<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\migrate_conditions\Kernel\process; use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase; use Drupal\migrate\MigrateExecutable; use Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface; /** * Tests the switch_on_condition process plugin. * * @group migrate_conditions */ class SwitchOnConditionTest extends KernelTestBase { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected static $modules = ['migrate', 'migrate_conditions']; /** * Returns test migration definition. * * @return array */ public function getDefinition() { return [ 'source' => [ 'plugin' => 'embedded_data', 'data_rows' => [], 'ids' => [ 'id' => ['type' => 'string'], ], ], 'process' => [ 'dest_value_1' => [ 'plugin' => 'switch_on_condition', 'source' => 'source_1', 'cases' => [ [ 'condition' => 'empty', 'default_value' => 123, ], [ 'condition' => [ 'plugin' => 'equals', 'value' => '789', ], 'process' => [ 'plugin' => 'callback', 'callable' => 'strrev', ], ], [ 'condition' => 'default', 'get' => 'foo', ], ], ], 'dest_value_2' => [ 'plugin' => 'switch_on_condition', 'source' => 'source_2', 'cases' => [ [ 'condition' => 'empty', 'default_value' => 123, ], [ 'condition' => 'default', 'process' => [ [ 'source' => 'foo', 'plugin' => 'callback', 'callable' => 'strrev', ], [ 'plugin' => 'callback', 'callable' => 'strtoupper', ], ], ], ], ], 'dest_value_3' => [ [ 'plugin' => 'get', 'source' => 'source_3', ], [ 'plugin' => 'switch_on_condition', 'cases' => [ [ 'condition' => 'default', 'process' => [ 'plugin' => 'default_value', 'default_value' => 'my default', ], ], ], ], [ 'plugin' => 'callback', 'callable' => 'strtoupper', ], ], ], 'destination' => [ 'plugin' => 'config', 'config_name' => 'migrate_test.settings', ], ]; } /** * Tests a pipeline involving process plugins using conditions. * * @dataProvider migrateConditionsProviderSource * * @param array $source_data * The source data. * @param array $expected_data * The expected results. */ public function testSwitchOnCondition(array $source_data, array $expected_data) { $definition = $this->getDefinition(); $definition['source']['data_rows'] = [$source_data]; $migration = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.migration')->createStubMigration($definition); $executable = new MigrateExecutable($migration); $result = $executable->import(); // Migration needs to succeed before further assertions are made. $this->assertSame(MigrationInterface::RESULT_COMPLETED, $result); // Compare with expected data. $this->assertEquals($expected_data, \Drupal::config('migrate_test.settings')->get()); } /** * Provides source data for "switch_on_condition" process plugin test. */ public static function migrateConditionsProviderSource() { $tests = [ [ 'source_data' => [ 'id' => '1', 'foo' => 'bar', 'source_1' => 'this is a test', 'source_2' => 'second one', 'source_3' => [ 'some', 'array', ], ], 'expected_data' => [ 'dest_value_1' => 'bar', 'dest_value_2' => 'RAB', 'dest_value_3' => [ 'SOME', 'ARRAY', ], ], ], [ 'source_data' => [ 'id' => '1', 'foo' => 'bar', 'source_1' => NULL, 'source_2' => NULL, 'source_3' => NULL, ], 'expected_data' => [ 'dest_value_1' => 123, 'dest_value_2' => 123, 'dest_value_3' => 'MY DEFAULT', ], ], [ 'source_data' => [ 'id' => '1', 'foo' => 'bar', 'source_1' => '789', 'source_2' => [ 'something', NULL, 'another', ], 'source_3' => 'some string', ], 'expected_data' => [ 'dest_value_1' => '987', 'dest_value_2' => 'RAB', 'dest_value_3' => 'SOME STRING', ], ], ]; return $tests; } }