(function (Drupal, drupalSettings, once) { Drupal.behaviors.smartDate = { attach(context, settings) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native Date.prototype.addDays = function (days) { const newDate = this.getDate() + parseInt(days, 10); this.setDate(newDate); }; function pad(str, max) { str = str.toString(); return str.length < max ? pad(`0${str}`, max) : str; } function startChanged(element) { if (!element.value) { return; } const wrapper = element.closest('fieldset'); const duration = element.dataset.duration; const startDate = element.value; const end = new Date(Date.parse(startDate)); let newEnd = element.value; // Update end date if a duration is set. if (!Number.isNaN(duration) && duration > 0) { end.addDays(duration); // ISO 8601 string get encoded as UTC so add the timezone offset. const isIso8061 = startDate.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/); if (isIso8061 && end.getTimezoneOffset() !== 0) { end.setMinutes(end.getMinutes() + end.getTimezoneOffset()); newEnd = `${end.getFullYear()}-${pad(end.getMonth() + 1, 2)}-${pad( end.getDate(), 2, )}`; } else { newEnd = end.toLocaleDateString(); } } wrapper.querySelector('.time-end.form-date').value = newEnd; } function endChanged(element) { const wrapper = element.closest('fieldset'); const start = wrapper.querySelector('.time-start.form-date'); const end = element; const startDate = new Date(Date.parse(start.value)); const endDate = new Date(Date.parse(end.value)); // Update duration if a number can be determined. const duration = (endDate - startDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); if (duration === 0 || duration > 0) { start.dataset.duration = duration; } } // Update the end values when the start is changed. once( 'smartDateStartChange', '.smartdate--widget .time-start input', context, ).forEach(function (element) { element.addEventListener( 'change', function () { startChanged(element); }, false, ); }); once( 'smartDateEndChange', '.smartdate--widget .time-end input', context, ).forEach(function (element) { // Set initial duration. endChanged(element); // Update the duration when end changed. element.addEventListener( 'change', function () { endChanged(element); }, false, ); }); }, }; })(Drupal, drupalSettings, once);