
 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to wrap around a transaction.
 * Available variables:
 * - all the fields on the transaction view display.
 * - links: The transaction transitions, formatted as a list which is never cached
 * - watermark: a word or two.
  {% if signatures %}{{ signatures }}{% endif %}
<div class = "{{ attributes.class }}">
  {% if watermark %}{{ watermark }}{% endif %}
  <div class = "certificate">{% trans %}
  On {{ created }} <br />
  {{ payer }} paid {{ payee }} <br />
  the sum of <br />
  {{ worth }}<br />
  for: <em>{{ description }}</em>{% endtrans %}
  {% if children %}<br />
      {{ 'Child transactions'|t }}<br />
      {{ children }}
  {% endif %}
  {{ links }}

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