{# /** * @file * Theme override to navigate books. * * Presented under nodes that are a part of book outlines. * * Available variables: * - tree: The immediate children of the current node rendered as an unordered * list. * - current_depth: Depth of the current node within the book outline. Provided * for context. * - prev_url: URL to the previous node. * - prev_title: Title of the previous node. * - parent_url: URL to the parent node. * - parent_title: Title of the parent node. Not printed by default. Provided * as an option. * - next_url: URL to the next node. * - next_title: Title of the next node. * - has_links: Flags TRUE whenever the previous, parent or next data has a * value. * - book_id: The book ID of the current outline being viewed. Same as the node * ID containing the entire outline. Provided for context. * - book_url: The book/node URL of the current outline being viewed. Provided * as an option. Not used by default. * - book_title: The book/node title of the current outline being viewed. * * @see template_preprocess_book_navigation() */ #} {% if tree or has_links %} {% set nav_classes = [ 'book-navigation', tree ? 'has-tree', has_links ? 'has-links', ] %} <nav id="book-navigation-{{ book_id }}" class="{{ nav_classes|join(' ') }}" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="book-label-{{ book_id }}"> {{ tree }} {% if has_links %} {% set pager_classes = [ 'book-pager', prev_url ? 'has-prev', next_url ? 'has-next', parent_url ? 'has-parent', ] %} <h2 class="visually-hidden" id="book-label-{{ book_id }}">{{ 'Book traversal links for'|t }} {{ book_title }}</h2> <ul class="{{ pager_classes|join(' ') }}"> {% if prev_url %} <li class="book-pager__item book-pager__previous"> <a href="{{ prev_url }}" class="book-pager__link" rel="prev" title="{{ 'Go to previous page'|t }}">{{ prev_title }}</a> </li> {% endif %} {% if parent_url %} <li class="book-pager__item book-pager__up"> <a href="{{ parent_url }}" class="book-pager__link" title="{{ 'Go to parent page'|t }}">{{ 'Up'|t }}</a> </li> {% endif %} {% if next_url %} <li class="book-pager__item book-pager__next"> <a href="{{ next_url }}" class="book-pager__link" rel="next" title="{{ 'Go to next page'|t }}">{{ next_title }}</a> </li> {% endif %} </ul> {% endif %} </nav> {% endif %}