<?php namespace Drupal\contacts_events; use Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface; use Drupal\state_machine\Plugin\Field\FieldType\StateItemInterface; /** * Trait for common order state checks and processes. */ trait OrderStateTrait { /** * Check if an order has unconfirmed items. * * @param \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order * The order to check. * * @return bool * Whether there are unconfirmed items. */ protected function orderHasUnconfirmedItems(OrderInterface $order) { foreach ($order->getItems() as $item) { if ($item->hasField('state') && !$item->get('state')->isEmpty()) { /** @var \Drupal\state_machine\Plugin\Field\FieldType\StateItem $item_state */ $item_state = $item->get('state')->first(); $item_transitions = $item_state->getWorkflow() ->getPossibleTransitions($item_state->value); if (isset($item_transitions['confirm'])) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /** * Applies transition if it's allowed. * * @param \Drupal\state_machine\Plugin\Field\FieldType\StateItemInterface $state * State field. * @param string $transition_id * The ID of the transition to invoke. * @param bool $save * Whether to save the entity (default FALSE). * * @return bool * Whether a transition was applied. */ protected function applyTransitionIfAllowed(StateItemInterface $state, $transition_id, $save = FALSE): bool { $entity = $state->getEntity(); $transitions = $state->getWorkflow()->getAllowedTransitions($state->value, $entity); if (!isset($transitions[$transition_id])) { return FALSE; } $state->applyTransition($transitions[$transition_id]); if ($save) { $entity->save(); } return TRUE; } /** * Find transitions that have a certain stub at the end of the ID. * * @param \Drupal\state_machine\Plugin\Field\FieldType\StateItemInterface $state * State field. * @param string $transition_stub * The substring for transition IDs to look for. * * @return string|null * The transition ID or NULL if none found. * * @todo This needs test coverage. */ protected function findAllowedTransitionFromStub(StateItemInterface $state, $transition_stub) { $entity = $state->getEntity(); $transitions = $state->getWorkflow()->getAllowedTransitions($state->value, $entity); foreach (array_keys($transitions) as $transition_id) { if (substr($transition_id, -(strlen($transition_stub))) == $transition_stub) { return $transition_id; } } } /** * Check whether the paid amount has changed. * * @param \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order * The order. * @param \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface|null $original * The original, if any. * * @return bool * Whether the amount paid has changed. */ protected function hasPaidChanged(OrderInterface $order, ?OrderInterface $original = NULL): bool { $paid = $order->getTotalPaid(); $original_paid = $original ? $original->getTotalPaid() : NULL; // If we don't have either, there's no change. if (!$paid && !$original_paid) { return FALSE; } // If we only have one and the other is non-zero, it has changed. if ((!$paid && !$original_paid->isZero()) || (!$original_paid && !$paid->isZero())) { return TRUE; } // If we only have one, and the other is zero, it hasn't changed. if ((!$paid && $original_paid->isZero()) || (!$original_paid && $paid->isZero())) { return FALSE; } // Otherwise check for equality. return !$paid->equals($original_paid); } }