
 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\monster_menus\Controller\MMTreeBrowserController.

namespace Drupal\monster_menus\Controller;

use Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata;
use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Connection;
use Drupal\Core\Database\StatementInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleExtensionList;
use Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponse;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Markup;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer;
use Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\monster_menus\Constants;
use Drupal\monster_menus\Entity\MMTree;
use Drupal\monster_menus\MMTreeBrowserDisplay\MMTreeBrowserDisplayInterface;
use Drupal\monster_menus\Plugin\MMTreeBrowserDisplay\Fallback;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

 * Default controller for the monster_menus module.
class MMTreeBrowserController extends ControllerBase {

   * The database connection.
   * @var Connection
  protected $database;

   * The current page request.
   * @var Request
  protected $request;

   * The renderer service.
   * @var RendererInterface
  protected $renderer;

   * The plugin service.
   * @var PluginManagerInterface
  protected $plugin_manager;

   * The display plugin.
   * @var MMTreeBrowserDisplayInterface
  protected $plugin;

   * The module extension list service.
   * @var ModuleExtensionList
  protected $module_extension_list;

   * MM Tree ID of the initially selected page.
   * @var int
  protected $selected;

   * MM Tree ID of the topmost page shown in the tree.
   * @var int
  protected $top_mmtid = 1;

   * Display mode constant.
   * @var string 
  protected $mode = Fallback::BROWSER_MODE_PAGE;

   * List of permissions a page can have in order to be visible.
   * @var string
  protected $enabled = Constants::MM_PERMS_READ;
   * List of permissions a page can have in order to be selectable.
   * @var string
  protected $selectable = '';
   * Title to appear above the browser.
   * @var string
  protected $title = '';
   * The field name, bundle and type to display in the right hand pane.
   * @var string
  protected $field_id;
   * List of allowed MIME types to display in the right hand pane.
   * @var string 
  protected $file_types;
   * Minimum width/height, in pixels, of images that are selectable by the user.
   * @var string
  protected $min_wh;
   * Constructs a MMTreeBrowserController object.
   * @param Connection $database
   *   The database connection.
   * @param Request $request
   *   The parameters of the current request.
  public function __construct(Connection $database, Request $request, Renderer $renderer, PluginManagerInterface $plugin_manager, ModuleExtensionList $extension_list_module) {
    $this->database = $database;
    $this->request = $request;
    $this->renderer = $renderer;
    $this->plugin_manager = $plugin_manager;
    $this->module_extension_list = $extension_list_module;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new static(

  private function plugin($mode = '') {
    if (empty($this->plugin)) {
      $this->plugin = $this->plugin_manager->getInstance(['mode' => $mode ?: $this->request->query->getAlnum('browserMode')]);
    return $this->plugin;

   * Get a portion of the MM Tree as JSON.
   * @param MMTree $mm_tree
   *   Starting point
   * @return JsonResponse
  public function getTreeJson(MMTree $mm_tree) {
    if (($id = $this->request->query->getInt('_vusr', 1)) > 0) {
      $id = $mm_tree->id();
    return mm_json_response($this->getLeft($id), ['Pragma' => 'no-cache']);

   * Get the render array for the outer tree structure.
   * @return HtmlResponse
  public function getWrapperRenderable() {
    $path = explode('/', preg_replace('{//+}', '/', $this->request->query->get('_path')));
    $start = array_shift($path);
    $params = explode('-', $start, 9);
    if (isset($path[0]) && $path[0] != $params[0]) {
      array_unshift($path, $params[0]);
    elseif (!$path) {
      $path[] = 1;
    $params = array_pad($params, 9, '');
    $params = [
      'selected'   => end($path),  // MM Tree ID of the initially selected page.
      'top_mmtid'  => $path[0],           // MM Tree ID of the topmost page shown in the tree.
      'mode'       => $params[1],         // Display mode constant.
      'enabled'    => $params[3],         // List of permissions a page can have in order to be visible.
      'selectable' => $params[4],         // List of permissions a page can have in order to be selectable.
      'title'      => $params[5],         // Title to appear above the browser.
      'field_id'   => $params[6],         // The field name, bundle, and type to display in the right hand pane.
      'file_types' => $params[7],         // List of allowed MIME types to display in the right hand pane.
      'min_wh'     => $params[8],         // Minimum width/height, in pixels, of images that are selectable by the user.
    foreach ($params as $name => $value) {
      $this->$name = $value;

    return mm_page_wrapper(
      $this->t('Tree Browser'),
      ['id' => 'mm-media-assist-load', 'class' => ['mm-media-assist']]

