<?php namespace Drupal\commerce_shipping\EventSubscriber; use Drupal\commerce_shipping\ShippingOrderManagerInterface; use Drupal\commerce_tax\Event\CustomerProfileEvent; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface; class TaxSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface { /** * The shipping order manager. * * @var \Drupal\commerce_shipping\ShippingOrderManagerInterface */ protected $shippingOrderManager; /** * Constructs a new TaxSubscriber object. * * @param \Drupal\commerce_shipping\ShippingOrderManagerInterface $shipping_order_manager * The shipping order manager. */ public function __construct(ShippingOrderManagerInterface $shipping_order_manager) { $this->shippingOrderManager = $shipping_order_manager; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array { return [ 'commerce_tax.customer_profile' => ['onCustomerProfile'], ]; } /** * Overrides the address used for calculating tax. * * By default, TaxTypeBase::buildCustomerProfile() will select the * shipping address when available (thanks to shipping's ProfileSubscriber). * * This subscriber extends the default logic to support orders with multiple * shipping addresses (multiple shipments with distinct shipping profiles). * * @param \Drupal\commerce_tax\Event\CustomerProfileEvent $event * The transition event. */ public function onCustomerProfile(CustomerProfileEvent $event) { $order_item = $event->getOrderItem(); $order = $order_item->getOrder(); if (!$this->shippingOrderManager->hasShipments($order)) { return; } /** @var \Drupal\commerce_shipping\Entity\ShipmentInterface[] $shipments */ $shipments = $order->get('shipments')->referencedEntities(); $shipping_profiles = []; foreach ($shipments as $shipment) { $shipping_profile = $shipment->getShippingProfile(); if ($shipping_profile) { $shipping_profiles[$shipping_profile->id()] = $shipping_profile; } } if (count($shipping_profiles) < 2) { // Multiple profiles were not found, fall back to the default logic. return; } $customer_profile = $event->getCustomerProfile(); foreach ($shipments as $shipment) { foreach ($shipment->getItems() as $shipment_item) { // Take the address from the shipment which contains the given item. if ($shipment_item->getOrderItemId() == $order_item->id()) { $address_field = $shipment->getShippingProfile()->get('address'); $customer_profile->set('address', $address_field->getValue()); return; } } } } }