<?php namespace Drupal\context; use Drupal\context\Entity\Context; use Drupal\context\Plugin\ContextReaction\Blocks; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormBuilderInterface; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface; use Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContextAwarePluginInterface; use Drupal\Core\Condition\ConditionPluginCollection; use Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\ContextException; use Drupal\Core\Condition\ConditionAccessResolverTrait; use Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextHandlerInterface; use Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextRepositoryInterface; use Drupal\Core\Routing\CurrentRouteMatch; use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait; use Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManagerInterface; /** * This is the manager service for the context module. * * It should not be confused with the built in contexts in Drupal. */ class ContextManager { use ConditionAccessResolverTrait; use StringTranslationTrait; /** * The entity type manager. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface */ protected $entityTypeManager; /** * The context repository service. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextRepositoryInterface */ protected $contextRepository; /** * Wraps the context handler. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextHandlerInterface */ protected $contextHandler; /** * The context conditions evaluate. * * If the context conditions has been evaluated then this is set to TRUE * otherwise FALSE. * * @var bool */ protected $contextConditionsEvaluated = FALSE; /** * An array of all contexts. * * @var \Drupal\Context\ContextInterface[] */ protected $contexts = []; /** * An array of contexts that have been evaluated and are active. * * @var array */ protected $activeContexts = []; /** * The entity form builder. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormBuilderInterface */ private $entityFormBuilder; /** * The theme manager. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManagerInterface */ protected $themeManager; /** The route match service. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface */ protected $currentRouteMatch; /** * Construct. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entityTypeManager * The Drupal entity manager service. * @param \Drupal\context\Entity\ContextRepositoryInterface $contextRepository * The drupal context repository service. * @param \Drupal\context\Entity\ContextHandlerInterface $contextHandler * The Drupal context handler service. * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormBuilderInterface $entityFormBuilder * The Drupal EntityFormBuilder service. * @param \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManagerInterface $themeManager * The Drupal theme manager service. */ public function __construct( EntityTypeManagerInterface $entityTypeManager, ContextRepositoryInterface $contextRepository, ContextHandlerInterface $contextHandler, EntityFormBuilderInterface $entityFormBuilder, ThemeManagerInterface $themeManager, CurrentRouteMatch $currentRouteMatch ) { $this->entityTypeManager = $entityTypeManager; $this->contextRepository = $contextRepository; $this->contextHandler = $contextHandler; $this->entityFormBuilder = $entityFormBuilder; $this->themeManager = $themeManager; $this->currentRouteMatch = $currentRouteMatch; } /** * Get all contexts. * * @return \Drupal\context\ContextInterface[] * List of contexts, keyed by id. */ public function getContexts() { if (!empty($this->contexts)) { return $this->contexts; } $this->contexts = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('context')->loadByProperties(); // Sort the contexts by their weight. uasort($this->contexts, [$this, 'sortContextsByWeight']); return $this->contexts; } /** * Get a single context by id. * * @param string $id * The context id. * * @return array|\Drupal\context\ContextInterface * The context object if found, NULL otherwise. */ public function getContext($id) { $contexts = $this->getContexts(); $currentContext = $this->currentRouteMatch->getParameter('context') ? $this->currentRouteMatch->getParameter('context')->id() : ''; $ids = []; if ($id) { if (strpos($id, '*') !== FALSE) { $id = preg_quote($id); $id = str_replace('\*', '.*', $id); foreach ($contexts as $context) { if (preg_match('/^' . $id . '$/i', $context->getName())) { if ($currentContext !== $context->getName()) { $ids[$context->getName()] = $context; } } } return $ids; } else { if (array_key_exists($id, $contexts)) { return $contexts[$id]; } } } } /** * Get all contexts sorted by their group. * * It also sort the contexts by their weight inside of each group. * * @return array * An array with all contexts by group. */ public function getContextsByGroup() { $contexts = $this->getContexts(); $groups = []; // Add each context to their respective groups. foreach ($contexts as $context_id => $context) { $group = $context->getGroup(); if ($group === Context::CONTEXT_GROUP_NONE) { $group = 'not_grouped'; } $groups[$group][$context_id] = $context; } return $groups; } /** * Check to validate that the context name does not already exist. * * @param string $name * The machine name of the context to validate. * * @return bool * TRUE on context name already exist, FALSE on context name not exist. */ public function contextExists($name) { $entity = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('context')->loadByProperties(['name' => $name]); return (bool) $entity; } /** * Check to see if context conditions has been evaluated. * * @return bool * TRUE if context was already evaluated, FALSE if context was not. */ public function conditionsHasBeenEvaluated() { return $this->contextConditionsEvaluated; } /** * Get the evaluated and active contexts. * * @return \Drupal\context\ContextInterface[] * An array with the evaluated and active contexts. */ public function getActiveContexts() { if ($this->conditionsHasBeenEvaluated()) { return $this->activeContexts; } $this->evaluateContexts(); return $this->activeContexts; } /** * Evaluate all context conditions. */ public function evaluateContexts() { /** @var \Drupal\context\ContextInterface $context */ foreach ($this->getContexts() as $context) { if ($this->evaluateContextConditions($context) && !$context->disabled()) { $this->activeContexts[] = $context; } } $this->contextConditionsEvaluated = TRUE; } /** * Get all active reactions or reactions of a certain type. * * @param string $reactionType * Either the reaction class name or the id of the reaction type to get. * * @return \Drupal\context\Entity\ContextReactionInterface[] * An array with all active reactions or reactions of a certain type. */ public function getActiveReactions($reactionType = NULL) { $reactions = []; foreach ($this->getActiveContexts() as $context) { // If no reaction type has been specified then add all reactions and // continue to the next context. if (is_null($reactionType)) { foreach ($context->getReactions() as $reaction) { // Only return block reaction if there is a block applied to // the current theme. if ($reaction instanceof Blocks) { $blocks = $reaction->getBlocks(); $current_theme = $this->getCurrentTheme(); foreach ($blocks as $block) { if (isset($block->getConfiguration()['theme']) && $block->getConfiguration()['theme'] == $current_theme) { $reactions[] = $reaction; break; } } if (empty($blocks->getConfiguration())) { $reactions[] = $reaction; } } else { $reactions[] = $reaction; } } continue; } $contextReactions = $context->getReactions(); // Filter the reactions based on the reaction type. foreach ($contextReactions as $reaction) { if (class_exists($reactionType) && $reaction instanceof $reactionType) { $reactions[] = $reaction; continue; } if ($reaction->getPluginId() === $reactionType) { $reactions[] = $reaction; continue; } } } return $reactions; } /** * Evaluate a contexts conditions. * * @param \Drupal\context\Entity\ContextInterface $context * The context to evaluate conditions for. * * @return bool * Whether these conditions grant or deny access. */ public function evaluateContextConditions(ContextInterface $context) { $conditions = $context->getConditions(); // Apply context to any context aware conditions. // Abort if the application of contexts has been unsuccessful // similarly to BlockAccessControlHandler::checkAccess(). if (!$this->applyContexts($conditions)) { return FALSE; } // Set the logic to use when validating the conditions. $logic = $context->requiresAllConditions() ? 'and' : 'or'; // Of there are no conditions then the context will be // applied as a site wide context. if (!count($conditions)) { $logic = 'and'; } return $this->resolveConditions($conditions, $logic); } /** * Apply context to all the context aware conditions in the collection. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Condition\ConditionPluginCollection $conditions * A collection of conditions to apply context to. * * @return bool * TRUE if context was applied and FALSE if context * is provided but has no value. */ protected function applyContexts(ConditionPluginCollection &$conditions) { // If no contexts to check, the return should be TRUE. // For example, empty is the same as sitewide condition. if (count($conditions) === 0) { return TRUE; } $passed = FALSE; foreach ($conditions as $condition) { if ($condition instanceof ContextAwarePluginInterface) { try { $contexts = $this->contextRepository->getRuntimeContexts(array_values($condition->getContextMapping())); $this->contextHandler->applyContextMapping($condition, $contexts); $passed = TRUE; } catch (ContextException $e) { continue; } } } return $passed; } /** * Get a rendered form for the context. * * @param \Drupal\context\ContextInterface $context * The entity to be created or edited. * @param string $formType * The operation identifying the form variation to be returned. * @param array $form_state_additions * An associative array used to build the current state of the form. * * @return array * The processed form for the given entity and operation. */ public function getForm(ContextInterface $context, $formType = 'edit', array $form_state_additions = []) { return $this->entityFormBuilder->getForm($context, $formType, $form_state_additions); } /** * Sorts an array of context entities by their weight. * * Callback for uasort(). * * @param \Drupal\context\Entity\ContextInterface $a * First item for comparison. * @param \Drupal\context\Entity\ContextInterface $b * Second item for comparison. * * @return int * The comparison result for uasort(). */ public function sortContextsByWeight(ContextInterface $a, ContextInterface $b) { if ($a->getWeight() == $b->getWeight()) { return 0; } return ($a->getWeight() < $b->getWeight()) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Get current active theme. * * @return string * Current active theme name. */ private function getCurrentTheme() { return $this->themeManager->getActiveTheme()->getName(); } }