hooks = []; if (isset($layout_definitions['layout_discovery'])) { foreach ($layout_definitions['layout_discovery'] as $info) { $theme_hooks[] = $info->getThemeHook(); } } elseif (isset($layout_definitions['layout_plugin'])) { foreach ($layout_definitions['layout_plugin'] as $info) { $theme_hooks[] = $info['theme']; } } return $theme_hooks; } /** * @return array */ public static function libraryNames() { $provider = self::getProvider(); $library_names = []; if (!empty($provider)) { if ($provider === 'layout_discovery') { $library_names = [ 'at.twocol-2-10', 'at.twocol-3-9', 'at.twocol-4-8', 'at.twocol-5-7', 'at.twocol-6-6', 'at.twocol-7-5', 'at.twocol-8-4', 'at.twocol-9-3', 'at.twocol-10-2', 'at.threecol-2-8-2', 'at.threecol-2-2-8', 'at.threecol-8-2-2', 'at.threecol-3-6-3', 'at.threecol-3-3-6', 'at.threecol-6-3-3', 'at.threecol-4-4-4', 'at.fourcol-3-3-3-3', 'at.grid-2x2', 'at.grid-3x3', 'at.grid-4x4', ]; } elseif ($provider === 'layout_plugin') { $library_names = [ 'twocol-2-10', 'twocol-3-9', 'twocol-4-8', 'twocol-5-7', 'twocol-6-6', 'twocol-7-5', 'twocol-8-4', 'twocol-9-3', 'twocol-10-2', 'threecol-2-8-2', 'threecol-2-2-8', 'threecol-8-2-2', 'threecol-3-6-3', 'threecol-3-3-6', 'threecol-6-3-3', 'threecol-4-4-4', 'fourcol-3-3-3-3', 'grid-2x2', 'grid-3x3', 'grid-4x4', ]; } } return $library_names; } }