<?php namespace Drupal\geshifilter\Plugin\Filter; // Base class for filters. use Drupal\filter\Plugin\FilterBase; // Necessary for passing HTML into t(). use Drupal\Core\Render\Markup; // Necessary for Html::decodeEntities(). use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html; // Necessary for forms. use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; // Necessary for result of process(). use Drupal\filter\FilterProcessResult; // Necessary for URL. use Drupal\Core\Url; use Drupal\geshifilter\GeshiFilter; use Drupal\geshifilter\GeshiFilterProcess; /** * Provides a base filter for Geshi Filter. * * @Filter( * id = "filter_geshifilter", * module = "geshifilter", * title = @Translation("GeSHi filter"), * description = @Translation("Enables syntax highlighting of inline/block * source code using the GeSHi engine"), * type = \Drupal\filter\Plugin\FilterInterface::TYPE_TRANSFORM_IRREVERSIBLE, * cache = FALSE, * settings = { * "general_tags" = {}, * "per_language_settings" = {} * }, * weight = 0 * ) */ class GeshiFilterFilter extends FilterBase { /** * Object with configuration for geshifilter. * * @var object */ protected $config; /** * Object with configuration for geshifilter, where we need editable.. * * @var object */ protected $configEditable; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, array $plugin_definition) { parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition); $this->config = \Drupal::config('geshifilter.settings'); $this->configEditable = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('geshifilter.settings'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function process($text, $langcode) { $result = new FilterProcessResult($text); try { // Load GeSHi library (if not already). $geshi_library = GeshiFilter::loadGeshi(); if (!$geshi_library['loaded']) { throw new \Exception($geshi_library['error message']); } // Get the available tags. list($generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang) = $this->getTags(); if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_PHPBLOCK, array_filter($this->tagStyles()))) { $language_tags[] = 'questionmarkphp'; $tag_to_lang['questionmarkphp'] = 'php'; } $tags = array_merge($generic_code_tags, $language_tags); // Escape special (regular expression) characters in tags (for tags like // 'c++' and 'c#'). $tags = preg_replace('#(\\+|\\#)#', '\\\\$1', $tags); $tags_string = implode('|', $tags); // Pattern for matching the prepared "<code>...</code>" stuff. $pattern = '#\\[geshifilter-(' . $tags_string . ')([^\\]]*)\\](.*?)(\\[/geshifilter-\1\\])#s'; $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, [ $this, 'replaceCallback', ], $text); // Create the object with result. $result = new FilterProcessResult($text); // Add the css file when necessary. if (in_array($this->config->get('css_mode'), [GeshiFilter::CSS_CLASSES_AUTOMATIC, GeshiFilter::CSS_INLINE])) { $result->setAttachments([ 'library' => [ 'geshifilter/geshifilter', ], ]); } // Add cache tags, so we can re-create the node when some geshifilter // settings change. $cache_tags = ['geshifilter']; $result->addCacheTags($cache_tags); } catch (\Exception $e) { watchdog_exception('geshifilter', $e); $this->messenger()->addError($geshi_library['error message']); } return $result; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function prepare($text, $langcode) { // Get the available tags. list($generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang) = $this->getTags(); $tags = array_merge($generic_code_tags, $language_tags); // Escape special (regular expression) characters in tags (for tags like // 'c++' and 'c#'). $tags = preg_replace('#(\\+|\\#)#', '\\\\$1', $tags); $tags_string = implode('|', $tags); // Pattern for matching "<code>...</code>" like stuff // Also matches "<code>...$" where "$" refers to end of string, not end of // line (because PCRE_MULTILINE (modifier 'm') is not enabled), so matching // still works when teaser view trims inside the source code. // Replace the code container tag brackets // and prepare the container content (newline and angle bracket protection). // @todo: make sure that these replacements can be done in series. $tag_styles = array_filter($this->tagStyles()); if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_ANGLE, $tag_styles)) { // Prepare <foo>..</foo> blocks. $pattern = '#(<)(' . $tags_string . ')((\s+[^>]*)*)(>)(.*?)(</\2\s*>|$)#s'; $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, [$this, 'prepareCallback'], $text); } if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_SQUARE, $tag_styles)) { // Prepare [foo]..[/foo] blocks. $pattern = '#((?<!\[)\[)(' . $tags_string . ')((\s+[^\]]*)*)(\])(.*?)((?<!