(function (Drupal, drupalSettings, once) { Drupal.behaviors.smartDateLocalize = { attach(context, settings) { /** * Return a formatted string from a date Object mimicking PHP's date() functionality * * format string "Y-m-d H:i:s" or similar PHP-style date format string * date mixed Date Object, Datestring, or milliseconds * */ function date(format, date) { if (!date || date === '') date = new Date(); else if (!(date instanceof Date)) date = new Date(date.replace(/-/g, '/')); // attempt to convert string to date object const locale = document.documentElement.lang; let string = ''; const mo = date.getMonth(); // month (0-11) const m1 = mo + 1; // month (1-12) const dow = date.getDay(); // day of week (0-6) const d = date.getDate(); // day of the month (1-31) const y = date.getFullYear(); // 1999 or 2003 const h = date.getHours(); // hour (0-23) const mi = date.getMinutes(); // minute (0-59) const s = date.getSeconds(); // seconds (0-59) const tzs = Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { timeZoneName: 'short', weekday: 'short', month: 'short', }); const tzl = Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { timeZoneName: 'long', weekday: 'long', month: 'long', }); // This needs refactoring anyway so skip ESLint error for new. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (let i of format.match(/(\\)*./g)) switch (i) { case 'j': // Day of the month without leading zeros (1 to 31) string += d; break; case 'S': // English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters switch (d.toString().slice(-1)) { case '1': string += d === 11 ? 'th' : 'st'; break; case '2': string += d === 12 ? 'th' : 'nd'; break; case '3': string += d === 13 ? 'th' : 'rd'; break; default: string += 'th'; break; } break; case 'd': // Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros (01 to 31) string += d < 10 ? `0${d}` : d; break; case 'l': // (lowercase 'L') A full textual representation of the day of the week string += tzl .formatToParts(date) .find((part) => part.type === 'weekday').value; break; case 'w': // Numeric representation of the day of the week (0=Sunday,1=Monday,...6=Saturday) string += dow; break; case 'D': // A textual representation of a day, three letters string += tzs .formatToParts(date) .find((part) => part.type === 'weekday').value; break; case 'm': // Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros (01 to 12) string += m1 < 10 ? `0${m1}` : m1; break; case 'n': // Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros (1 to 12) string += m1; break; case 'F': // A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March string += tzl .formatToParts(date) .find((part) => part.type === 'month').value; break; case 'M': // A short textual representation of a month, three letters (Jan - Dec) string += tzs .formatToParts(date) .find((part) => part.type === 'month').value; break; case 'Y': // A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits (1999 OR 2003) string += y; break; case 'y': // A two digit representation of a year (99 OR 03) string += y.toString().slice(-2); break; case 'H': // 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros (00 to 23) string += h < 10 ? `0${h}` : h; break; case 'g': // 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros (1 to 12) // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations const hourNoZero = h === 0 ? 12 : h; string += hourNoZero > 12 ? hourNoZero - 12 : hourNoZero; break; case 'h': // 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros (01 to 12) // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations let hour = h === 0 ? 12 : h; hour = hour > 12 ? hour - 12 : hour; string += hour < 10 ? `0${hour}` : hour; break; case 'a': // Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (am or pm) string += h < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'; break; case 'i': // Minutes with leading zeros (00 to 59) string += mi < 10 ? `0${mi}` : mi; break; case 's': // Seconds, with leading zeros (00 to 59) string += s < 10 ? `0${s}` : s; break; case 'c': // ISO 8601 date (eg: 2012-11-20T18:05:54.944Z) string += date.toISOString(); break; case 'T': // Timezone identifier (abbreviation) string += tzs .formatToParts(date) .find((part) => part.type === 'timeZoneName').value; break; case 'e': // Timezone identifier (abbreviation) string += tzl .formatToParts(date) .find((part) => part.type === 'timeZoneName').value; break; default: if (i.startsWith('\\')) i = i.substr(1); string += i; } return string; } function localizeDate(element) { if (!element.dataset.format || !element.dateTime) { return; } const when = new Date(element.dateTime); const offset = element.dataset.tzoffset; // Check if timezones are different. if (when.getTimezoneOffset() === offset) { return; } element.textContent = date(element.dataset.format, when); } // Update the end values when the start is changed. once('smartDateLocalize', '', context).forEach( function (element) { localizeDate(element); }, ); }, }; })(Drupal, drupalSettings, once);