<?php namespace Drupal\eca_base\Plugin\ECA\Event; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\eca\EcaEvents; use Drupal\eca\Entity\Eca; use Drupal\eca\Entity\Objects\EcaEvent; use Drupal\eca\Event\Tag; use Drupal\eca\Event\TokenGenerateEvent; use Drupal\eca\Plugin\CleanupInterface; use Drupal\eca\Plugin\ECA\Event\EventBase; use Drupal\eca\Plugin\PluginUsageInterface; use Drupal\eca_base\BaseEvents; use Drupal\eca_base\Event\CronEvent; use Drupal\eca_base\Event\CustomEvent; use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event; /** * Plugin implementation of the ECA base Events. * * @EcaEvent( * id = "eca_base", * deriver = "Drupal\eca_base\Plugin\ECA\Event\BaseEventDeriver", * eca_version_introduced = "1.0.0" * ) */ class BaseEvent extends EventBase implements PluginUsageInterface, CleanupInterface { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function definitions(): array { $actions = []; $actions['eca_cron'] = [ 'label' => 'ECA cron event', 'event_name' => BaseEvents::CRON, 'event_class' => CronEvent::class, 'tags' => Tag::RUNTIME | Tag::PERSISTENT | Tag::EPHEMERAL, ]; $actions['eca_custom'] = [ 'label' => 'ECA custom event', 'event_name' => BaseEvents::CUSTOM, 'event_class' => CustomEvent::class, 'tags' => Tag::RUNTIME, ]; $actions['eca_token_generate'] = [ 'label' => 'ECA token generate event', 'event_name' => EcaEvents::TOKEN, 'event_class' => TokenGenerateEvent::class, 'tags' => Tag::RUNTIME, 'eca_version_introduced' => '2.0.0', ]; return $actions; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function defaultConfiguration(): array { if ($this->eventClass() === CronEvent::class) { $values = [ 'frequency' => '* * * * *', ]; } elseif ($this->eventClass() === CustomEvent::class) { $values = [ 'event_id' => '', ]; } elseif ($this->eventClass() === TokenGenerateEvent::class) { $values = [ 'token_name' => '', ]; } else { $values = []; } return $values + parent::defaultConfiguration(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildConfigurationForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state): array { if ($this->eventClass() === CronEvent::class) { $form['frequency'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Frequency'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['frequency'], '#description' => $this->t('The frequency of a cron job is defined by a cron specific notation which is best explained at Note: date and time need to be provided in UTC timezone.'), ]; } elseif ($this->eventClass() === CustomEvent::class) { $form['event_id'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Event ID'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['event_id'], '#description' => $this->t('The custom event ID. Leave empty to trigger all custom events.'), ]; } elseif ($this->eventClass() === TokenGenerateEvent::class) { $form['token_name'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Name of token'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['token_name'], '#description' => $this->t('Example: <em>mygroup:value</em>. Wildcards are supported, e.g. to react upon all "mygroup" tokens: <em>mygroup:*</em>'), '#required' => TRUE, '#eca_token_reference' => TRUE, ]; } return parent::buildConfigurationForm($form, $form_state); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function submitConfigurationForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state): void { parent::submitConfigurationForm($form, $form_state); if ($this->eventClass() === CronEvent::class) { $this->configuration['frequency'] = $form_state->getValue('frequency'); } elseif ($this->eventClass() === CustomEvent::class) { $this->configuration['event_id'] = $form_state->getValue('event_id'); } elseif ($this->eventClass() === TokenGenerateEvent::class) { $this->configuration['token_name'] = $form_state->getValue('token_name'); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function generateWildcard(string $eca_config_id, EcaEvent $ecaEvent): string { switch ($this->getDerivativeId()) { case 'eca_custom': $configuration = $ecaEvent->getConfiguration(); return isset($configuration['event_id']) ? trim($configuration['event_id']) : ''; case 'eca_cron': return $ecaEvent->getId() . '::' . $ecaEvent->getConfiguration()['frequency']; case 'eca_token_generate': return $ecaEvent->getConfiguration()['token_name']; default: return parent::generateWildcard($eca_config_id, $ecaEvent); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * Verifies if this event is due for the next execution. * * This event stores the last execution time for each modeller event * identified by $id and determines with the given frequency, if and when * this same event triggered cron should be executed. */ public static function appliesForWildcard(Event $event, string $event_name, string $wildcard): bool { if ($event instanceof CronEvent) { [$id, $frequency] = explode('::', $wildcard, 2); if ($event->isDue($id, $frequency)) { $event->storeTimestamp($id); return TRUE; } } elseif ($event instanceof CustomEvent) { return ($event->getEventId() === $wildcard) || ($wildcard === ''); } elseif ($event instanceof TokenGenerateEvent) { $wildcard_parts = explode(':', $wildcard); $token_parts = array_merge([$event->getType()], explode(':', $event->getName())); foreach ($token_parts as $i => $part) { if (!isset($wildcard_parts[$i])) { return FALSE; } if ('*' === $wildcard_parts[$i]) { return TRUE; } if ($part !== $wildcard_parts[$i]) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function pluginUsed(Eca $eca, string $id): void { if ($this->eventClass() === CronEvent::class) { // Verify that this cron event has been executed in the past. If not, we // store the current timestamp as if the cron event was executed just now. // This makes sure that when the cron event really will be executed in // the future, the correct next due date can be calculated. $lastRun = $this->state->getTimestamp('cron-' . $id); if (!$lastRun) { $this->state->setTimestamp('cron-' . $id, $this->state->getCurrentTimestamp() - 60); } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getData(string $key): mixed { if ($this->event instanceof TokenGenerateEvent) { return $this->event->getData()[$key] ?? parent::getData($key); } return parent::getData($key); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function cleanupAfterSuccessors(): void { if ($this->event instanceof TokenGenerateEvent) { $this->event->setData($this->tokenService->getTokenData()); } } }