

 * @file
 * Install file for the ECA Form submodule.

use Drupal\eca_modeller_bpmn\ModellerBpmnBase;

 * Implements hook_install().
function eca_form_install(): void {
  module_set_weight('eca_form', 1);

 * Update token "current-form" to "current_form".
function eca_form_update_8001(): void {
  $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('eca');
   * @var \Drupal\eca\Entity\Eca $eca
  foreach ($storage->loadMultiple() as $eca) {
    $model = $eca->getModel();
    if ($eca->getModeller() instanceof ModellerBpmnBase) {
      $xml = $model->getModeldata();
      $xml = str_replace('[current-form', '[current_form', $xml);
    else {
      foreach (['event', 'condition', 'action'] as $type) {
        $items = $eca->get($type . 's') ?? [];
        foreach ($items as &$item) {
          foreach ($item['configuration'] as $key => $value) {
            $item[$key] = str_replace('[current-form', '[current_form', $value);
        $eca->set($type . 's', $items);

 * Increases the module weight.
 * This action is necessary to improve compatibility with other projects.
 * Please synchronize your configuration after applying this update.
function eca_form_update_8002(): void {
  module_set_weight('eca_form', 1);

 * Create default value for "group" configuration in form fieldsets.
function eca_form_update_8003(): void {
  $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('eca');
  /** @var \Drupal\eca\Entity\Eca $eca */
  foreach ($storage->loadMultiple() as $eca) {
    $save_eca = FALSE;
    $items = $eca->get('actions') ?? [];
    foreach ($items as &$item) {
      if ($item['plugin'] !== 'eca_form_add_group_element') {
      if (!isset($item['configuration']['group'])) {
        $item['configuration']['group'] = '';
        $save_eca = TRUE;
    if ($save_eca) {
      $eca->set('actions', $items);

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