<?php namespace Drupal\smart_date; use Drupal\smart_date\Entity\SmartDateFormatInterface; /** * Provides friendly methods for smart date range. */ trait SmartDateTrait { /** * Add spans provides classes to allow the dates and times to be styled. * * @param array $instance * The render array of the formatted date range. */ protected static function addRangeClasses(array &$instance) { // Array to define where wrapper parts should be skipped, for a range. $skip = []; // If a time range within a day, make a single wrapper around the times. if ((isset($instance['start']['date']) xor isset($instance['end']['date'])) && isset($instance['start']['time'], $instance['end']['time'])) { $skip['start']['time']['#suffix'] = TRUE; $skip['end']['time']['#prefix'] = TRUE; } // For a date only range, make a single wrapper. elseif (isset($instance['start']['date'], $instance['end']['date']) && (!isset($instance['start']['time']) || !isset($instance['end']['time']))) { $skip['start']['date']['#suffix'] = TRUE; $skip['end']['date']['#prefix'] = TRUE; } // Wrap all parts by default. foreach (['start', 'end'] as $part) { foreach (['date', 'time'] as $subpart) { if (isset($instance[$part][$subpart]) && $instance[$part][$subpart]) { if (!isset($skip[$part][$subpart]['#prefix'])) { $instance[$part][$subpart]['#prefix'] = '<span class="smart-date--' . $subpart . '">'; } if (!isset($skip[$part][$subpart]['#suffix'])) { $instance[$part][$subpart]['#suffix'] = '</span>'; } } } } } /** * Add spans provides classes to allow the dates and times to be styled. * * @param array $instance * The render array of the formatted date range. * @param object $start_ts * A timestamp. * @param object $end_ts * A timestamp. * @param string|null $timezone * An optional timezone override. * @param bool $add_classes * Whether or not the field is also adding class wrappers. * @param bool $localize * Whether or not to append a Javascript library to localize times. */ protected static function addTimeWrapper(array &$instance, $start_ts, $end_ts, $timezone = NULL, $add_classes = FALSE, $localize = FALSE) { $times = [ 'start' => $start_ts, 'end' => $end_ts, ]; // Only add the time wrappers inside if there is an incomplete range part. if ($localize || (isset($instance['start']['date']) xor isset($instance['start']['time'])) || (isset($instance['end']['date']) xor isset($instance['end']['time']))) { $inner_wrappers = TRUE; } else { $inner_wrappers = FALSE; } foreach (['start', 'end'] as $part) { if (!isset($instance[$part])) { continue; } if (static::isAllDay($start_ts, $end_ts, $timezone)) { $format = 'Y-m-d'; } else { $format = 'c'; } $datetime = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($times[$part], 'custom', $format); if ($localize || ($add_classes && $inner_wrappers)) { // If wrappers for classes have also been added, we need separate // time elements for the date and time, if set. foreach (['date', 'time'] as $subpart) { if (isset($instance[$part][$subpart]) && $instance[$part][$subpart]) { $current_contents = $instance[$part][$subpart]; unset($current_contents['#prefix']); unset($current_contents['#suffix']); $prefix = $instance[$part][$subpart]['#prefix'] ?? NULL; $suffix = $instance[$part][$subpart]['#suffix'] ?? NULL; $instance[$part][$subpart] = [ '#theme' => 'time', '#attributes' => ['datetime' => $datetime], '#text' => $current_contents, '#prefix' => $prefix, '#suffix' => $suffix, ]; // If configured, set up for localization, but not if all day. if ($localize && $format == 'c') { if (isset($instance[$part][$subpart]['#text']['#format'])) { $instance[$part][$subpart]['#attributes']['data-format'] = $instance[$part][$subpart]['#text']['#format']['#markup']; } $tz_string = $timezone ?? date_default_timezone_get(); if ($tz_string) { $tzObject = new \DateTimeZone($tz_string); $date = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); // Set a data attribute using offset as used by Javascript. $instance[$part][$subpart]['#attributes']['data-tzoffset'] = (0 - $tzObject->getOffset($date)) / 60; } $instance[$part][$subpart]['#attached']['library'][] = 'smart_date/localize'; $instance[$part][$subpart]['#attributes']['class'][] = 'smart-date--localize'; } } } } else { $current_contents = $instance[$part]; $instance[$part] = [ '#theme' => 'time', '#attributes' => ['datetime' => $datetime], '#text' => $current_contents, ]; } } if (!empty($instance['duration'])) { // For the sake of finding differences, "fix" all day events. if (static::isAllDay($start_ts, $end_ts, $timezone)) { $adjusted_end = $end_ts + 60; } else { $adjusted_end = $end_ts; } $language = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId(); $diff = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->formatDiff($start_ts, $adjusted_end, [ 'strict' => FALSE, 'language' => $language, ]); $current_contents = $instance['duration']; $instance['duration'] = [ '#theme' => 'time', '#attributes' => ['datetime' => static::formatDurationTime($diff)], '#text' => $current_contents, ]; } } /** * Creates a formatted date value as a string. * * @param object $start_ts * A timestamp. * @param object $end_ts * A timestamp. * @param mixed $settings * The formatter settings. * @param string|null $timezone * An optional timezone override. * @param string $return_type * An optional parameter to force the return value to be a string. * * @return string|array * A formatted date range using the chosen format. */ public static function formatSmartDate($start_ts, $end_ts, mixed $settings = [], $timezone = NULL, $return_type = '') { $settings = static::normalizeSettings($settings); $range = []; // Don't need to reduce dates unless conditions are met. $date_reduce = FALSE; // Ensure that empty timezones are NULL to avoid errors. if (empty($timezone)) { $timezone = NULL; } // If no formatting parameters provided, use the default settings. if (!$settings) { $settings = static::loadSmartDateFormat('default'); if (!$settings) { return FALSE; } } // Apply date format from the display config. if ($settings['date_format']) { $range['start']['date'] = [ 'value' => \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($start_ts, '', $settings['date_format'], $timezone), '#format' => $settings['date_format'], ]; $range['end']['date'] = [ 'value' => \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($end_ts, '', $settings['date_format'], $timezone), '#format' => $settings['date_format'], ]; if ($range['start']['date']['value'] == $range['end']['date']['value']) { if ($settings['date_first']) { unset($range['end']['date']); } else { unset($range['start']['date']); } } else { // If a date range and reduce is set, reduce duplication in the dates. $date_reduce = $settings['ampm_reduce']; // Don't reduce am/pm if spanning more than one day. $settings['ampm_reduce'] = FALSE; } } // If not rendering times, we can stop here. if (!$settings['time_format']) { if ($date_reduce) { // Reduce duplication in date only range. $range = static::rangeDateReduce($range, $settings, $start_ts, $end_ts, $timezone); } return static::rangeFormat($range, $settings, $return_type); } if ($timezone) { $settings['timezone_reset'] = date_default_timezone_get(); date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $tz_check = $timezone; } else { // If no timezone set, make sure we use site default for check. $tz_check = \Drupal::config('')->get('timezone.default'); } $temp_start = date('H:i', $start_ts); $temp_end = date('H:i', $end_ts); // If one of the dates are missing, they must have been the same. if (!isset($range['start']['date']) || !isset($range['end']['date'])) { // Check for zero duration. if ($temp_start == $temp_end) { if ($settings['date_first']) { $range['start']['time'] = static::timeFormat($end_ts, $settings, $timezone); } else { $range['end']['time'] = static::timeFormat($end_ts, $settings, $timezone); } return static::rangeFormat($range, $settings, $return_type); } // If the conditions that make this necessary aren't met, set to skip. if (!