   * Get the right hand pane's contents as JSON.
   * @return JsonResponse
  public function getRightJSON() {
    $get = $this->request->query->all();
    if (empty($get['id']) || !($mmtid = intval(substr($get['id'], 5)))) {
      return mm_json_response([]);

    $mode = $get['browserMode'];
    $actions = [];
    $dialogs = [];
    if (!$this->isBookmarked($mmtid, $mode)) {
      $actions['bkmark'] = [
        '#type' => 'button',
        '#id' => mm_ui_modal_dialog([], $dialogs),
        '#value' => $this->t('Bookmark'),
        '#attributes' => [
          'title' => $this->t('Bookmark this location'),
          'rel' => Url::fromRoute('monster_menus.browser_bookmark_add',
            ['mm_tree' => $mmtid],
            ['query' => array('browserMode' => $mode)]

    $item = mm_content_get($mmtid, Constants::MM_GET_FLAGS);
    $perms = $item->perms = mm_content_user_can($mmtid);
    $item->is_group = $perms[Constants::MM_PERMS_IS_GROUP];
    $item->is_user = $perms[Constants::MM_PERMS_IS_USER];

    $this->plugin()->alterRightButtons($mode, $this->request->query, $item, $perms, $actions, $dialogs);
    $actions['close'] = [
      '#type' => 'button',
      '#value' => $this->t('Close window'),
      '#attributes' => ['rel' => '#close'],
    mm_module_invoke_all_array('mm_browser_buttons_alter', [$mode, $item, &$actions, &$dialogs]);

    $content = $this->plugin()->viewRight($mode, $this->request->query, $perms, $item, $this->database);

    if ($content instanceof JsonResponse) {
      // View function returned JSON, so don't do any further processing.
      return $content;

    if (is_array($content)) {
      $content = $this->renderer->renderRoot($content);

    // Get the last viewed item
    $lastviewed = '';
    if ($last_mmtid = $this->getLastViewed($mode)) {
      $lastviewed = $this->getRelativePath($last_mmtid, $get['browserTop']);
    if (isset($get['id'])) {
      $this->setLastViewedMMTID(intval(substr($get['id'], 5)));

    $actions = ['#type' => 'actions', 'actions' => $actions];
    return mm_json_response([
      'title' => mm_content_get_name($item),
      'links' => $this->renderer->renderRoot($actions),
      'body' => $content,
      'lastviewed' => $lastviewed,
      'dialogs' => $dialogs['#attached']['drupalSettings']['MM']['MMDialog'] ?? [],

   * Determine whether or not a bookmark already exists.
   * @return JsonResponse
  public function bookmarkExistsJSON() {
    return mm_json_response([
      'exists' => $this->isBookmarked($this->request->query->getInt('id'), $this->request->query->get('browserMode', ''))

   * Get all bookmarks as HTML.
   * @return HtmlResponse
  public function getBookmarksHTML() {
    // Display bookmarks.
    $bookmarks = $this->getBookmarksRenderable($this->request->query->get('browserMode', ''), $this->top_mmtid);
    $resp = new HTMLResponse($this->renderer->renderRoot($bookmarks));
    return $resp;

   * Get the page last viewed by the user, if any, as JSON.
   * @return null|JsonResponse
  public function getLastViewedJSON() {
    $query = $this->request->query;
    $return = NULL;
    if ($last_mmtid = $this->getLastViewed($query->get('browserMode', ''))) {
      $return = mm_json_response(['path' => $this->getRelativePath($last_mmtid, $query->get('browserTop'))]);
    if ($get_id = $query->get('id', '')) {
      $this->setLastViewedMMTID(intval(substr($get_id, 0, 5)));
    return $return;

   * Set the last viewed page for the current user.
   * @param MMTree $mm_tree
  public function setLastViewed(MMTree $mm_tree) {

   * Set the last viewed page for the current user.
   * @param int $mmtid
  private function setLastViewedMMTID($mmtid) {
    $uid = $this->currentUser()->id();
    $type = $this->plugin()->getBookmarksType($this->request->query->get('browserMode', '')) . '_last';
        'uid' => $uid,
        'type' => $type,
        'weight' => 0,
      ->fields(['data' => $mmtid])