\[)\[/\2\s*\]|$)#s'; $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, [$this, 'prepareCallback'], $text); } if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_DOUBLESQUARE, $tag_styles)) { // Prepare [[foo]]..[[/foo]] blocks. $pattern = '#(\[\[)(' . $tags_string . ')((\s+[^\]]*)*)(\]\])(.*?)(\[\[/\2\s*\]\]|$)#s'; $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, [$this, 'prepareCallback'], $text); } if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_PHPBLOCK, $tag_styles)) { // Prepare < ?php ... ? > blocks. $pattern = '#[\[<](\?php|\?PHP|%)(.+?)((\?|%)[\]>]|$)#s'; $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, [$this, 'preparePhpCallback'], $text); } if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_MARKDOWNBLOCK, $tag_styles)) { // Prepare ```php ``` blocks(markdown). $pattern = '#(```([a-z]*)\n([\s\S]*?)\n```)#s'; $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, [$this, 'prepareMarkdownCallback'], $text); } return $text; } /** * Get the tips for the filter. * * @param bool $long * If get the long or short tip. * * @return string * The tip to show for the user. */ public function tips($long = FALSE) { // Get the supported tag styles. $tag_styles = array_filter($this->tagStyles()); $tag_style_examples = []; $bracket_open = NULL; $bracket_close = NULL; if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_ANGLE, $tag_styles)) { if (!$bracket_open) { $bracket_open = Html::escape('<'); $bracket_close = Html::escape('>'); } $tag_style_examples[] = '<code>' . Html::escape('<foo>') . '</code>'; } if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_SQUARE, $tag_styles)) { if (!$bracket_open) { $bracket_open = Html::escape('['); $bracket_close = Html::escape(']'); } $tag_style_examples[] = '<code>' . Html::escape('[foo]') . '</code>'; } if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_DOUBLESQUARE, $tag_styles)) { if (!$bracket_open) { $bracket_open = Html::escape('[['); $bracket_close = Html::escape(']]'); } $tag_style_examples[] = '<code>' . Html::escape('[[foo]]') . '</code>'; } if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_MARKDOWNBLOCK, $tag_styles)) { if (!$bracket_open) { $bracket_open = Html::escape('```'); $bracket_close = Html::escape('```'); } $tag_style_examples[] = '<code>' . Html::escape('```foo ```') . '</code>'; } if (!$bracket_open) { $this->messenger()->addError($this->t('Could not determine a valid tag style for GeSHi filtering.')); $bracket_open = Html::escape('<'); $bracket_close = Html::escape('>'); } if ($long) { // Get the available tags. list($generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang) = $this->getTags(); // Get the available languages. $languages = GeshiFilter::getEnabledLanguages(); $lang_attributes = GeshiFilter::whitespaceExplode(GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTES_LANGUAGE); // Syntax highlighting tags. $output = '<p>' . $this->t('Syntax highlighting of source code can be enabled with the following tags:') . '</p>'; $items = []; // Seneric tags. $tags = []; foreach ($generic_code_tags as $tag) { $tags[] = $bracket_open . $tag . $bracket_close; } $items[] = $this->t('Generic syntax highlighting tags: <code>@tags</code>.', ['@tags' => Markup::create(implode(', ', $tags))]); // Language tags. $tags = []; foreach ($language_tags as $tag) { $tags[] = $this->t('<code>@tag</code> for @lang source code', [ '@tag' => Markup::create($bracket_open . $tag . $bracket_close), '@lang' => $languages[$tag_to_lang[$tag]], ]); } $items[] = '<li>' . $this->t('Language specific syntax highlighting tags:') . implode(', ', $tags) . '</li>'; // PHP specific delimiters. if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_PHPBLOCK, $tag_styles)) { $items[] = $this->t('PHP source code can also be enclosed in <?php ... ?> or <% ... %>, but additional options like line numbering are not possible here.'); } $output .= '<ul>' . implode('', $items) . '</ul>'; // Options and tips. $output .= '<p>' . $this->t('Options and tips:') . '</p>'; $items = []; // Info about language attribute to language mapping. $att_to_full = []; foreach ($languages as $langcode => $fullname) { $att_to_full[$langcode] = $fullname; } foreach ($tag_to_lang as $tag => $lang) { $att_to_full[$tag] = $languages[$lang]; } ksort($att_to_full); $att_for_full = []; foreach ($att_to_full as $att => $fullname) { $att_for_full[] = $this->t('"<code>@langcode</code>" (for @fullname)', ['@langcode' => $att, '@fullname' => $fullname]); } $items[] = $this->t('The language for the generic syntax highlighting tags can be specified with one of the attribute(s): %attributes. The possible values are: @languages.', [ '%attributes' => implode(', ', $lang_attributes), '@languages' => Markup::create(implode(', ', $att_for_full)), ] ); // Tag