$settings['ampm_reduce'] || (date('a', $start_ts) != date('a', $end_ts))) { $settings['ampm_reduce'] = FALSE; } } // Check for an all-day range. if (static::isAllDay($start_ts, $end_ts, $tz_check)) { if ($settings['allday_label']) { if (($settings['date_first'] && isset($range['end']['date'])) || empty($range['start']['date'])) { $range['end']['time'] = $settings['allday_label']; } else { $range['start']['time'] = $settings['allday_label']; } } if ($date_reduce) { // Reduce duplication in date only range. $range = static::rangeDateReduce($range, $settings, $start_ts, $end_ts, $timezone); } return static::rangeFormat($range, $settings, $return_type); } $range['start']['time'] = static::timeFormat($start_ts, $settings, $timezone, TRUE); $range['end']['time'] = static::timeFormat($end_ts, $settings, $timezone); return static::rangeFormat($range, $settings, $return_type); } /** * Removes date tokens from format settings. * * @param array $settings * The formatter settings. * * @return array * The settings with date output stripped. */ public static function settingsFormatNoDate(array $settings = []) { if (isset($settings['date_format'])) { $settings['date_format'] = ''; } return $settings; } /** * Removes time tokens from format settings. * * @param array $settings * The formatter settings. * * @return array * The settings with time output stripped. */ public static function settingsFormatNoTime(array $settings = []) { if (isset($settings['time_format'])) { $settings['time_format'] = ''; } return $settings; } /** * Removes timezone tokens from time settings. * * @param array $settings * The formatter settings. * * @return array * The settings with timezone output stripped. */ public static function settingsFormatNoTz(array $settings = []) { if (isset($settings['time_format'])) { $settings['time_format'] = preg_replace('/\s*(?<![\\\\])[eOPTZ]/i', '', $settings['time_format']); } if (isset($settings['time_hour_format'])) { $settings['time_hour_format'] = preg_replace('/\s*(?<![\\\\])[eOPTZ]/i', '', $settings['time_hour_format']); } return $settings; } /** * Load a Smart Date Format from a format name. * * @param string $formatName * The machine name of a Smart Date Format. * * @return null|array * An array of the format's options. */ public static function loadSmartDateFormat($formatName) { $format = NULL; $loadedFormat = \Drupal::entityTypeManager() ->getStorage('smart_date_format') ->load($formatName); if ($loadedFormat instanceof SmartDateFormatInterface) { $format = $loadedFormat->getOptions(); } return $format; } /** * Reduce duplication in a provided date range. * * @param array $range * The date/time range to format. * @param mixed $settings * The date/time range to format. * @param object $start_ts * A timestamp. * @param object $end_ts * A timestamp. * @param string|null $timezone * Timezone. * * @return string|array * The range, with duplicate elements removed. */ protected static function rangeDateReduce(array $range, mixed $settings, $start_ts, $end_ts, $timezone = NULL) { $settings = static::normalizeSettings($settings); // If an empty date format or no deduplication, nothing to do. if (empty($settings['date_format']) || $settings['ampm_reduce'] === '0') { return $range; } // First attempt has the following limitations, to reduce complexity: // * Day ranges only work either d or j, and no other day tokens. // * Not able to handle S token unless adjacent to day. // * Month, day ranges only work if year at start or end. $start = getdate($start_ts); $end = getdate($end_ts); $range['start']['date']['#format'] = $settings['date_format']; $range['end']['date']['#format'] = $settings['date_format']; // If the years are different, no deduplication necessary. if ($start['year'] != $end['year']) { return $range; } $valid_days = []; $invalid_days = []; // Populate start and end format variables. $start_format = $end_format = $settings['date_format']; // Check for workable day tokens. preg_match_all('/(?<!\\\)[dj]/', $settings['date_format'], $valid_days, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); // Check for challenging day tokens. preg_match_all('/(?<!