
track_time: 1
user_wrong_count: 0
host_wrong_count: 10
host_wrong_count_hard: 0
activity_threshold: 10
disable_core_login_error: 0
notice_attempts_available: 0
last_login_timestamp: 0
last_access_timestamp: 0
notice_attempts_message: 'You have used @user_current_count out of @user_block_attempts login attempts. After all @user_block_attempts have been used, you will be unable to login.'
host_soft_banned: 'This host is not allowed to log in to @site. Please contact your site administrator.'
host_hard_banned: 'The IP address @ip is banned at @site, and will not be able to access any of its content from now on. Please contact the site administrator.'
user_blocked: 'The user @username has been blocked due to failed login attempts.'
user_blocked_email_subject: 'Security action: The user @username has been blocked.'
user_blocked_email_body: 'The user @username (@edit_uri) has been blocked at @site due to the amount of failed login attempts. Please check the logs for more information.'
login_activity_email_subject: 'Security information: Unexpected login activity has been detected at @site.'
login_activity_email_body: 'The configured threshold of @activity_threshold logins has been reached with a total of @tracking_current_count invalid login attempts. You should review your log information about login attempts at @site.'
user_blocked_notification_emails: null
login_activity_notification_emails: null

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