<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\contacts_events\Kernel; use Drupal\Component\Datetime\Time; use Drupal\contacts_events\Cron\RecalculateOnBookingWindow; use Drupal\contacts_events\PriceCalculator; use Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface; use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase; use Prophecy\Argument; /** * Test the booking window recalculation cron task. * * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\contacts_events\Cron\RecalculateOnBookingWindow * @group contacts_events */ class RecalculateOnBookingWindowTest extends KernelTestBase { /** * Modules to enable. * * @var array */ public static $modules = [ 'address', 'commerce', 'commerce_checkout', 'commerce_order', 'commerce_price', 'commerce_payment', 'contacts_events', 'datetime', 'datetime_range', 'entity', 'entity_reference', 'entity_reference_revisions', 'facets', 'field', 'file', 'image', 'inline_entity_form', 'name', 'text', 'options', 'profile', 'state_machine', 'user', 'system', // @todo Remove path dependency when we drop support for Drupal 8. 'path', ]; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected $strictConfigSchema = FALSE; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->installEntitySchema('contacts_event'); $this->config('')->set('country.default', 'GB')->save(); $this->installConfig(['commerce_order', 'system', 'contacts_events']); } /** * Test the booking window recalculation. * * @param array $booking_windows * The booking window cut off, keyed by event ID. * @param int|null $now * The current time. * @param int|null $last_run * The last cron run time. * @param array|null $event_ids * The event IDs to queue, or NULL for none. * * @dataProvider dataDoInvoke * * @covers ::doInvoke */ public function testDoInvoke(array $booking_windows, $now, $last_run, $event_ids) { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager */ $entity_type_manager = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager'); $event_storage = $entity_type_manager->getStorage('contacts_event'); // Create our events. foreach ($booking_windows as $event_id => $cut_off) { $event_storage->create([ 'type' => 'default', 'id' => $event_id, 'booking_windows' => [ [ 'id' => 'early', 'label' => 'Early bird', 'cut_off' => $cut_off, 'cut_off_confirmed' => $cut_off, ], [ 'id' => 'standard', 'label' => 'Standard', ], ], ])->save(); } $state = $this->prophesize(StateInterface::class); $state->get(RecalculateOnBookingWindow::STATE_LAST_RUN)->willReturn($last_run); $state->set(RecalculateOnBookingWindow::STATE_LAST_RUN, $now)->shouldBeCalled(); $time = $this->prophesize(Time::class); $time->getCurrentTime()->willReturn($now); $price_calculator = $this->prophesize(PriceCalculator::class); if ($event_ids === NULL) { $price_calculator ->enqueueJobs(Argument::any(), Argument::any()) ->shouldNotBeCalled(); } else { $price_calculator ->enqueueJobs($event_ids, ['contacts_ticket']) ->shouldBeCalledTimes(1); } $cron = new RecalculateOnBookingWindow($state->reveal(), $time->reveal(), $entity_type_manager, $this->container->get('entity_field.manager'), $price_calculator->reveal()); $cron->invoke(); } /** * Data provider for testDoInvoke. */ public function dataDoInvoke() { $data['no-run:no-change'] = [ 'booking_windows' => [ 1 => '2018-05-31', 2 => '2018-06-30', 3 => '2018-10-30', ], 'now' => strtotime('2018-04-01'), 'last_run' => NULL, 'event_ids' => NULL, ]; $data['no-run:one-change'] = [ 'booking_windows' => [ 1 => '2018-05-31', 2 => '2018-06-30', 3 => '2018-10-30', ], 'now' => strtotime('2018-06-01'), 'last_run' => NULL, 'event_ids' => [1 => "1"], ]; $data['no-run:two-changes'] = [ 'booking_windows' => [ 1 => '2018-05-31', 2 => '2018-06-30', 3 => '2018-10-30', ], 'now' => strtotime('2018-10-01'), 'last_run' => NULL, 'event_ids' => [1 => "1", 2 => "2"], ]; $data['run:no-change'] = [ 'booking_windows' => [ 1 => '2018-05-31', 2 => '2018-06-30', 3 => '2018-10-30', ], 'now' => strtotime('2018-06-10'), 'last_run' => strtotime('2018-06-01'), 'event_ids' => NULL, ]; $data['run:one-change'] = [ 'booking_windows' => [ 1 => '2018-05-31', 2 => '2018-06-30', 3 => '2018-10-30', ], 'now' => strtotime('2018-07-01'), 'last_run' => strtotime('2018-06-01'), 'event_ids' => [2 => "2"], ]; return $data; } }