\\\)[DNlwz]/', $settings['date_format'], $invalid_days, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); // If specific conditions are met format as a range within the month. if ($start['month'] == $end['month'] && count($valid_days[0]) == 1 && count($invalid_days[0]) == 0) { // Split the date string at the valid day token. $day_loc = $valid_days[0][0][1]; // Don't remove the S token from the start if present. if ($s_loc = strpos($settings['date_format'], 'S', $day_loc)) { $offset = 1 + $s_loc - $day_loc; } // Preserve the period after the date for German formats. elseif ($p_loc = strpos($settings['date_format'], '.', $day_loc)) { $offset = 1 + $p_loc - $day_loc; } else { $offset = 1; } $start_format = substr($settings['date_format'], 0, $day_loc + $offset); $end_format = substr($settings['date_format'], $day_loc); } else { // Only remaining possibility is to deduplicate the year. // NOTE: Our code only works with a 4 digit year format. if (strpos($settings['date_format'], 'Y') === 0) { $year_pos = 0; // phpcs:ignore } elseif (strpos($settings['date_format'], 'Y') == (strlen($settings['date_format']) - 1)) { $year_pos = -1; // phpcs:ignore } else { // Too complicated if year is in the middle. return $range; } $valid_tokens = []; // Check for workable day or month tokens. preg_match_all('/(?<!\\\)[djDNlwzSFmMn]/', $settings['date_format'], $valid_tokens, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if (!$valid_tokens || !$valid_tokens[0]) { return $range; } if ($year_pos == 0) { // Year is at the beginning, so change the end to start at the // first valid token after it. $first_token = $valid_tokens[0][0]; $end_format = substr($settings['date_format'], $first_token[1]); } else { $last_token = array_pop($valid_tokens[0]); $start_format = substr($settings['date_format'], 0, $last_token[1] + 1); } } $range['start']['date'] = [ 'value' => \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($start_ts, '', $start_format, $timezone), '#format' => $start_format, ]; $range['end']['date'] = [ 'value' => \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($end_ts, '', $end_format, $timezone), '#format' => $end_format, ]; return $range; } /** * Format a provided range, using provided settings. * * @param array $range * The date/time range to format. * @param mixed $settings * The date/time range to format. * @param string $return_type * An option to specify that a string should be returned. If left empty, * a render array will be returned instead. * * @return string|array * The formatted range. */ protected static function rangeFormat(array $range, mixed $settings, $return_type = '') { $settings = static::normalizeSettings($settings); // If a string is requested, return that. if ($return_type == 'string') { $pieces = []; foreach ($range as $key => $parts) { if ($parts) { if (!$settings['date_first']) { // Time should be first so reverse the array. krsort($parts); } foreach ($parts as $pkey => $part) { if (isset($part['value'])) { $parts[$pkey] = $part['value']; } } $pieces[] = implode($settings['join'], $parts); } } return implode($settings['separator'], $pieces); } // Otherwise, return a render array so it can be altered. foreach ($range as $key => &$parts) { if ($parts && is_array($parts) && count($parts) > 1) { $parts['join'] = $settings['join']; if ($settings['date_first']) { // Date should be first so sort the array. ksort($parts); } else { // Time should be first so reverse the array. krsort($parts); } } elseif (!$parts) { unset($range[$key]); } } if (count($range) > 1) { $range['separator'] = $settings['separator']; krsort($range); } // Otherwise, return a nested array. $output = static::arrayToRender($range); $output['#attributes']['class'] = ['smart_date_range']; // If a timezone was forced, reset to the default. if (!empty($settings['timezone_reset'])) { date_default_timezone_set($settings['timezone_reset']); } return $output; } /** * Helper function to turn a simple, nested array into a render array. * * @param array $array * An array, potentially nested, to be converted. * * @return array * The nested render array. */ protected static function arrayToRender(array $array) { if (!is_array($array)) { return FALSE; } $output = []; // Iterate though the array. foreach ($array as $key => $child) { $child == array_pop($array); if (is_array($child)) { $output[$key] = static::arrayToRender($child); } else { $output[$key] = [ '#markup' => $child, ]; } } return $output; } /** * Helper function to apply time formats. * * @param int $time * The timestamp to format. * @param mixed $settings * The settings that will be used for formatting. * @param string|null $timezone * An optional timezone override. * @param bool $is_start * If this is the start time in a range, it requires special treatment. * * @return array * An array containing the formatted time, and the format applied. */ protected static function timeFormat($time, mixed $settings, $timezone = NULL, $is_start = FALSE) { $settings = static::normalizeSettings($settings); $format = $settings['time_format']; if (!empty($settings['time_hour_format']) && date('i', $time) == '00') { $format = $settings['time_hour_format']; } if ($is_start) { if ($settings['ampm_reduce']) { // Remove am/pm if configured to. $format = preg_replace('/\s*(?