<?php namespace Drupal\access_policy\Plugin\access_policy\AccessRule; /** * Restrict content by comparing field values. * * @AccessRule( * id = "entity_field_string", * handlers = { * "query_alter" = "\Drupal\access_policy\AccessRuleQueryHandler\EntityField" * } * ) */ class EntityFieldString extends EntityFieldBase { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function defaultSettings() { return [ "operator" => '=', ] + parent::defaultSettings(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function operators() { $operators = [ '=' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Is equal to'), 'method' => 'validateSimple', ], '!=' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Is not equal to'), 'method' => 'validateSimple', ], 'contains' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Contains'), 'method' => 'validateContains', ], 'not contains' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Does not contain'), 'method' => 'validateContains', ], 'starts with' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Starts with'), 'method' => 'validateStartsWith', ], 'not starts with' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Does not start with'), 'method' => 'validateStartsWith', ], 'ends with' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Ends with'), 'method' => 'validateEndsWith', ], 'not ends with' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Does not end with'), 'method' => 'validateEndsWith', ], ]; return $operators; } /** * Validate operators. * * @param mixed $expected * The expected value. * @param mixed $actual * The actual value. * * @return bool * TRUE if operator passes; FALSE otherwise. */ public function validateSimple($expected, $actual) { $op = $this->getOperator(); switch ($op) { case '=': return $this->equals($expected, $actual); case '!=': return $this->notEquals($expected, $actual); } return FALSE; } /** * Validate contains and not contains operators. * * @param string $needle * The needle. * @param string $haystack * The haystack. * * @return bool * TRUE if operator passes; FALSE otherwise. */ public function validateContains($needle, $haystack) { $op = $this->getOperator(); switch ($op) { case 'contains': return $this->contains($needle, $haystack); case 'not contains': return $this->notContains($needle, $haystack); } return FALSE; } /** * Validate starts with and not starts with operators. * * @param string $prefix * The string prefix. * @param string $string * The string. * * @return bool * TRUE if operator passes; FALSE otherwise. */ public function validateStartsWith($prefix, $string) { $op = $this->getOperator(); switch ($op) { case 'starts with': return $this->startsWith($prefix, $string); case 'not starts with': return $this->notStartsWith($prefix, $string); } return FALSE; } /** * Validate starts with and not starts with operators. * * @param string $suffix * The string suffix. * @param string $string * The string. * * @return bool * TRUE if operator passes; FALSE otherwise. */ public function validateEndsWith($suffix, $string) { $op = $this->getOperator(); switch ($op) { case 'ends with': return $this->endsWith($suffix, $string); case 'not ends with': return $this->notEndsWith($suffix, $string); } return FALSE; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function adminSummary() { return $this->getOperator() . ' ' . $this->settings['value']; } }