
{% trans with {'context': 'basket_excel'} %}
	General rules:
{% endtrans %}
		{% trans with {'context': 'basket_excel'} %}
			When importing by a key field, the material is searched on the site and updated. If it is not found, it will be created automatically.
		{% endtrans %}
		{% trans with {'context': 'basket_excel'} %}
			If the product is not in the import file, it is not deleted on the site.
		{% endtrans %}
		{% trans with {'context': 'basket_excel'} %}
			All multi values in the fields are filled through the "Enter".
		{% endtrans %}
		{% trans with {'context': 'basket_excel'} %}
			Data is updated according to a previously programmed template (settings).
		{% endtrans %}
{% if info.rows %}
		{% trans with {'context': 'basket_excel'} %}
			Import / Export file structure:
		{% endtrans %}
	{% for nodeType, config in info.rows %}
		{{ }} ({{ nodeType }})
		<table class="border">
					<th width="5%"></th>
						{% trans with {'context': 'basket_excel'} %}
							Column name
						{% endtrans %}
						{% trans with {'context': 'basket_excel'} %}
						{% endtrans %}
				{% for letter, row in config.columns %}
							{{ letter }}
							{{ row.label }}
							{{ row.description|raw }}
				{% endfor %}
	{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

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