<![\\\\])a/i', '', $format); } // Remove the timezone at the start of a time range. $format = preg_replace('/\s*(?<![\\\\])[eOPTZ]/i', '', $format); } return [ 'value' => \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($time, '', $format, $timezone), '#format' => $format, ]; } /** * Evaluates whether or not a provided range is "all day". * * @param object $start_ts * A timestamp. * @param object $end_ts * A timestamp. * @param string|null $timezone * An optional timezone override. * * @return bool * Whether or not the timestamps are considered all day by Smart Date. */ public static function isAllDay($start_ts, $end_ts, $timezone = NULL) { if ($timezone) { if ($timezone instanceof \DateTimeZone) { // If provided as an object, convert to a string. $timezone = $timezone->getName(); } // Apply a specific timezone provided. $default_tz = date_default_timezone_get(); date_default_timezone_set($timezone); } // Format timestamps to predictable format for comparison. $temp_start = date('H:i', $start_ts); $temp_end = date('H:i', $end_ts); if ($timezone) { // Revert to previous timezone. date_default_timezone_set($default_tz); } if ($temp_start == '00:00' && $temp_end == '23:59') { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Format the duration according to the configuration. * * @param int $start_ts * The start of the date range. * @param int $end_ts * The end of the date range. * @param mixed $settings * The settings that will be used for formatting. * @param string $timezone * The timezone to use. * * @return string * The formatted duration string. */ protected function formatDuration($start_ts, $end_ts, $settings, $timezone) { $settings = $this->normalizeSettings($settings); if (static::isAllDay($start_ts, $end_ts, $timezone)) { return $settings['allday_label']; } if (empty($unit = $settings['duration']['unit'] ?? '')) { return \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->formatDiff($start_ts, $end_ts); } // Non-standard duration formatting configured, make our own diff obj. $date_time_from = new \DateTime(); $date_time_from->setTimestamp($start_ts); $date_time_to = new \DateTime(); $date_time_to->setTimestamp($end_ts); $interval = $date_time_to->diff($date_time_from); if ($unit == 'h') { $decimals = 2; if (method_exists($this, 'getSetting')) { // Override default with a setting if it exists. $decimals = $this->getSetting('decimals') ?? $decimals; } $duration_output = ($interval->h + round($interval->i / 60, $decimals)); } else { $duration_output = ($interval->h * 60) + $interval->i; } $duration_output .= $settings['duration']['suffix'] ?? ''; return $duration_output; } /** * Format the string to be used as the datetime value. * * @param string $string * The string returned by DateFormatter::formatDiff. * * @return string * The formatted duration string. */ protected static function formatDurationTime($string) { if (empty($string)) { return ''; } $abbr_string = 'P'; $intervals = [ 'Y' => 'year', 'D' => 'day', 'H' => 'hour', 'M' => 'minute', ]; foreach ($intervals as $key => $match_string) { $pattern = '/(\d+) ' . $match_string . '(s)?/i'; preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches); if ($matches) { $abbr_string .= $matches[1] . $key; } } if (strlen($abbr_string) == 1) { $abbr_string = ''; } return $abbr_string; } /** * If $settings has been provided as a string. */ public static function normalizeSettings($settings) { if (is_array($settings) && !empty($settings)) { return $settings; } elseif (empty($settings)) { $settings = 'default'; } if (is_string($settings)) { $settings = static::loadSmartDateFormat($settings); } return $settings; } }