   * Get the UI form to add a bookmark, or submit the form to actually add the
   * bookmark.
   * @param MMTree $mm_tree
   *   MMTree entity of the page to be added.
   * @return Response
   *   Response object.
   * @throws \Exception
  public function getAddBookmarkForm(MMTree $mm_tree) {
    $user_uid = $this->currentUser()->id();
    $mmtid = $mm_tree->id();
    $name = mm_content_get_name($mmtid);
    $mode = $this->request->query->get('browserMode', '');

    if ($this->isBookmarked($mmtid, $mode)) {
      $output = [
        '#theme' => 'mm_browser_bookmark_add',
        '#name' => '',
        '#mmtid' => '',
    elseif ($this->request->get('linktitle')) {
      $mm_bookmark_serialized = serialize([
        'title' => strip_tags($this->request->get('linktitle', '')),
        'mmtid' => $mmtid,
      $type = $this->plugin()->getBookmarksType($mode);
      $transaction = $this->database->startTransaction();
      $select = $this->database->select('mm_tree_bookmarks', 'b')
        ->condition('b.uid', $user_uid)
        ->condition('b.type', $type);
      $select->addExpression('IFNULL(MAX(b.weight), -1) + 1', 'max_weight');
      $max_weight = $select->execute()->fetchField();
          'uid' => $user_uid,
          'weight' => $max_weight,
          'type' => $type,
          'data' => $mm_bookmark_serialized,
      return mm_json_response([]);
    else {
      $output = [
        '#theme' => 'mm_browser_bookmark_add',
        '#name' => $name,
        '#mmtid' => $mmtid,

    return new HtmlResponse((string) \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderRoot($output));

   * Get the bookmarks overview form.
   * @return HtmlResponse
  public function getManageBookmarksForm() {
    $mode = $this->plugin()->getBookmarksType($this->request->query->get('browserMode', ''));
    $num_rows = $this->database->select('mm_tree_bookmarks', 'b')
      ->condition('b.uid', $this->currentUser()->id())
      ->condition('b.type', $mode)

    $body = [];
    if ($num_rows < 1) {
      $body[] = ['#markup' => '<div id="message"><p>' . $this->t('No bookmarks found.') . '</p><p><input type="button" onclick="Drupal.mmDialogClose(); return false;" value="' . $this->t('Cancel') . '"></p></div>'];
    else {
      $rows = [];
      $result = $this->getBookmarks($mode);
      while ($row = $result->fetchAssoc()) {
        $ds_data = unserialize($row['data']);
        $edit_js = "Drupal.mmBrowserEditBookmarkEdit(event)";
        $rows['row_' . $ds_data['mmtid']] = [
          'item' => [
            '#type' => 'item',
            '#markup' => '<div>' . htmlentities($ds_data['title']) . '</div>',
            '#wrapper_attributes' => ['name' => $ds_data['mmtid'], 'class' => ['tb-manage-name'], 'ondblclick' => $edit_js],
          'delete' => mm_ui_js_link_no_href(['title' => $this->t('Remove this bookmark'), 'onclick' => "return Drupal.mmBrowserDeleteBookmarkConfirm(" . $ds_data['mmtid'] . ", this)"], $this->t('Delete')),
          'edit' => mm_ui_js_link_no_href(['title' => $this->t('Edit this bookmark'), 'onclick' => 'return jQuery(this).closest("tr").find("td:first").dblclick()'], $this->t('Edit')),
          'weight' => [
            '#type' => 'weight',
            '#title' => $this->t('Weight for @title', ['@title' => $ds_data['mmtid']]),
            '#title_display' => 'invisible',
            '#delta' => 50,
            '#default_value' => count($rows),
            '#wrapper_attributes' => ['class' => ['menu-weight'], 'style' => ['display: none']],
          '#attributes' => ['class' => ['draggable', 'bookmark_tr_' . $ds_data['mmtid']]],
      $body[] = [
        '#prefix' => '<div id="tb-manage-body"><form id="manage-bookmarks-form"><div id="manage-bookmarks-div">',
        '#type' => 'table',
        '#id' => 'manage-bookmarks-table',
        '#attributes' => ['class' => 'manage-bookmarks-table'],
        '#suffix' => '</div></form>',
      ] + $rows;

    return new HtmlResponse((string) \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderRoot($body));

