<?php namespace Drupal\contacts_events_teams; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityListBuilder; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface; use Drupal\Core\Url; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; /** * Defines a class to build a listing of Team entities. * * @ingroup contacts_events_teams */ class TeamListBuilder extends EntityListBuilder { /** * The current route match. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Routing\CurrentRouteMatch */ protected $routeMatch; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function createInstance(ContainerInterface $container, EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) { $self = parent::createInstance($container, $entity_type); $self->routeMatch = $container->get('current_route_match'); return $self; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildHeader() { $header['id'] = $this->t('ID'); $header['name'] = $this->t('Name'); $header['category'] = $this->t('Category'); return $header + parent::buildHeader(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity) { /** @var \Drupal\contacts_events_teams\Entity\Team $entity */ $row['id'] = $entity->id(); $row['name'] = $entity->label(); $row['category'] = $entity->get('category')->entity->label(); return $row + parent::buildRow($entity); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getDefaultOperations(EntityInterface $entity) { $operations = []; if ($entity->access('view') && $entity->hasLinkTemplate('canonical')) { $operations['view'] = [ 'title' => $this->t('View applications'), 'weight' => 0, 'url' => Url::fromRoute('entity.c_events_team.canonical', [ 'c_events_team' => $entity->id(), 'contacts_event' => $entity->getEvent()->id(), ]), ]; } $operations = $operations + parent::getDefaultOperations($entity); $destination = $this->redirectDestination->getAsArray(); foreach ($operations as $key => $operation) { $operations[$key]['query'] = $destination; } return $operations; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getEntityIds() { $query = $this->getStorage()->getQuery() ->sort('') ->sort('name'); $query->accessCheck(TRUE); $query->condition('event', $this->routeMatch->getRawParameter('contacts_event')); // Only add the pager if a limit is specified. if ($this->limit) { $query->pager($this->limit); } return $query->execute(); } }