

namespace Drupal\Tests\farm_quick_planting\Kernel;

use Drupal\asset\Entity\Asset;
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term;
use Drupal\Tests\farm_quick\Kernel\QuickFormTestBase;

 * Tests for farmOS planting quick form.
 * @group farm
class QuickPlantingTest extends QuickFormTestBase {

   * Quick form ID.
   * @var string
  protected $quickFormId = 'planting';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp(): void {

   * Test simple planting quick form submission.
  public function testQuickPlantingSimple() {

    // Create a season and crop to reference.
    $season = Term::create([
      'name' => '2022',
      'vid' => 'season',
    $crop = Term::create([
      'name' => 'Rice',
      'vid' => 'plant_type',

    // Submit the planting quick form.
      'seasons' => [['target_id' => $season->id()]],
      'crops' => [[['target_id' => $crop->id()]]],
      'crop_count' => 1,
      'log_types' => [],

    // Confirm that one asset was created.
    $assets = $this->assetStorage->loadMultiple();
    $this->assertCount(1, $assets);

    // Check that the asset's fields were populated correctly.
    $asset = $assets[1];
    $this->assertEquals('plant', $asset->bundle());
    $this->assertEquals('2022 Rice', $asset->label());
    $this->assertEquals('active', $asset->get('status')->value);
    $this->assertEquals($season->id(), $asset->get('season')->referencedEntities()[0]->id());
    $this->assertEquals($crop->id(), $asset->get('plant_type')->referencedEntities()[0]->id());

    // Test with multiple crops.
    $crop1 = Term::create([
      'name' => 'Winter rye',
      'vid' => 'plant_type',
    $crop2 = Term::create([
      'name' => 'Vetch',
      'vid' => 'plant_type',

    // Submit the planting quick form.
      'seasons' => [['target_id' => $season->id()]],
      'crops' => [
        [['target_id' => $crop1->id()]],
        [['target_id' => $crop2->id()]],
      'crop_count' => 2,
      'log_types' => [],

    // Confirm that a second asset was created.
    $assets = $this->assetStorage->loadMultiple();
    $this->assertCount(2, $assets);

    // Check that the asset has multiple crops and is named correctly.
    $asset = $assets[2];
    $this->assertEquals('2022 Winter rye, Vetch', $asset->label());
    $this->assertEquals($crop1->id(), $asset->get('plant_type')->referencedEntities()[0]->id());
    $this->assertEquals($crop2->id(), $asset->get('plant_type')->referencedEntities()[1]->id());

    // Test overriding the plant name.
    $custom_name = 'Rice of the 2022 season';
      'seasons' => [['target_id' => $season->id()]],
      'crops' => [
        [['target_id' => $crop->id()]],
      'crop_count' => 1,
      'log_types' => [],
      'custom_name' => TRUE,
      'name' => $custom_name,

    // Confirm that a third asset was created.
    $assets = $this->assetStorage->loadMultiple();
    $this->assertCount(3, $assets);

    // Check that the asset name was overridden.
    $asset = $assets[3];
    $this->assertEquals($custom_name, $asset->label());

   * Test planting with logs.
  public function testQuickPlantingLogs() {

    // Create a season, crop, and two land assets to reference.
    $season = Term::create([
      'name' => '2022',
      'vid' => 'season',
    $crop = Term::create([
      'name' => 'Lettuce',
      'vid' => 'plant_type',
    $land1 = Asset::create([
      'name' => 'Field A',
      'type' => 'land',
      'land_type' => 'field',
      'is_fixed' => TRUE,
      'is_location' => TRUE,
      'status' => 'active',
    $land2 = Asset::create([
      'name' => 'Field B',
      'type' => 'land',
      'land_type' => 'field',
      'is_fixed' => TRUE,
      'is_location' => TRUE,
      'status' => 'active',

    // Programmatically submit the planting quick form.
      'seasons' => [['target_id' => $season->id()]],
      'crops' => [[['target_id' => $crop->id()]]],
      'crop_count' => 1,
      'log_types' => [
        'seeding' => 'seeding',
      'seeding' => [
        'type' => 'seeding',
        'date' => [
          'date' => '2022-05-15',
          'time' => '00:00:00',
        'location' => $land1->label(),
        'quantity' => [
          'measure' => 'weight',
          'value' => '10.01',
          'units' => 'kg',
        'notes' => [
          'value' => 'Lorem ipsum',
          'format' => 'default',
        'done' => TRUE,

    // Load assets and logs.
    $assets = $this->assetStorage->loadMultiple();
    $logs = $this->logStorage->loadMultiple();

    // Confirm that three assets (land + plant) and one log exists.
    $this->assertCount(3, $assets);
    $this->assertCount(1, $logs);

    // Check that the asset name includes the seeding location.
    $asset = $assets[3];
    $this->assertEquals('2022 Field A Lettuce', $asset->label());

    // Check that the seeding log's fields were populated correctly.
    $log = $logs[1];
    $this->assertEquals('seeding', $log->bundle());
    $this->assertEquals('Seed ' . $asset->label(), $log->label());
    $this->assertEquals(strtotime('2022-05-15'), $log->get('timestamp')->value);
    $this->assertEquals($asset->id(), $log->get('asset')->referencedEntities()[0]->id());
    $this->assertEquals($land1->id(), $log->get('location')->referencedEntities()[0]->id());
    $this->assertEquals('weight', $log->get('quantity')->referencedEntities()[0]->get('measure')->value);
    $this->assertEquals('10.01', $log->get('quantity')->referencedEntities()[0]->get('value')[0]->get('decimal')->getValue());
    $this->assertEquals('kg', $log->get('quantity')->referencedEntities()[0]->get('units')->referencedEntities()[0]->get('name')->value);
    $this->assertEquals('Lorem ipsum', $log->get('notes')->value);
    $this->assertEquals('done', $log->get('status')->value);

    // Test creating multiple logs.
      'seasons' => [['target_id' => $season->id()]],
      'crops' => [[['target_id' => $crop->id()]]],
      'crop_count' => 1,
      'log_types' => [
        'seeding' => 'seeding',
        'transplanting' => 'transplanting',
        'harvest' => 'harvest',
      'seeding' => [
        'type' => 'seeding',
        'date' => [
          'date' => '2022-05-15',
          'time' => '00:00:00',
        'location' => $land1->label(),
        'notes' => [],
        'done' => TRUE,
      'transplanting' => [
        'type' => 'transplanting',
        'date' => [
          'date' => '2022-06-15',
          'time' => '00:00:00',
        'location' => $land2->label(),
        'notes' => [],
        'done' => FALSE,
      'harvest' => [
        'type' => 'harvest',
        'date' => [
          'date' => '2022-07-15',
          'time' => '00:00:00',
        'notes' => [],
        'done' => FALSE,

    // Confirm that another asset and 3 more logs were created.
    $assets = $this->assetStorage->loadMultiple();
    $logs = $this->logStorage->loadMultiple();
    $this->assertCount(4, $assets);
    $this->assertCount(4, $logs);

    // Check that the asset name includes the transplanting location.
    $asset = $assets[4];
    $this->assertEquals('2022 Field B Lettuce', $asset->label());

    // Check that the transplanting and harvest logs are pending.
    $log = $logs[3];
    $this->assertEquals('pending', $log->get('status')->value);
    $log = $logs[4];
    $this->assertEquals('pending', $log->get('status')->value);


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