style options. if (count($tag_style_examples) > 1) { $items[] = $this->t('The supported tag styles are: @tag_styles.', ['@tag_styles' => Markup::create(implode(', ', $tag_style_examples))]); } // Line numbering options. $items[] = $this->t('<em>Line numbering</em> can be enabled/disabled with the attribute "%linenumbers". Possible values are: "%off" for no line numbers, "%normal" for normal line numbers and "%fancy" for fancy line numbers (every n<sup>th</sup> line number highlighted). The start line number can be specified with the attribute "%start", which implicitly enables normal line numbering. For fancy line numbering the interval for the highlighted line numbers can be specified with the attribute "%interval", which implicitly enables fancy line numbering.', [ '%linenumbers' => GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_LINE_NUMBERING, '%off' => 'off', '%normal' => 'normal', '%fancy' => 'fancy', '%start' => GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_LINE_NUMBERING_START, '%interval' => GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_FANCY_N, ] ); // Block versus inline. $items[] = $this->t('If the source code between the tags contains a newline (e.g. immediatly after the opening tag), the highlighted source code will be displayed as a code block. Otherwise it will be displayed inline.'); // Code block title. $items[] = $this->t('A title can be added to a code block with the attribute "%title".', [ '%title' => GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_TITLE, ]); $render = [ '#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items, '#type' => 'ul', ]; $output .= \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($render); // Defaults. $output .= '<p>' . $this->t('Defaults:') . '</p>'; $items = []; $default_highlighting = $this->config->get('default_highlighting'); switch ($default_highlighting) { case GeshiFilter::DEFAULT_DONOTHING: $description = $this->t("when no language attribute is specified the code block won't be processed by the GeSHi filter"); break; case GeshiFilter::DEFAULT_PLAINTEXT: $description = $this->t('when no language attribute is specified, no syntax highlighting will be done'); break; default: $description = $this->t('the default language used for syntax highlighting is "%default_lang"', ['%default_lang' => $default_highlighting]); break; } $items[] = $this->t('Default highlighting mode for generic syntax highlighting tags: @description.', ['@description' => $description]); $default_line_numbering = $this->config->get('default_line_numbering'); switch ($default_line_numbering) { case GeshiFilter::LINE_NUMBERS_DEFAULT_NONE: $description = $this->t('no line numbers'); break; case GeshiFilter::LINE_NUMBERS_DEFAULT_NORMAL: $description = $this->t('normal line numbers'); break; default: $description = $this->t('fancy line numbers (every @n lines)', ['@n' => $default_line_numbering]); break; } $items[] = $this->t('Default line numbering: @description.', ['@description' => $description]); $render = [ '#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items, '#type' => 'ul', ]; $output .= \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($render); } else { // Get the available tags. list($generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang) = $this->getTags(); $tags = []; foreach ($generic_code_tags as $tag) { $tags[] = '<code>' . $bracket_open . Html::escape($tag) . $bracket_close . '</code>'; } foreach ($language_tags as $tag) { $tags[] = '<code>' . $bracket_open . Html::escape($tag) . $bracket_close . '</code>'; } $output = $this->t('You can enable syntax highlighting of source code with the following tags: @tags.', ['@tags' => Markup::create(implode(', ', $tags))]); // Tag style options. if (count($tag_style_examples) > 1) { $output .= ' ' . $this->t('The supported tag styles are: @tag_styles.', ['@tag_styles' => Markup::create(implode(', ', $tag_style_examples))]); } if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_PHPBLOCK, $tag_styles)) { $output .= ' ' . $this->t('PHP source code can also be enclosed in <?php ... ?