(function ($, Drupal) { Drupal.behaviors.calendarEventNotifications = { attach: function (context, settings) { if (settings.calendar_event_notifications && settings.calendar_event_notifications.event_create == true) { $('.fc-day-top', context).click((e) => { e.preventDefault(); var clickedElement = $(e.currentTarget); // Using e.currentTarget to get the clicked element var dateValue ='date'); if (typeof dateValue !== 'undefined') { ${ items: { src: './node/add/calendar_event_notification', }, type: 'ajax', midClick: false, closeOnContentClick: false, closeOnBgClick: false, enableEscapeKey: false, callbacks: { ajaxContentAdded: () => { // This callback is triggered when the content is added to the DOM $('#edit-field-event-date-0-value-date', context).val(dateValue); const value = $('#edit-field-event-date-0-value-date', context).val(); const setvalue = setValResult(dateValue); }, }, }); } else { console.error('Date Value is undefined or not found.'); } return false; }); } else { const buttonhide = document.querySelectorAll('.btn-views'); } var fcWeekElements = context.querySelectorAll('.fc-week'); fcWeekElements.forEach(function (fcWeekElement, index) { // Find the corresponding thead td with class .fc-past var theadTd = fcWeekElement.querySelectorAll('.fc-content-skeleton thead tr:first-child td'); const tbodyTd = fcWeekElement.querySelectorAll('.fc-content-skeleton tbody tr:first-child td'); const greedTd = fcWeekElement.querySelectorAll('.fc-bg tbody td'); let eventColor = [ { "1": 0 }, { "2": 0 }, { "3": 0 }, { "4": 0 }, { "5": 0 }, { "6": 0 }, { "7": 0 }, ]; var indexHandler = 0; tbodyTd.forEach(function (tbodyTd, tbodyIndex) { if (tbodyTd.hasAttribute("colspan")) { var colspan = Number(tbodyTd.getAttribute("colspan")); for (let i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {} for (let i = 0; i < colspan; i++) { indexHandler++; eventColor[indexHandler - 1][indexHandler] = 1; } } else { indexHandler++; if (tbodyTd.textContent.trim() !== '') { eventColor[indexHandler - 1][indexHandler] = 1; } } }); theadTd.forEach(function (theadTd, theadIndex) { if (theadTd.classList.contains('fc-past') && eventColor[theadIndex][theadIndex + 1] == 1) { greedTd[theadIndex].style.backgroundColor = '#eb9a9a66'; } else if (theadTd.classList.contains('fc-future') && eventColor[theadIndex][theadIndex + 1] == 1) { greedTd[theadIndex].style.backgroundColor = '#d3f5d380'; } }); }); }, }; })(jQuery, Drupal); function setValResult(dateValue) { const newone = document.getElementById('edit-field-event-date-0-value-date'); newone.defaultValue = dateValue; return "yes"; }