<?php namespace Drupal\content_sync\Form; use Drupal\content_sync\Importer\ContentImporterInterface; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormBase; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\Core\Serialization\Yaml; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; /** * Provides a form for importing a single content file. */ class ContentSingleImportForm extends FormBase { /** * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface */ protected $entityTypeManager; /** * @var \Drupal\content_sync\Importer\ContentImporterInterface */ protected $contentImporter; /** * ContentImportForm constructor. */ public function __construct(EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager, ContentImporterInterface $content_importer) { $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager; $this->contentImporter = $content_importer; } public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) { return new static( $container->get('entity_type.manager'), $container->get('content_sync.importer') ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getFormId() { return 'content_single_import_form'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $form['import'] = [ '#title' => $this->t('Paste your content here'), '#type' => 'textarea', '#rows' => 24, '#required' => TRUE, ]; $form['actions'] = ['#type' => 'actions']; $form['actions']['submit'] = [ '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $this->t('Import'), '#button_type' => 'primary', ]; return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { try { // Decode the submitted import. $data = Yaml::decode($form_state->getValue('import')); // Store the decoded version of the submitted import. $form_state->setValueForElement($form['import'], $data); if (empty($data['_content_sync']['entity_type'])) { throw new \Exception($this->t('Entity type could not be determined.')); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $form_state->setErrorByName('import', $this->t('The import failed with the following message: %message', ['%message' => $e->getMessage()])); $this->logger('content_sync') ->error('The import failed with the following message: %message', [ '%message' => $e->getMessage(), 'link' => 'Import Single', ]); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $data = $form_state->getValue('import'); $entity = $this->contentImporter->importEntity($data); if ($entity) { $this->messenger()->addStatus($this->t('Entity @label (@entity_type: @id) imported successfully.', [ '@label' => $entity->label(), '@entity_type' => $entity->getEntityTypeId(), '@id' => $entity->id(), ])); } else { $this->messenger()->addError($this->t('Entity could not be imported.')); } } }