<?php namespace Drupal\content_sync\Normalizer; use Drupal\content_sync\ContentSyncManager; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRepositoryInterface; use Drupal\Core\Entity\RevisionableInterface; use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface; use Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\EntityReferenceItem; use Drupal\serialization\Normalizer\FieldItemNormalizer; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\UnexpectedValueException; /** * Adds the file URI to embedded file entities. */ class EntityReferenceFieldItemNormalizer extends FieldItemNormalizer { /** * The interface or class that this Normalizer supports. * * @var string */ protected $supportedInterfaceOrClass = EntityReferenceItem::class; /** * The entity repository. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRepositoryInterface */ protected $entityRepository; /** * Constructs a EntityReferenceFieldItemNormalizer object. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRepositoryInterface $entity_repository * The entity repository. */ public function __construct(EntityRepositoryInterface $entity_repository) { $this->entityRepository = $entity_repository; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function normalize($field_item, $format = NULL, array $context = []): array|string|int|float|bool|\ArrayObject|NULL { $values = parent::normalize($field_item, $format, $context); /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */ if ($entity = $field_item->get('entity')->getValue()) { // We are only interested in content entities. $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($entity); if ($reflection->implementsInterface(ContentEntityInterface::class)) { $target_type = $entity->getEntityTypeId(); $target_uuid = $entity->uuid(); $ids = [ $target_type, $entity->bundle(), $target_uuid, ]; $dependency = implode(ContentSyncManager::DELIMITER, $ids); // Add the target entity UUID and type to the normalized output values. $values['target_type'] = $target_type; $values['target_uuid'] = $target_uuid; // Include a dependency $values['dependencies'][$target_type][] = $dependency; // Remove target revision id as we are not syncing revisions. if (isset($values['target_revision_id'])){ unset($values['target_revision_id']); } // TODO: Verify if the canonical url is necessary. // Because anyway the url is deleted. /*// Add a 'url' value if there is a reference and a canonical URL. Hard // code 'canonical' here as config entities override the default $rel // parameter value to 'edit-form. if ($entity->hasLinkTemplate('canonical')) { $url = $entity->toUrl('canonical')->toString(); $values['url'] = $url; }*/ $key = $field_item->mainPropertyName(); if (!empty($values[$key])) { unset($values[$key]); } if (!empty($values['url'])) { unset($values['url']); } } } return $values; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function constructValue($data, $context) { if (isset($data['target_uuid'])) { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\EntityReferenceItem $field_item */ $field_item = $context['target_instance']; if (empty($data['target_uuid'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('If provided "target_uuid" cannot be empty for field "%s".', $field_item->getName())); } $target_type = $field_item->getFieldDefinition()->getSetting('target_type'); if (!empty($data['target_type']) && $target_type !== $data['target_type']) { throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('The field "%s" property "target_type" must be set to "%s" or omitted.', $field_item->getFieldDefinition()->getName(), $target_type)); } if ($entity = $this->entityRepository->loadEntityByUuid($target_type, $data['target_uuid'])) { $key = $field_item->mainPropertyName(); if (is_a($entity, RevisionableInterface::class, TRUE)) { return [$key => $entity->id(), 'target_revision_id' => $entity->getRevisionId()]; } return [$key => $entity->id()]; } else { // Unable to load entity by uuid. // TODO: change Error to Log/Warning - to avoid stoping the import of the rest of the entities. ---> Same for throws above. //throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('No "%s" entity found with UUID "%s" for field "%s".', $data['target_type'], $data['target_uuid'], $field_item->getName())); return[]; } } return parent::constructValue($data, $context); } }