> or <% ... %>.'); } } return $output; } /** * Create the settings form for the filter. * * @param array $form * A minimally prepopulated form array. * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state * The state of the (entire) configuration form. * * @return array * The $form array with additional form elements for the settings of * this filter. The submitted form values should match $this->settings. * * @todo Add validation of submited form values, it already exists for * drupal 7, must update it only. */ public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { if ($this->configEditable->get('use_format_specific_options')) { // Tags and attributes. $form['general_tags'] = $this->generalHighlightTagsSettings(); // Per language tags. $form['per_language_settings'] = [ '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => $this->t('Per language tags'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, 'table' => $this->perLanguageSettings('enabled', FALSE, TRUE), ]; // Validate the tags // $form['#validate'][] = '::validateForm';. } else { $form['info'] = [ '#markup' => '<p>' . $this->t('GeSHi filter is configured to use global tag settings. For separate settings per text format, enable this option in the <a href=":geshi_admin_url">general GeSHi filter settings</a>.', [ ':geshi_admin_url' => Url::fromRoute('geshifilter.settings')->toString(), ] ) . '</p>', ]; } return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ /*public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Language tags should differ from each other. $languages = GeshiFilter::getAvailableLanguages(); $values = $form_state->getValue('language'); foreach ($languages as $language1 => $language_data1) { if ($values[$language1]['enabled'] == FALSE) { continue; } $tags1 = GeshiFilter::tagSplit($values[$language1]['tags']); // Check that other languages do not use these tags. foreach ($languages as $language2 => $language_data2) { // Check these tags against the tags of other enabled languages. if ($language1 == $language2) { continue; } // Get tags for $language2. $tags2 = GeshiFilter::tagSplit($values[$language2]['tags']); // Get generic tags. $generics = GeshiFilter::tagSplit($this->config->get('tags')); $tags2 = array_merge($tags2, $generics); // And now we can check tags1 against tags2. foreach ($tags1 as $tag1) { foreach ($tags2 as $tag2) { if ($tag1 == $tag2) { $name = "language[{$language2}][tags]"; $form_state->setErrorByName($name, t('The language tags should differ between languages and from the generic tags.')); } } } } } }*/ /** * Get the tags for this filter. * * @return string * A string with the tags for this filter. */ protected function tags() { if (!$this->config->get('use_format_specific_options')) { // We do not want per filter tags, so get the global tags. return $this->config->get('tags'); } else { if (isset($this->settings['general_tags']['tags'])) { // Tags are set for this format. return $this->settings['general_tags']['tags']; } else { // Tags are not set for this format, so use the global ones. return $this->config->get('tags'); } } } /** * Helper function for gettings the tags. * * Old: _geshifilter_get_tags. * * @todo: recreate a cache for this function. */ protected function getTags() { $generic_code_tags = GeshiFilter::tagSplit($this->tags()); $language_tags = []; $tag_to_lang = []; $enabled_languages = GeshiFilter::getEnabledLanguages(); foreach ($enabled_languages as $language => $fullname) { $lang_tags = GeshiFilter::tagSplit($this->languageTags($language)); foreach ($lang_tags as $lang_tag) { $language_tags[] = $lang_tag; $tag_to_lang[$lang_tag] = $language; } } return [ $generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang, ]; } /** * Helper function for some settings form fields. */ protected function generalHighlightTagsSettings() { $form = []; // Generic tags. $form["tags"] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Generic syntax highlighting tags'), '#default_value' => $this->tags(), '#description' => $this->t('Tags that should activate the GeSHi syntax highlighting. Specify a space-separated list of tagnames.'), ]; // Container tag styles. $form["tag_styles"] = [ '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#title' => $this->t('Container tag style'), '#options' => [ GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_ANGLE => '<code>' . htmlentities('<foo> ... </foo>') . '</code>', GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_SQUARE => '<code>' . htmlentities('[foo] ... [/foo]') . '</code>', GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_DOUBLESQUARE => '<code>' . htmlentities('[[foo]] ... [[/foo]]') . '</code>', GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_PHPBLOCK => $this->t('PHP style source code blocks: <code>@php</code> and <code>@percent</code>', [ '@php' => '<?php ... ?