

namespace Drupal\mcapi\Plugin;

use Drupal\mcapi\Entity\TransactionInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Condition;

 * Interface for TransactionRelative plugins.
interface TransactionRelativeInterface {

   * Check whether an $account is related to the user with the current plugin.
   * @param TransactionInterface $transaction
   *   The transaction.
   * @param AccountInterface $account
   *   The user who is candidate to be related.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if $account is related to the transaction with this plugin
  public function isRelative(TransactionInterface $transaction, AccountInterface $account) : bool;

   * Filter a db query on the transaction table to show only the relatives.
   * @param QueryInterface $query
   *   A query being built.
   * @param Condition $or_group
   *   A db condition to augment.
   * @param int $uid
   *   The user id related to the transactions to be selected.
  public function queryCondition(SelectInterface $query, Condition $or_group, $uid);

   * Filter a db query on the transaction index table to show only the relatives.
   * @param QueryInterface $query
   *   A query being built.
   * @param Condition $or_group
   *   A db condition to augment.
   * @param int $uid
   *   The user id related to the transactions to be selected.
  public function queryConditionIndex(SelectInterface $query, Condition $or_group, $uid);

   * Get the ids of users who are related to the transaction.
   * @param TransactionInterface $transaction
   *   The transaction.
   * @return integer[]
   *   The IDs of the user(s) related to the transaction.
  public function getUsers(TransactionInterface $transaction) : array ;


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