<?php namespace Drupal\library_manager\Entity; use Drupal\Core\Condition\ConditionPluginCollection; use Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityWithPluginCollectionInterface; use Drupal\file\Entity\File; use Drupal\library_manager\LibraryDefinitionInterface; /** * Defines the library definition entity type. * * @ConfigEntityType( * id = "library_definition", * label = @Translation("Library definition"), * handlers = { * "list_builder" = "Drupal\library_manager\Controller\LibraryDefinitionListBuilder", * "form" = { * "add" = "Drupal\library_manager\Form\LibraryDefinitionForm", * "edit" = "Drupal\library_manager\Form\LibraryDefinitionForm", * "delete" = "Drupal\library_manager\Form\LibraryDefinitionDeleteForm", * "duplicate" = "Drupal\library_manager\Form\LibraryDefinitionDuplicateForm", * "build" = "Drupal\library_manager\Form\LibraryDefinitionBuildForm", * "add_js" = "Drupal\library_manager\Form\LibraryDefinitionJsForm", * "edit_js" = "Drupal\library_manager\Form\LibraryDefinitionJsForm", * "delete_js" = "Drupal\library_manager\Form\LibraryDefinitionJsDeleteForm", * "add_css" = "Drupal\library_manager\Form\LibraryDefinitionCssForm", * "edit_css" = "Drupal\library_manager\Form\LibraryDefinitionCssForm", * "delete_css" = "Drupal\library_manager\Form\LibraryDefinitionCssDeleteForm" * } * }, * config_prefix = "library_definition", * admin_permission = "administer libraries", * links = { * "collection" = "/admin/structure/libraries/definitions", * "add-form" = "/admin/structure/libraries/definitions/add", * "edit-form" = "/admin/structure/libraries/definitions/{library_definition}", * "delete-form" = "/admin/structure/libraries/definitions/{library_definition}/delete", * "duplicate-form" = "/admin/structure/libraries/definitions/{library_definition}/duplicate", * }, * entity_keys = { * "id" = "id", * "uuid" = "uuid" * }, * config_export = { * "id" = "id", * "status" = "status", * "target" = "target", * "remote" = "remote", * "version" = "version", * "license" = "license", * "js" = "js", * "css" = "css", * "library_dependencies" = "library_dependencies", * "load" = "load", * "override_by_visibility" = "override_by_visibility", * "visibility" = "visibility" * } * ) */ class LibraryDefinition extends ConfigEntityBase implements LibraryDefinitionInterface, EntityWithPluginCollectionInterface { /** * The library definition ID. * * @var string */ protected $id; /** * The target library. * * @var string */ protected $target; /** * The URL of the library. * * @var string */ protected $remote; /** * The version of the library. * * @var string */ protected $version; /** * The version of the library. * * @var array */ protected $license = [ 'name' => '', 'url' => '', 'gpl-compatible' => FALSE, ]; /** * The library JS files. * * @var array */ protected $js = []; /** * The library CSS files. * * @var array */ protected $css = []; /** * The library dependencies. * * @var array */ protected $library_dependencies = []; /** * The library visibility settings. * * @var array * * @see library_manager_page_attachments() */ protected $visibility = []; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getJsFile($file_name) { return isset($this->js[$file_name]) ? $this->js[$file_name] : NULL; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCssFile($file_name) { return isset($this->css[$file_name]) ? $this->css[$file_name] : NULL; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getVisibility() { return $this->getVisibilityConditions()->getConfiguration(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setVisibilityConfig($instance_id, array $configuration) { $conditions = $this->getVisibilityConditions(); if (!$conditions->has($instance_id)) { $configuration['id'] = $instance_id; $conditions->addInstanceId($instance_id, $configuration); } else { $conditions->setInstanceConfiguration($instance_id, $configuration); } return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getVisibilityConditions() { if (!isset($this->visibilityCollection)) { $this->visibilityCollection = new ConditionPluginCollection($this->conditionPluginManager(), $this->get('visibility')); } return $this->visibilityCollection; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getVisibilityCondition($instance_id) { return $this->getVisibilityConditions()->get($instance_id); } /** * Gets the condition plugin manager. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Executable\ExecutableManagerInterface * The condition plugin manager. */ protected function conditionPluginManager() { if (!isset($this->conditionPluginManager)) { $this->conditionPluginManager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.condition'); } return $this->conditionPluginManager; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getPluginCollections() { return ['visibility' => $this->getVisibilityConditions()]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function postSave(EntityStorageInterface $storage, $update = TRUE) { if ($update) { $original_upload_file_ids = []; /** @var \Drupal\library_manager\Entity\LibraryDefinition $orignal */ $original = $this->original; $original_css = $original->get('css'); $original_js = $original->get('js'); foreach ($original_css as $value) { if (!empty($value['file_upload'])) { $original_upload_file_ids[$value['file_upload']] = $value['file_upload']; } } foreach ($original_js as $value) { if (!empty($value['file_upload'])) { $original_upload_file_ids[$value['file_upload']] = $value['file_upload']; } } $upload_file_ids = []; $css = $this->get('css'); $js = $this->get('js'); foreach ($css as $value) { if (!empty($value['file_upload'])) { $upload_file_ids[$value['file_upload']] = $value['file_upload']; } } foreach ($js as $value) { if (!empty($value['file_upload'])) { $upload_file_ids[$value['file_upload']] = $value['file_upload']; } } /** @var FileUsageInterface $file_usage */ $file_usage = \Drupal::service('file.usage'); $entity_id = $this->id(); foreach ($upload_file_ids as $file_id) { if (!isset($original_upload_file_ids[$file_id])) { $file = File::load($file_id); if (!empty($file)) { $file_usage->add($file, 'library_manager', 'library_definition', $entity_id); } } } foreach ($original_upload_file_ids as $file_id) { if (!isset($upload_file_ids[$file_id])) { $file = File::load($file_id); if (!empty($file)) { $file_usage->delete($file, 'library_manager', 'library_definition', $entity_id); } } } } parent::postSave($storage, $update); \Drupal::service('library.discovery')->clearCachedDefinitions(); drupal_static_reset('library_manager_build_libraries'); \Drupal::service('library.discovery')->getLibraryByName('library_manager', $this->id); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function postDelete(EntityStorageInterface $storage, array $entities) { parent::postDelete($storage, $entities); $libraries_path = \Drupal::config('library_manager.settings')->get('libraries_path'); foreach ($entities as $entity) { try { \Drupal::service('file_system')->deleteRecursive($libraries_path . '/' . $entity->id()); } catch (\Exception $e) { // There was a transient error. } } } }