<?php /** * @file * Install, uninstall and update hooks for Memory Limit Policy Path module. */ /** * Implements hook_update(). * * Update the existing policies which use the path plugin to add forward slash. */ function memory_limit_policy_path_update_8001() { foreach (\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('memory_limit_policy')->loadMultiple() as $policy) { $constraints = $policy->getConstraints(); foreach ($constraints as &$constraint) { // We only update the "path" constraints. if ($constraint['id'] == 'path') { $paths = []; $updated = FALSE; foreach (explode(PHP_EOL, $constraint['paths']) as $path) { // We add a forward slash if there is none and if it does not start // with a wildcard. if (!in_array($path[0], ['/', '*'])) { $path = '/' . $path; $updated = TRUE; } $paths[] = $path; } // Log the constraint update for visibility. if ($updated) { $original_paths = explode(PHP_EOL, $constraint['paths']); array_walk($original_paths, function (&$path) { $path = rtrim(trim($path, "\r"), '/'); }); $updated_paths = $paths; array_walk($updated_paths, function (&$path) { $path = rtrim(trim($path, "\r"), '/'); }); \Drupal::logger('memory_limit_policy_path')->info( 'The path constraint of policy "@policy_machine_name" has been updated from "@original_paths" to "@updated_paths".', [ '@policy_machine_name' => $policy->id(), '@original_paths' => implode(', ', $original_paths), '@updated_paths' => implode(', ', $updated_paths), ] ); } $constraint['paths'] = implode(PHP_EOL, $paths); } } $policy->set('policy_constraints', $constraints); $policy->save(); } }