  private function getBookmarksCacheTag() {
    return 'user_bookmarks:' . $this->currentUser()->id();

  public function invalidateBookmarksCache() {

   * Delete a bookmark.
   * @param MMTree $mm_tree
   *   Entity of the bookmarked page to delete.
   * @return JsonResponse
   *   The deleted bookmark's ID.
  public function deleteBookmarkJSON(MMTree $mm_tree) {
    $mode = $this->request->query->get('browserMode', '');
    $result = $this->getBookmarks($mode);
    $type = $this->plugin()->getBookmarksType($mode);
    while ($row = $result->fetchAssoc()) {
      $ds_data = unserialize($row['data']);
      if ($ds_data['mmtid'] == $mm_tree->id()) {
          ->condition('uid', $this->currentUser()->id())
          ->condition('type', $type)
          ->condition('weight', $row['weight'])
    return mm_json_response(['mmtid' => $mm_tree->id()]);

   * Change the title of a bookmark.
   * @param MMTree $mm_tree
   *   Entity of the bookmarked page to set the title for.
   * @return JsonResponse
   *   The new title and the bookmark's ID.
  public function setBookmarkJSON(MMTree $mm_tree) {
    $title = strip_tags($this->request->get('title', ''));

    $mode = $this->request->query->get('browserMode', '');
    $result = $this->getBookmarks($mode);
    $type = $this->plugin()->getBookmarksType($mode);
    while ($row = $result->fetchAssoc()) {
      $ds_data = unserialize($row['data']);
      if ($ds_data['mmtid'] == $mm_tree->id()) {
        $ds_data['title'] = $title;
        $ds_done = serialize($ds_data);
          ->fields(['data' => $ds_done])
          ->condition('uid', $this->currentUser()->id())
          ->condition('type', $type)
          ->condition('weight', $row['weight'])
    return mm_json_response(['title' => $title, 'mmtid' => $mm_tree->id()]);

   * Change the order of the list of bookmarks.
   * @return JsonResponse
   *   The new order.
   * @throws \Exception
  public function sortBookmarksJSON() {
    $neworder = explode('|', $this->request->get('neworder', ''));
    $mode = $this->request->query->get('browserMode', '');
    $result = $this->getBookmarks($mode);
    $type = $this->plugin()->getBookmarksType($mode);
    $uid = $this->currentUser()->id();
    $bookmarks = [];
    while ($row = $result->fetchAssoc()) {
      $ds_data = unserialize($row['data']);
      $bookmarks[$ds_data['mmtid']] = $ds_data;

      ->condition('uid', $uid)
      ->condition('type', $type)
    $weight = 0;
    foreach ($neworder as $weight => $mmtid) {
      if (isset($bookmarks[$mmtid])) {
            'weight' => $weight,
            'uid' => $uid,
            'type' => $type,
            'data' => serialize($bookmarks[$mmtid]),
    // Ensure any remaining bookmarks not in $neworder are preserved.
    foreach ($bookmarks as $mmtid => $ds_data) {
          'weight' => $weight++,
          'uid' => $uid,
          'type' => $type,
          'data' => serialize($ds_data)])
    return mm_json_response(['neworder' => $neworder]);

   * Check to ensure a bookmark does not already exist prior to adding it.
   * @param int $mmtid
   *   MM Tree ID of the bookmark.
   * @param string $mode
   *   Display mode constant.
   * @return bool
  private function isBookmarked($mmtid, $mode) {
    $already_exists = FALSE;
    $result = $this->getBookmarks($mode);
    foreach ($result as $row) {
      $ds_data = unserialize($row->data);
      if ($ds_data['mmtid'] == $mmtid) {
        $already_exists = TRUE;
    return $already_exists;

   * Get the outer structure of the tree browser.
   * @return array
   *   Render array.
  private function getWrapper() {
    if (empty($this->title)) {
      $this->title = $this->plugin()->label($this->mode);
    $this->title = strip_tags($this->title);

    if (!$this->top_mmtid) {
      $show_root = $this->top_mmtid === '0';
      $this->top_mmtid = 1;

