<?php namespace Drupal\smart_date\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget; use Drupal\Component\Utility\DeprecationHelper; use Drupal\Core\Datetime\TimeZoneFormHelper; use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContainerFactoryPluginInterface; /** * Plugin implementation of the 'smartdate_timezone' widget. * * @FieldWidget( * id = "smartdate_timezone", * label = @Translation("Smart Date | Inline range with timezone"), * field_types = { * "smartdate" * } * ) */ class SmartDateTimezoneWidget extends SmartDateInlineWidget implements ContainerFactoryPluginInterface { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function defaultSettings() { return [ 'default_tz' => '', 'custom_tz' => '', 'allowed_timezones' => [], 'add_abbreviations' => '', ] + parent::defaultSettings(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function formElement(FieldItemListInterface $items, $delta, array $element, array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $element = parent::formElement($items, $delta, $element, $form, $form_state); // Set default, based on field config. $default_label = $this->t('- default: @tz_label -', ['@tz_label' => $this->getSiteTimezone()]); $default_timezone = ''; switch ($this->getSetting('default_tz')) { case 'user': $default_timezone = date_default_timezone_get(); break; case 'custom': $default_timezone = $this->getSetting('custom_tz'); break; } if ($this->getSetting('allowed_timezones')) { $allowed_timezone_values = $this->getSetting('allowed_timezones'); $allowed_timezone_options = array_combine($allowed_timezone_values, $allowed_timezone_values); $timezones = $this->formatTimezoneOptions($allowed_timezone_options); } elseif ($this->getSetting('add_abbreviations')) { $timezones = $this->formatTimezoneOptions($this->getTimezones(FALSE)); } else { $timezones = $this->getTimezones(); } $element['timezone']['#type'] = 'select'; $element['timezone']['#options'] = ['' => $default_label] + $timezones; $element['timezone']['#default_value'] = $items[$delta]->timezone ? $items[$delta]->timezone : $default_timezone; $element['timezone']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'field-timezone'; $element['timezone']['#weight'] = 100; return $element; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $element = parent::settingsForm($form, $form_state); $element['default_tz'] = [ '#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('Default timezone'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('default_tz'), '#options' => [ '' => $this->t('Site default (ignores any user override)'), 'user' => $this->t("User's timezone, defaulting to site (always saved)"), 'custom' => $this->t('A custom timezone (always saved)'), ], ]; $element['add_abbreviations'] = [ '#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('Add abbreviations'), '#description' => $this->t('Optionally add the time abbreviations.'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('add_abbreviations'), '#options' => [ '' => $this->t('Never'), 'before' => $this->t('Before the name'), 'after' => $this->t('After the name'), ], ]; $custom_tz = $this->getSetting('custom_tz') ? $this->getSetting('custom_tz') : $this->getSiteTimezone(); $element['custom_tz'] = [ '#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('Custom timezone'), '#default_value' => $custom_tz, '#options' => $this->getTimezones(), '#states' => [ // Show this select only if the 'default_tz' select is set to custom. 'visible' => [ 'select[name$="[settings][default_tz]"]' => ['value' => 'custom'], ], ], ]; $element['allowed_timezones']['#type'] = 'select'; $element['allowed_timezones']['#multiple'] = TRUE; $element['allowed_timezones']['#options'] = $this->getTimezones(); $element['allowed_timezones']['#default_value'] = $this->getSetting('allowed_timezones'); $element['allowed_timezones']['#weight'] = 100; return $element; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function settingsSummary() { $summary = parent::settingsSummary(); switch ($this->getSetting('default_tz')) { case '': $summary[] = $this->t("The site's timezone will be used unless overridden"); break; case 'user': $summary[] = $this->t("The user's timezone will be used by default"); break; case 'custom': $summary[] = $this->t('Custom default timezone: @custom_tz', ['@custom_tz' => $this->getSetting('custom_tz')]); break; } if ($allowed_tz = $this->getSetting('allowed_timezones')) { $summary[] = $this->t('Allowed timezones: @timezones', ['@timezones' => implode(', ', $allowed_tz)]); } return $summary; } /** * Helper function to retrieve available timezones. */ public function getTimezones($grouped = TRUE) { if (!class_exists(DeprecationHelper::class)) { // @phpstan-ignore-next-line return system_time_zones(FALSE, $grouped); } return DeprecationHelper::backwardsCompatibleCall( \Drupal::VERSION, '10.1', static function () use ($grouped) { return $grouped ? TimeZoneFormHelper::getOptionsListByRegion() : TimeZoneFormHelper::getOptionsList(); }, static fn () => system_time_zones(FALSE, $grouped) ); } /** * Helper function to format allowed timezone as a grouped list. */ public function formatTimezoneOptions(array $zonelist, $grouped = TRUE) { $prepend = ''; $append = ''; $add_abbr = $this->getSetting('add_abbreviations'); $zones = []; foreach ($zonelist as $value => $zone) { if (!is_string($zone)) { $zone = $zone->render(); } // Because many time zones exist in PHP only for backward compatibility // reasons and should not be used, the list is filtered by a regular // expression. if (preg_match('!^((Africa|America|Antarctica|Arctic|Asia|Atlantic|Australia|Europe|Indian|Pacific)/|UTC$)!', $zone)) { $zones[$value] = $this->t('@zone', [ '@zone' => $this->t(str_replace('_', ' ', $zone)), // phpcs:ignore ]); } } $now = time(); // Sort the translated time zones alphabetically. asort($zones); if ($grouped) { $grouped_zones = []; foreach ($zones as $key => $value) { $split = explode('/', $value); $city = array_pop($split); $region = array_shift($split); // If configured, add the timezone abbreviation. if ($add_abbr) { $tz = new \DateTimeZone(str_replace(' ', '_', $key)); $transition = $tz->getTransitions($now, $now); $abbr = $transition[0]['abbr']; if ($add_abbr == 'before') { $prepend = $abbr . ' '; } elseif ($add_abbr == 'after') { $append = ' ' . $abbr; } } if (!empty($region)) { $label = empty($split) ? $city : $city . ' (' . implode('/', $split) . ')'; $grouped_zones[$region][$key] = $prepend . $label . $append; } else { $grouped_zones[$key] = $prepend . $value . $append; } } foreach ($grouped_zones as $key => $value) { if (is_array($grouped_zones[$key])) { asort($grouped_zones[$key]); } } $zones = $grouped_zones; } return $zones; } /** * Helper function to return only the site's timezone. */ public function getSiteTimezone() { // Ignore PHP strict notice if time zone has not yet been set in the php.ini // configuration. // @phpstan-ignore-next-line $config = \Drupal::config(''); $config_data_default_timezone = $config ->get('timezone.default'); return !empty($config_data_default_timezone) ? $config_data_default_timezone : @date_default_timezone_get(); } }