/** * @file * Provides delayed events for AJAX handlers. */ (function ($, Drupal) { /** * Attaches the delayed events to each Ajax form element. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Register the delayed events for all relevant elements in * `drupalSettings.ajax`. */ Drupal.behaviors.DelayedEvents = { timeouts: {}, attach: function attach(context, settings) { Object.keys(settings.ajax || {}).forEach(function (base) { var elementSettings = settings.ajax[base]; if (elementSettings.event.substr(0, 8) === 'delayed.') { $(elementSettings.selector).once('delayed-events').each(function () { var $this = $(this); var id = elementSettings.delayed_group_id || $this.uniqueId().attr('id'); var delay = elementSettings.delayed_time || 500; $this.on(elementSettings.event.substr(8), function () { clearTimeout(Drupal.behaviors.DelayedEvents.timeouts[id]); Drupal.behaviors.DelayedEvents.timeouts[id] = setTimeout(function () { Drupal.behaviors.DelayedEvents.timeouts[id] = null; $this.trigger(elementSettings.event); }, delay); }); if (elementSettings.delayed_focus || true) { $this.on('focus', function () { if (Drupal.behaviors.DelayedEvents.timeouts[id]) { clearTimeout(Drupal.behaviors.DelayedEvents.timeouts[id]); Drupal.behaviors.DelayedEvents.timeouts[id] = true; } }); $this.on('blur', function () { if (Drupal.behaviors.DelayedEvents.timeouts[id] === true) { clearTimeout(Drupal.behaviors.DelayedEvents.timeouts[id]); Drupal.behaviors.DelayedEvents.timeouts[id] = setTimeout(function () { Drupal.behaviors.DelayedEvents.timeouts[id] = null; $this.trigger(elementSettings.event); }, delay); } }); } }); } }); } }; /** * Prepare the Ajax request before it is sent. * * Overrides core to add the no_disable option. * * @param {XMLHttpRequest} xmlhttprequest * Native Ajax object. * @param {object} options * jQuery.ajax options. */ Drupal.Ajax.prototype.beforeSend = function (xmlhttprequest, options) { if (this.$form) { options.extraData = options.extraData || {}; options.extraData.ajax_iframe_upload = '1'; var v = $.fieldValue(this.element); if (v !== null) { options.extraData[] = v; } } if (!this.elementSettings.no_disable) { $(this.element).prop('disabled', true); } if (!this.progress || !this.progress.type) { return; } var progressIndicatorMethod = 'setProgressIndicator' + this.progress.type.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + this.progress.type.slice(1).toLowerCase(); if (progressIndicatorMethod in this && typeof this[progressIndicatorMethod] === 'function') { this[progressIndicatorMethod].call(this); } }; })(jQuery, Drupal);