    $out = [];
    $instance_id = $this->request->query->getInt('instanceId', 0);
    $settings = [
      'browserInstanceId' => $instance_id,
      'libraryPath'       => $this->module_extension_list->getPath('monster_menus') . '/libraries',
      'browserDots'       => $this->plugin()->showReservedEntries($this->mode),
      'browserEnabled'    => $this->enabled,
      'browserMode'       => $this->mode,
      'browserSelectable' => $this->selectable,
      'browserTop'        => $this->top_mmtid,
      'browserShowRoot'   => (int) !empty($show_root),
      'lastBrowserPath'   => $this->getRelativePath($this->getLastViewed($this->mode), $this->top_mmtid),
      'startBrowserPath'  => $this->getRelativePath($this->selected, $this->top_mmtid),

    if (!empty($this->field_id)) {
      $settings['browserFieldID'] = $this->field_id;
    if (!empty($this->file_types)) {
      $settings['browserFileTypes'] = $this->file_types;
    if (!empty($this->min_wh)) {
      $min_wh = explode('x', $this->min_wh);
      $settings += ['browserMinW' => $min_wh[0], 'browserMinH' => $min_wh[1]];
    mm_add_js_setting($out, 'mmBrowser', $settings);
    mm_ui_modal_dialog([], $out);
    mm_add_library($out, 'mm_browser');
    mm_add_library($out, 'jsTree');

    // Suppress the admin module

    $out[] = [
      '#prefix' => '<div id="mmtree-browse"><div id="mmtree-browse-nav">',
      $this->getURLs($this->mode, $this->top_mmtid),
      '#suffix' => <<<HTML
    <h2 class="mmtree-assist-title">$this->title</h2>
  <div id="mmtree-browse-browser">
    <div id="mmtree-browse-tree-wrapper">
      <div id="mmtree-browse-tree"></div>
    <div id="mmtree-browse-items">
      <div id="mmtree-browse-header">
        <h4 id="mmtree-assist-title"></h4>
        <div id="mmtree-assist-links"></div>
      <div id="mmtree-assist-content"></div>
    return $out;

   * Create the list of URLs at the top of the tree browser.
   * @param string $mode
   *   Display mode constant.
   * @param int $top_mmtid
   *   MM Tree ID of the topmost page shown in the tree.
   * @return array
   *   Render array.
  private function getURLs($mode, $top_mmtid) {
    // Simple buttons come first.
    $urls = [];
    $allowed_top = $this->plugin()->getTreeTop($mode);
    if ($top_mmtid != $allowed_top) {
      $urls[] = ['#markup' => Markup::create('<button onclick="Drupal.mm_browser_goto_top(\'' . $allowed_top . '\');" class="button">' . $this->t('View entire tree') . '</button>')];
    $urls[] = ['#markup' => Markup::create('<button onclick="Drupal.mm_browser_last_viewed();" id="last-viewed-link" class="button">' . $this->t('Last location') . '</button>')];
    foreach (mm_module_invoke_all('mm_browser_navigation', $mode, $top_mmtid) as $url) {
      $urls[] = is_array($url) ? $url : ['#markup' => Markup::create($url)];
    mm_module_invoke_all_array('mm_browser_menu_alter', [$mode, &$urls]);

    $arr = [
      '#prefix' => '<div class="ui-widget bookmarks-list">',
      'urls' => $urls,
      'bookmarks' => $this->getBookmarksRenderable($mode, $top_mmtid),
      '#suffix' => '</div>',

    mm_ui_modal_dialog('init', $arr);
    drupal_attach_tabledrag($arr, [
      'table_id' => 'manage-bookmarks-table',
      'action' => 'order',
      'relationship' => 'sibling',
      'group' => 'menu-weight',
    return $arr;

  private function getBookmarksRenderable($mode, $top_mmtid) {
    $manage_url = Url::fromRoute('monster_menus.browser_bookmark_manage', [], ['query' => ['browserMode' => $mode]]);

    $bookmarks = [
      'dummy' => [
        'title' => Markup::create('<div>' . $this->t('Bookmarks') . '</div>'),
        'url' => NULL,
      'org' => [
        'title' => $this->t('Organize Bookmarks...'),
        'url' => $manage_url,
        'attributes' => ['class' => ['organize']],
    $result = $this->getBookmarks($mode);
    while ($row = $result->fetchAssoc()) {
      $ds_data = unserialize($row['data']);
      $bookmarks[] = [
        'title' => $ds_data['title'],
        'url' => Url::fromUserInput('#', ['fragment' => $this->getRelativePath($ds_data['mmtid'], $top_mmtid)]),

    return [
      '#type' => 'dropbutton',
      '#links' => $bookmarks,
      '#cache' => ['contexts' => ['user'], 'tags' => [$this->getBookmarksCacheTag()]],
      '#attributes' => ['class' => ['mm-bookmarks']],

