<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\acquia_vwo\Functional; use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term; // cspell:ignore Teste Pessoa Sessao Novo /** * Acquia VWO content trait. */ trait AcquiaVwoContentTrait { /** * Helper to create content. */ private function createNodes() { $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node'); // Create terms. $terms = $this->createTerms(); // Create node. $node = $storage->create( [ 'type' => 'vwo_article', 'title' => 'Test article', 'field_vwo_section' => [ ['target_id' => $terms['section']->id()], ], 'field_vwo_persona' => [ ['target_id' => $terms['persona']->id()], ], 'field_vwo_keywords' => [ ['target_id' => $terms['keywords'][0]->id()], ['target_id' => $terms['keywords'][1]->id()], ], 'path' => '/vwo_test', 'status' => TRUE, ] ); $node->save(); // Add translation. $node->addTranslation('pt-br', [ 'title' => 'Teste', 'path' => '/teste_vwo', 'status' => TRUE, ])->save(); } /** * Helper to create terms. * * @return array * The list of terms created. */ private function createTerms() { $term_section = Term::create([ 'name' => 'Section 1', 'vid' => 'section', ]); $term_section->save(); // Add translation. $term_section->addTranslation('pt-br', [ 'name' => 'Sessao 1', ])->save(); $term_persona = Term::create([ 'name' => 'Persona 1', 'vid' => 'persona', ]); $term_persona->save(); // Add translation. $term_persona->addTranslation('pt-br', [ 'name' => 'Pessoa 1', ])->save(); $term_keyword_1 = Term::create([ 'name' => 'Foo', 'vid' => 'keywords', ]); $term_keyword_1->save(); $term_keyword_2 = Term::create([ 'name' => 'Bar', 'vid' => 'keywords', ]); $term_keyword_2->save(); return [ 'section' => $term_section, 'persona' => $term_persona, 'keywords' => [$term_keyword_1, $term_keyword_2], ]; } /** * Helper to update content. */ public function updateContent() { $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node'); $node = $storage->load(1); $node->title = 'Updated title'; $node->save(); } }