<?php namespace Drupal\geshifilter; use Drupal\Core\Url; /** * Contains constants and some helper functions. */ class GeshiFilter { /** * Default for sintax highting, format as plain text. */ const DEFAULT_PLAINTEXT = 'GESHIFILTER_DEFAULT_PLAINTEXT'; /** * Default for sintax highting, do nothing. */ const DEFAULT_DONOTHING = 'GESHIFILTER_DEFAULT_DONOTHING'; /** * CSS modes, inline. */ const CSS_INLINE = 1; /** * Usage of CSS classes and an automatically managaged external stylesheet. */ const CSS_CLASSES_AUTOMATIC = 2; /** * Only add CSS classes to markup. * * Admin/themer is responsible for defining the CSS rules. */ const CSS_CLASSES_ONLY = 3; /** * Attributes valid to set language, by example, [code language="php"]. */ const ATTRIBUTES_LANGUAGE = 'type lang language class'; /** * Attributes valid to set line numbering. */ const ATTRIBUTE_LINE_NUMBERING = 'linenumbers'; /** * Attributes valid to set line start. */ const ATTRIBUTE_LINE_NUMBERING_START = 'start'; /** * Attributes valid to set the interval of fancy lines. */ const ATTRIBUTE_FANCY_N = 'fancy'; /** * Attributes valid to set title. */ const ATTRIBUTE_TITLE = 'title'; /** * Attributes valid to set special lines(lines to highlight). */ const ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_LINES = 'special'; /** * Parse code with tags inside <>, example, <code>. */ const BRACKETS_ANGLE = 1; /** * Parse code with tags inside [], example, [code]. */ const BRACKETS_SQUARE = 2; /** * Deprecated, only used in upgrade path. */ const BRACKETS_BOTH = 3; /** * Parse code with tags inside [[]], example, [[code]]. */ const BRACKETS_DOUBLESQUARE = 4; /** * Parse code with tags inside , example, <?php echo('hi'); ?>. */ const BRACKETS_PHPBLOCK = 8; /** * Parse code inside Markdown (```) blocks. */ const BRACKETS_MARKDOWNBLOCK = 16; /** * No line numbers. */ const LINE_NUMBERS_DEFAULT_NONE = 0; /** * Normal line numbers. */ const LINE_NUMBERS_DEFAULT_NORMAL = 1; /** * Fancy line numbers, each 5. */ const LINE_NUMBERS_DEFAULT_FANCY5 = 5; /** * Fancy line numbers, each 10. */ const LINE_NUMBERS_DEFAULT_FANCY10 = 10; /** * Fancy line numbers, each 20. */ const LINE_NUMBERS_DEFAULT_FANCY20 = 20; /** * Helper function for splitting a string on white spaces. * * Using explode(' ', $string) is not enough because it returns empty elements * if $string contains consecutive spaces. * * @param string $string * The string to split by spaces. * * @return array * Return the string split by white spaces. */ public static function whitespaceExplode($string) { return preg_split('/\s+/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } /** * Split a string with tags to an array. * * @param string $string * The tags to split. * * @return array * The tag split. */ public static function tagSplit($string) { return !empty($string) ? preg_split('/\s+|<|>|\[|\]/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) : []; } /** * List of available languages. * * @return array * An array mapping language code to array with the language path and * full language name. */ public static function getAvailableLanguages() { // Try to get it from cache (database actually). $cache = \Drupal::cache(); $available_languages = $cache->get('geshifilter_available_languages_cache'); if (!$available_languages) { // Not in cache: build the array of available_languages. $geshi_library = GeshiFilter::loadGeshi(); $available_languages = []; if ($geshi_library['loaded']) { $dirs = [ $geshi_library['library path'] . '/geshi', \Drupal::service('extension.list.module')->getPath('geshifilter') . '/geshi-extra', ]; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { foreach (\Drupal::service('file_system')->scanDirectory($dir, '/.[pP][hH][pP]$/i') as $filename => $fileinfo) { // Short name. $name = $fileinfo->name; // Get full name. $geshi = new \GeSHi('', $name); $geshi->set_language_path($dir); $fullname = $geshi->get_language_name(); unset($geshi); // Store. $available_languages[$name] = ['language_path' => $dir, 'fullname' => $fullname]; } } ksort($available_languages); // Save array to database. $cache->set('geshifilter_available_languages_cache', $available_languages); } } else { $available_languages = $available_languages->data; } return $available_languages; } /** * List of enabled languages(with caching). * * @return array * Array with enabled languages mapping language code to full name. */ public static function getEnabledLanguages() { $config = \Drupal::config('geshifilter.settings'); static $enabled_languages = NULL; if ($enabled_languages === NULL) { $enabled_languages = []; $languages = self::getAvailableLanguages(); foreach ($languages as $language => $language_data) { if ($config->get('language.' . $language . ".enabled")) { $enabled_languages[$language] = $language_data['fullname']; } } } return $enabled_languages; } /** * Load geshi library. * * If the geshi library is installed with composer, we use it, if not, we * try to use it with libraries module(same way as drupal 7). * * @return array * Return an array with the same keys(the ones we use) from * libraries_load(). */ public static function loadGeshi() { $library = []; // Try include geshi from composer. if (class_exists('GeSHi')) { $library['loaded'] = TRUE; $library['library path'] = GESHI_ROOT; } // Try include geshi using libraries module. elseif (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('libraries')) { $library = libraries_load('geshi'); } // Geshi is not available from composer and libraries module is not // available, so we return the same as libraries when the geshi do not // exist. else { $library['loaded'] = FALSE; $library['library path'] = ''; $library['error message'] = t('The GeSHi filter requires the GeSHi library (which needs to be @downloaded and installed seperately). Please review the install instruction at @readme.', [ '@downloaded' => \Drupal::service('link_generator')->generate(t('downloaded'), Url::fromUri('')), '@readme' => \Drupal::service('link_generator')->generate(t('README.TXT'), Url::fromUri('')), ]); } return $library; } }