

namespace Drupal\editorjs;

use Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginInspectionInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface;
use Drupal\editor\Entity\Editor;

 * Interface for editorjs_tools plugins.
interface EditorJsToolsInterface extends PluginInspectionInterface {

   * Returns the translated plugin label.
   * @return string
   *   The translated title.
  public function label();

   * Returns the translated plugin description.
   * @return string
   *   The translated description.
  public function description();

   * Returns javascript name class/object implements tool.
   * @return string
   *   The translated description.
  public function implementer();

   * Returns form elements for EditorJs toll settings.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $fieldDefinition
   *   The field definition.
   * @param array $settings
   *   The saved settings.
   * @return array
   *   The renderable form elements.
  public function settingsForm(FieldDefinitionInterface $fieldDefinition, array $settings = []);

   * Returns the Drupal root-relative path to the file EditorJs tools.
   * @return string
   *   The path to file EditorJs tools.
  public function getFile();

   * Prepare settings before build.
   * @param array $settings
   *   The saved settings.
   * @return array
   *   The prepare settings contains keys 'config', 'inlineToolbar' or other.
  public function prepareSettings(array $settings);

   * Defines post-save behavior.
   * @param array $value
   *   The new value.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity that field belongs to.
   * @param bool $update
   *   Specifies whether the entity is being updated or created.
   * @see \Drupal\editorjs\Plugin\Field\FieldType\EditorjsItem::postSave
  public function postSave(array $value, FieldableEntityInterface $entity, $update);

   * Checking permission to use tool.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult
   *   The status permission.
  public function allowed(): AccessResult;

   * Returns a list of libraries this plugin requires.
   * @return array
   *   An array of libraries suitable for usage in a render API #attached
   *   property.
  public function getLibraries(): array;


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