   * @param array $mmtid
   *   0 to get just the root, otherwise the MMTID to fetch the children of.
   * @return array
   *   An array of entries, where any sub-entries are nested in 'children'.
  private function getLeft($mmtid) {
    $mm_children = array();
    $get = $this->request->query->all();

    $depth = !$mmtid ? 0 : 1;
    if ($mmtid == 0 || $mmtid == 1) {
      $mmtid = $this->plugin()->getTreeTop($get['browserMode']);
    $params = array(
      Constants::MM_GET_TREE_ADD_TO_CACHE =>     TRUE,
      Constants::MM_GET_TREE_FILTER_BINS =>      FALSE,
      Constants::MM_GET_TREE_FILTER_DOTS =>      $get['browserDots'] == 'true',
      Constants::MM_GET_TREE_FILTER_HIDDEN =>    TRUE,
      Constants::MM_GET_TREE_DEPTH =>            $depth,
      Constants::MM_GET_TREE_RETURN_PERMS =>     TRUE,
    $this->plugin()->alterLeftQuery($get['browserMode'], $this->request->query, $params);

    $list = mm_content_get_tree($mmtid, $params);

    if ($depth) {
    foreach ($list as $item) {
      $class = [];
      $children = TRUE;
      $state = [ 'opened' => FALSE, 'disabled' => FALSE, 'selected' => FALSE ];
      $attributes = [];

      $name = mm_content_get_name($item);
      $hidden = $item->state & Constants::MM_GET_TREE_STATE_HIDDEN;
      if ($hidden) {
        $name .= ' ' . t('(hidden)');
        $class['mmtree-hidden'] = 1;
      $text = $name;
      if (!empty($item->fid_list)) {
        // We can't get the count in SQL, so count the unique fids here.
        $fid_list = array_unique(explode(',', $item->fid_list));
        $item->nodecount = count($fid_list);
      if (isset($item->nodecount) && $item->nodecount > 0) {
        $text = t('@name <span class="mmtree-browse-filecount">@count</span>', array('@name' => $name, '@count' => $this->formatPlural($item->nodecount, '(1 item)', '(@count items)')));

      if ($item->state & Constants::MM_GET_TREE_STATE_LEAF) {
        $class['leaf'] = 1;
        $children = FALSE;

      $denied = $item->state & Constants::MM_GET_TREE_STATE_DENIED || !empty($get['browserEnabled']) && !$item->perms[$get['browserEnabled']];
      if ($denied) {
        $class['disabled'] = $class['leaf'] = 1;
        $state['disabled'] = TRUE;
        $children = FALSE;

      $attributes['class'] = join(' ', array_keys($class));

      $mm_children[] = array(
        'id' =>       'mmbr-' . $item->mmtid,
        'text' =>     $text,
        'state' =>    $state,
        'children' => $children,
        'a_attr' =>   $attributes,
    return $mm_children;

   * Get a path that is relative to the displayed tree's root.
   * @param int $mmtid
   *   MM Tree ID of the page in question.
   * @param int $top
   *   MM Tree ID of the tree's root.
   * @return string
   *   The relative path.
  private function getRelativePath($mmtid, $top) {
    $path = mm_content_get_full_path($mmtid);
    if (preg_match('{\b' . $top . '(/|$)(.*)}', $path, $matches)) {
      return $matches[0];
    return $path;

   * Get the MMTID of the page last viewed by the current user.
   * @param $mode
   *   Display mode constant.
   * @return int|null
   *   MM Tree ID of the last viewed page.
  private function getLastViewed($mode) {
    return $this->database->select('mm_tree_bookmarks', 'b')
      ->fields('b', array('data'))
      ->condition('b.uid', $this->currentUser()->id())
      ->condition('b.type', $this->plugin()->getBookmarksType($mode) . '_last')

   * Get a database object for the query containing the list of bookmarks for
   * the current user.
   * @param $mode
   *   Display mode constant.
   * @return StatementInterface
   *   The database object.
  private function getBookmarks($mode) {
    return $this->database->select('mm_tree_bookmarks', 'b')
      ->condition('b.uid', $this->currentUser()->id())
      ->condition('b.type', $this->plugin()->getBookmarksType($mode))


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