

namespace Drupal\Tests\workflow_participants\Functional;

 * Tests access to the revision and revision history.
 * @group workflow_participants
 * Any tests run from within here are also run by the RevisionAccessDiffTest,
 * which extends this one.
class RevisionAccessTest extends TestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp():void {

   * Verify access to the revisions tab.
  public function testRevisionsTab() {
    // There should be no access initially.

    // Add this user as a reviewer.
    $participants = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('workflow_participants')->loadForModeratedEntity($this->node);
    $participants->reviewers[0] = $this->participants[1];

    // There should still be no access granted to the revision tab as this node
    // has no more than one revision.

    // Create a revision (node still unpublished).
    $this->node->moderation_state = 'draft';

    // The reviewer should now have access.

    // Create a forward revision.
    $this->node->moderation_state = 'published';
    $this->node->moderation_state = 'draft';

    // The reviewer should now have access.

    // Verify the default access still works for users with appropriate
    // permissions.
    $admin = $this->createUser([
      'view all revisions',
      'view any unpublished content',


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