>', '@percent' => '<% ... %>', ]), GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_MARKDOWNBLOCK => '<code>' . htmlentities('```foo ... ```') . '</code>', ], '#default_value' => $this->tagStyles(), '#description' => $this->t('Select the container tag styles that should trigger GeSHi syntax highlighting.'), ]; // Decode entities. $form["decode_entities"] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Decode entities'), '#default_value' => $this->settings['general_tags']['decode_entities'], '#description' => $this->t('Decode entities, for example, if the code has been typed in a WYSIWYG editor.'), ]; return $form; } /** * Function for generating a form table for per language settings. * * @param string $view * Which languages to show: * - enabled Show only enabled languages. * - disabled Show only disabled languages. * - all Show all languages. * @param bool $add_checkbox * When add(TRUE) or not a checkbox to enable languages. * @param bool $add_tag_option * When add(TRUE) or not a textbox to set the tags for a language. * * @return array * An array with form elements for languages. */ protected function perLanguageSettings($view, $add_checkbox, $add_tag_option) { $form = []; $header = [ $this->t('Language'), $this->t('GeSHi language code'), ]; if ($add_tag_option) { $header[] = $this->t('Tag/language attribute value'); } $form['language'] = [ '#type' => 'table', '#header' => $header, '#empty' => $this->t('Nome language is available.'), ]; // Table body. $languages = GeshiFilter::getAvailableLanguages(); foreach ($languages as $language => $language_data) { $enabled = $this->config->get("language.{$language}.enabled", FALSE); // Skip items to hide. if (($view == 'enabled' && !$enabled) || ($view == 'disabled' && $enabled)) { continue; } // Build language row. $form['language'][$language] = []; // Add enable/disable checkbox. if ($add_checkbox) { $form['language'][$language]['enabled'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => $enabled, '#title' => $language_data['fullname'], ]; } else { $form['language'][$language]['fullname'] = [ '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $language_data['fullname'], ]; } // Language code. $form['language'][$language]['name'] = [ '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $language, ]; // Add a textfield for tags. if ($add_tag_option) { $form['language'][$language]['tags'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => $this->settings['per_language_settings']['table']['language'][$language]['tags'], '#size' => 20, ]; } } return $form; } /** * Get the tags for a language. * * @param string $language * The language to get the tags(ex: php, html, ...). * * @return string * The tags for the language(ex: [php],[php5],...). */ private function languageTags($language) { if (!$this->config->get('use_format_specific_options')) { return $this->config->get("language.{$language}.tags"); } else { $settings = $this->settings["per_language_settings"]['table']['language']; if (isset($settings[$language]["tags"])) { // Tags are set for this language. return $settings[$language]["tags"]; } else { // Tags are not set for this language, so use the global ones. return $this->config->get("language.{$language}.tags"); } } } /** * Get the tag style. * * @return array * Where to use [], <>, or both for tags. */ protected function tagStyles() { if ($this->config->get('use_format_specific_options') == FALSE) { // Get global tag styles. $styles = $this->config->get('tag_styles'); } else { if (isset($this->settings['general_tags']["tag_styles"])) { // Tags are set for this language. $styles = $this->settings['general_tags']["tag_styles"]; } else { // Tags are not set for this language, so use the global ones. $styles = $this->config->get('tag_styles'); } } return $styles; } /** * Callback for preg_replace_callback. * * Old: _geshifilter_replace_callback($match, $format). * * @param array $match * Elements from array: * - 0: complete matched string. * - 1: tag name. * - 2: tag attributes. * - 3: tag content. * * @return string * Return the string processed by geshi library. */ protected function replaceCallback(array $match) { $complete_match = $match[0]; $tag_name = $match[1]; $tag_attributes = $match[2]; $source_code = $match[3]; // Undo linebreak and escaping from preparation phase. $source_code = Html::decodeEntities($source_code); // Initialize to default settings. $lang = $this->config->get('default_highlighting'); $line_numbering = $this->config->get('default_line_numbering'); $linenumbers_start = 1; $title = NULL; // Determine language based on tag name if possible. list($generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang) = $this->getTags(); if (in_array(GeshiFilter::BRACKETS_PHPBLOCK, array_filter($this->tagStyles()))) { $language_tags[] = 'questionmarkphp'; $tag_to_lang['questionmarkphp'] = 'php'; } if (isset($tag_to_lang[$tag_name])) { $lang = $tag_to_lang[$tag_name]; } // Get additional settings from the tag attributes. $settings = $this->parseAttributes($tag_attributes); if (isset($settings['language'])) { $lang = $settings['language']; } if (isset($settings['line_numbering'])) { $line_numbering = $settings['line_numbering']; } if (isset($settings['linenumbers_start'])) { $linenumbers_start = $settings['linenumbers_start']; } if (isset($settings['title'])) { $title = $settings['title']; } if (isset($settings['special_lines'])) { $special_lines = $settings['special_lines']; } if ($lang == GeshiFilter::DEFAULT_DONOTHING) { // Do nothing, and return the original. return $complete_match; } if ($lang == GeshiFilter::DEFAULT_PLAINTEXT) { // Use plain text 'highlighting'. $lang = 'text'; } $inline_mode = (strpos($source_code, "\n") === FALSE); // Process and return. return GeshiFilterProcess::processSourceCode($source_code, $lang, $line_numbering, $linenumbers_start, $inline_mode, $title, $special_lines); } /** * Helper function for parsing the attributes of GeSHi code tags. * * Get the settings for language, line numbers, etc. * * @param string $attributes * String with the attributes. * * @return array * An array of settings with fields 'language', 'line_numbering', * 'linenumbers_start' and 'title'. */ public function parseAttributes($attributes) { // Initial values. $lang = NULL; $line_numbering = NULL; $linenumbers_start = NULL; $title = NULL; $special_lines = []; $class_to_lang = NULL; // Get the possible tags and languages. list($generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang) = $this->getTags(); $language_attributes = GeshiFilter::whitespaceExplode(GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTES_LANGUAGE); $attributes_preg_string = implode('|', array_merge( $language_attributes, [ GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_LINE_NUMBERING, GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_LINE_NUMBERING_START, GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_FANCY_N, GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_TITLE, GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_LINES, ] )); $enabled_languages = GeshiFilter::getEnabledLanguages(); // Parse $attributes to an array $attribute_matches with: // $attribute_matches[0][xx] fully matched string, e.g. 'language="python"' // $attribute_matches[1][xx] param name, e.g. 'language' // $attribute_matches[2][xx] param value, e.g. 'python'. preg_match_all('#(' . $attributes_preg_string . ')="?([^"]*)"?#', $attributes, $attribute_matches); foreach ($attribute_matches[1] as $a_key => $att_name) { // Get attribute value. $att_value = $attribute_matches[2][$a_key]; // Check for the language attributes. $class_to_lang = str_replace('language-', '', $att_value); if (in_array($att_name, $language_attributes)) { // Try first to map the attribute value to geshi language code. if (in_array($att_value, $language_tags)) { $att_value = $tag_to_lang[$att_value]; } // Set language if extracted language is an enabled language. if (array_key_exists($att_value, $enabled_languages)) { $lang = $att_value; } /* class_to_lang hotfix: language never filled cause ckeditor plugin uses classes instead of tags. */ elseif ($att_name == 'class' && array_key_exists($class_to_lang, $enabled_languages)) { $lang = $class_to_lang; } } // Check for line numbering related attributes. // $line_numbering defines the line numbering mode: // 0: no line numbering. // 1: normal line numbering. // n>= 2: fancy line numbering every nth line. elseif ($att_name == GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_LINE_NUMBERING) { switch (strtolower($att_value)) { case "off": $line_numbering = 0; break; case "normal": $line_numbering = 1; break; case "fancy": $line_numbering = 5; break; } } elseif ($att_name == GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_FANCY_N) { $att_value = (int) ($att_value); if ($att_value >= 2) { $line_numbering = $att_value; } } elseif ($att_name == GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_LINE_NUMBERING_START) { if ($line_numbering < 1) { $line_numbering = 1; } $linenumbers_start = (int) ($att_value); } elseif ($att_name == GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_TITLE) { $title = $att_value; } elseif ($att_name == GeshiFilter::ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_LINES) { $special_lines = explode(',', $att_value); } } // Return parsed results. return [ 'language' => $lang, 'line_numbering' => $line_numbering, 'linenumbers_start' => $linenumbers_start, 'title' => $title, 'special_lines' => $special_lines, ]; } /** * Callback_geshifilter_prepare for preparing input text. * * Replaces the code tags brackets with geshifilter specific ones to prevent * possible messing up by other filters, e.g. * '[python]foo[/python]' to '[geshifilter-python]foo[/geshifilter-python]'. * Replaces newlines with " " to prevent issues with the line break filter * Escapes the tricky characters like angle brackets with * SafeMarkup::checkPlain() to prevent messing up by other filters like the * HTML filter. * * @param array $match * An array with the pieces from matched string. * - 0: complete matched string. * - 1: opening bracket ('<' or '['). * - 2: tag. * - 3: and. * - 4: attributes. * - 5: closing bracket. * - 6: source code. * - 7: closing tag. * * @return string * Return escaped code block. */ public function prepareCallback(array $match) { $tag_name = $match[2]; $tag_attributes = $match[3]; $content = $match[6]; // Get the default highlighting mode. $lang = $this->config->get('default_highlighting'); if ($lang == GeshiFilter::DEFAULT_DONOTHING) { // If the default highlighting mode is GeshiFilter::DEFAULT_DONOTHING // and there is no language set (with language tag or language attribute), // we should not do any escaping in this prepare phase, // so that other filters can do their thing. $enabled_languages = GeshiFilter::getEnabledLanguages(); // Usage of language tag? list($generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang) = $this->getTags(); if (isset($tag_to_lang[$tag_name]) && isset($enabled_languages[$tag_to_lang[$tag_name]])) { $lang = $tag_to_lang[$tag_name]; } // Usage of language attribute? else { // Get additional settings from the tag attributes. $settings = $this->parseAttributes($tag_attributes); if ($settings['language'] && isset($enabled_languages[$settings['language']])) { $lang = $settings['language']; } } // If no language was set: prevent escaping and return original string. if ($lang == GeshiFilter::DEFAULT_DONOTHING) { return $match[0]; } } if ($this->decodeEntities()) { $content = $this->unencode($content); } // Return escaped code block. return '[geshifilter-' . $tag_name . $tag_attributes . ']' . str_replace(["\r", "\n"], ['', ' '], Html::escape($content)) . '[/geshifilter-' . $tag_name . ']'; } /** * Callback for _geshifilter_prepare for < ?php ... ? > blocks. * * @param array $match * An array with the pieces from matched string. */ public function preparePhpCallback(array $match) { if ($this->decodeEntities()) { $match[2] = $this->unencode($match[2]); } return '[geshifilter-questionmarkphp]' . str_replace(["\r", "\n"], ['', ' '], Html::escape($match[2])) . '[/geshifilter-questionmarkphp]'; } /** * Callback for preparing input text from markdown(```) tags. * * Replaces the code tags brackets with geshifilter specific ones to prevent * possible messing up by other filters, e.g. * '[python]foo[/python]' to '[geshifilter-python]foo[/geshifilter-python]'. * Replaces newlines with " " to prevent issues with the line break filter * Escapes the tricky characters like angle brackets with * SafeMarkup::checkPlain() to prevent messing up by other filters like the * HTML filter. * * @param array $match * An array with the pieces from matched string. * * @return string * Return escaped code block. */ public function prepareMarkdownCallback(array $match) { $tag_name = $match[2]; $tag_attributes = ''; $content = $match[3]; // Get the default highlighting mode. $lang = $this->config->get('default_highlighting'); if ($lang == GeshiFilter::DEFAULT_DONOTHING) { // If the default highlighting mode is GeshiFilter::DEFAULT_DONOTHING // and there is no language set (with language tag or language attribute), // we should not do any escaping in this prepare phase, // so that other filters can do their thing. $enabled_languages = GeshiFilter::getEnabledLanguages(); // Usage of language tag? list($generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang) = $this->getTags(); if (isset($tag_to_lang[$tag_name]) && isset($enabled_languages[$tag_to_lang[$tag_name]])) { $lang = $tag_to_lang[$tag_name]; } // If no language was set: prevent escaping and return original string. if ($lang == GeshiFilter::DEFAULT_DONOTHING) { return $match[0]; } } if ($this->decodeEntities()) { $content = $this->unencode($content); } // Return escaped code block. return '[geshifilter-' . $tag_name . $tag_attributes . ']' . str_replace(["\r", "\n"], ['', ' '], Html::escape($content)) . '[/geshifilter-' . $tag_name . ']'; } /** * Return the string with some html entities unencoded. * * Text editors like ckeditor encodes some strings, like " to &"e;, * we must undo this on code passed to geshifilter. * * @param string $text * The original text. * * @return string * The text unencoded. */ public function unencode($text) { $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES); return $text; } /** * Return when we need to decode html entities for this filter. * * @return bool * Return TRUE if we need to decode the entities. */ protected function decodeEntities() { if (!$this->config->get('use_format_specific_options')) { // Return global value. return $this->config->get('decode_entities'); } // Return value for this filter. return $this->settings['general_tags']['decode_entities']; } }