

namespace Drupal\{{ module }}\Plugin\IMEX;

use Drupal\basket_imex\Plugins\IMEX\BasketIMEXBaseForm;

 * @BasketIMEX(
 *   id        = "{{ id }}",
 *   name      = "{{ name }}",
 * )
class {{ class }} extends BasketIMEXBaseForm {

	 * Whether the field matching service is available to the plugin.
	 * @return bool
	public function getImportExportSettings() {
	  return TRUE;

	 * List of fields that will participate in the settings.
	 * @return array
	public function getSettingsFields() {
	  return [

	 * Entity search.
	 * @param $updateInfo
	 * @return object|null
	public function getEntity($updateInfo) {
	  return NULL;

	 * Call after updating / creating entity.
	 * @param $entity
	 * @param $updateInfo
	 * @return mixed
	public function postSave($entity, $updateInfo) {


	 * Import fields.
	 * @param $form
	 * @param $form_state
	 * @return array|null
	public function getImportFormFields(&$form, $form_state) {
    $form['info'] = [
      '#markup'     => 'Import fields.'

	 * Get the list to run for import.
	 * @param $form_state
	 * @return array|null
	public function getImportRows($form_state) {
    $items  = [];

    $items[] = [
      'run_id'  => 1

    return $items;

	 * Import Handler Calbeck.
	 * @param $info
	 * @param $context
	 * @return mixed
	public function processImport($info, &$context) {


	 * Export fields.
	 * @param $form
	 * @param $form_state
	 * @return mixed
	public function getExportFormFields(&$form, $form_state) {
    $form['info'] = [
      '#markup'     => 'Export fields.'

	 * Getting the list to run for export.
	 * @param $form_state
	 * @return array|null
	public function getExportRows($form_state) {
    $items  = [];

    $items[] = [
      'run_id'  => 1

    return $items;

	 * Export Handler Calbeck.
	 * @param $info
	 * @param $context
	 * @return mixed
	public function processExport($info, &$context) {


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