

 * @file
 * Main AWS Polly features .

use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;

 * Intro.
 * We want to polly 2 fields per node: "title" and "longtext".
 * Create those file fields via UI, with file extension: mp3

 * To be confirmed.
 * Paste  this into /admin/structure/types/manage/{C.T.}/fields/add-field.
 * "field_" will be prepended by Drupal itself.
define('AWS_POLLY_TITLE_FIELD_NAME', "aws_polly_audio_title");

 * To be confirmed.
 * Paste  this into /admin/structure/types/manage/{C.T.}/fields/add-field.
 * "field_" will be prepended by Drupal itself.
define('AWS_POLLY_CONTENT_FIELD_NAME', "aws_polly_audio_content");

module_load_include('inc', 'aws_polly', 'aws_polly.form');

 * Implements hook_help().
function aws_polly_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {
    case '':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('AWS Polly module will convert sentences to audio data using the AWS SDK PHP library and attach it to in node field.') . '</p>';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('Set up') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<ol>';

      $output .= '<li>' . t('Create a field Polly Audio named !title for the node title and a field named !longtext for a longer voice output.', [
        '!title' => AWS_POLLY_TITLE_FIELD_NAME,
        '!longtext' => AWS_POLLY_LONGTEXT_FIELD_NAME,
      $output .= t('Both fields type is "File", extension "mp3"') . '</li>';
      $output .= '<li>' . t('Please create one separate display for audio convert or you can use any existing and configure all fields which need to convert in the audio.') . '</li>';
      $output .= '<li>' . t('Please add display name in Content display field on config URL.') . '</li>';
      $output .= '</ol>';
      return $output;

 * Implements hook_node_presave().
 * { @inheritdoc }
function aws_polly_node_presave(NodeInterface $node) {

  $config = aws_polly_validate_aws_configuration();
  if (!$config) {

  if (aws_polly_node_is_ready_for_polly($node) == TRUE) {
    \Drupal::messenger()->addWarning('Audio fields will be processed by AWS Polly');

  // A. Let's polly node title.
  if (\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('polly node title')) {
    if ($node->hasField('field_' . AWS_POLLY_TITLE_FIELD_NAME)) {
      $output = $node->getTitle() . ". " . $config->get('audio_signature') ?: ' ';
      $node = aws_polly_add_polly_to_field($node, $output, 'field_' . AWS_POLLY_TITLE_FIELD_NAME);

  // B. Let's polly node content.
  if (\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('polly node content')) {
    if ($node->hasField('field_' . AWS_POLLY_CONTENT_FIELD_NAME)) {
      $output = '';
      $view_mode = $config->get('display') ?: 'teaser';
      $entity_type = 'node';
      $builder = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getViewBuilder($entity_type);
      $build = $builder->view($node, $view_mode);
      $output = render($build);
      $output = strip_tags($output);

      if ($node->original) {
        $build = $builder->view($node->original, $view_mode);
        $output_original = render($build);
        $output_original = strip_tags($output_original);

      if ($output != $output_original) {
        $output .= ". " . $config->get('audio_signature') ?: ' ';
        $node = aws_polly_add_polly_to_field($node, $output, 'field_' . AWS_POLLY_CONTENT_FIELD_NAME);

 * Add polly file to node.
function aws_polly_add_polly_to_field($node, $text, $field_name) {
  $aws_polly = \Drupal::service('aws_polly.manager');
  $file = $aws_polly->generateFile(['format' => 'mp3', 'text' => $text]);
  $file_id = $file->id();
  $node->set($field_name, ['target_id' => $file_id]);
  return $node;

 * List of Polly voices.
 * @todo add missing voices (anyting via AWS API?).
function aws_polly_voices($options) {

  switch ($options['language_code']) {
    case "en-GB":
      $list = [
        'Amy' => 'Amy (female)',
        'Emma' => 'Emma (female)',
        'Brian' => 'Brian (male)',

    case "en-US":
      $list = [
        'Ivy' => 'Ivy (Female (child))',
        'Joanna' => 'Joanna (Female)',
        'Kendra' => 'Kendra (Female)',
        'Kimberly' => 'Kimberly (Female)',
        'Salli' => 'Salli (Female)',
        'Joey' => 'Joey (Male)',
        'Justin' => 'Justin (Male (child))',
        'Kevin' => 'Kevin (Male (child))',
        'Matthew' => 'Matthew (Male)',

    case "it-IT":
      $list = [
        'Carla' => 'Carla (Formale)',
        'Bianca' => 'Bianca (Informale)',
        'Giorgio' => 'Giorgio (Formale)',

      $list = ['Matthew' => 'Matthew (Male)'];

  return [$list];


 * Function aws_polly_validate_aws_configuration.
 * Check if the current configuration is valid.
function aws_polly_validate_aws_configuration() {
  $aws_polly = \Drupal::service('aws_polly.manager');
  return $aws_polly->checkAwsCredentials();

 * Check for node with polly enabled.
function aws_polly_node_is_ready_for_polly($node) {

  $ready = FALSE;
  $check = [
    'enabled' => NULL,
    'has_field' => NULL,

  $check['enabled'] = \Drupal::state()->get('aws_polly_enabled' . $node->type->entity->Id(), NULL);

  if ($check['enabled'] == 1) {
    $ready = TRUE;
  return $ready;

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