/** * @file * CKEditor 'imagepopup' plugin admin behavior. */ (function ($, Drupal, drupalSettings) { 'use strict'; /** * Provides the summary for the "imagepopup" plugin settings vertical tab. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches summary behaviour to the "imagepopup" settings vertical tab. */ Drupal.behaviors.ckeditorImagePopupSettingsSummary = { attach: function () { $('[data-ckeditor-plugin-id="imagepopup"]').drupalSetSummary(function (context) { var root = 'input[name="editor[settings][plugins][imagepopup][image_upload]'; var $status = $(root + '[status]"]'); var $maxFileSize = $(root + '[max_size]"]'); var $maxWidth = $(root + '[max_dimensions][width]"]'); var $maxHeight = $(root + '[max_dimensions][height]"]'); var $scheme = $(root + '[scheme]"]:checked'); var maxFileSize = $maxFileSize.val() ? $maxFileSize.val() : $maxFileSize.attr('placeholder'); var maxDimensions = ($maxWidth.val() && $maxHeight.val()) ? '(' + $maxWidth.val() + 'x' + $maxHeight.val() + ')' : ''; if (!$':checked')) { return Drupal.t('Uploads disabled'); } var output = ''; output += Drupal.t('Uploads enabled, max size: @size @dimensions', {'@size': maxFileSize, '@dimensions': maxDimensions}); if ($scheme.length) { output += '<br />' + $scheme.attr('data-label'); } return output; }); } }; })(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings);