langcode: en status: open dependencies: { } open: null close: null weight: 0 uid: 13 template: false archive: false id: wetboew_webform_example title: 'WetBoew Webform Example' description: '' category: '' elements: |- '#prefix': '<div class="custom-wrapper wb-frmvld">' '#suffix': '</div>' wetboew_webform_example: '#type': webform_wizard_page '#title': 'Inspection details' '#attributes': class: - hidden-when-submitted '#format': container '#prev_button_label': Previous '#next_button_label': Next '#display_on': form container_inspection_info_row: '#type': container '#attributes': class: - row - mrgn-tp-lg - mrgn-bttm-lg - hidden-when-submitted '#format_attributes': class: - row - mrgn-tp-lg - mrgn-bttm-lg container_inspection_details_md12: '#type': container '#attributes': class: - col-md-12 '#format_attributes': class: - col-md-12 container_inspection_details_panel_default: '#type': container '#attributes': class: - panel - panel-default - mceg-card '#format_attributes': class: - panel - panel-default - mceg-card inspection_details_header_markup: '#type': webform_markup '#markup': |- <header class="panel-heading"> <h2 class="panel-title h3 mrgn-tp-sm mrgn-bttm-sm">Utility information</h2> </header> container_inspection_details_panel_body: '#type': container '#attributes': class: - panel-body - mrgn-lft-md id: 1 '#format_attributes': class: - panel-body - mrgn-lft-md utility_company: '#type': textfield '#title': Utility '#required': true utility_address: '#type': textfield '#title': 'Utility address' '#empty_value': 'Start typing address of utility' '#required': true '#label_attributes': class: - inherit id: utility-address-1 utility_rep: '#type': textfield '#title': 'Utility representative' utility_rep_telephone_number: '#type': tel '#title': 'Utility representative telephone number (including area code)' non_conditional_checkbox: '#type': checkbox '#title': 'I agree to submit this information' '#title_display': before '#required': true utility_rep_email_address: '#type': email '#title': 'Utility representative email address (yourname@domain.com)' date_of_entry: '#type': date '#title': 'Date of entry' '#required': true '#attributes': class: - mrgn-tp-sm '#date_date_min': 12/31/2021 '#date_date_max': 12/31/2038 '#date_days': - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' '#datepicker': true '#date_date_format': m/d/Y example_options: '#type': radios '#title': 'Example options' '#options': Option1: 'Option One' Option2: 'Option Two' Option3: 'Option Three' '#required': true container_inspection_info_2_1: '#type': container '#attributes': class: - row - mrgn-tp-lg container_inspection_info_2_2: '#type': container '#attributes': class: - col-md-12 container_inspection_info_2_3: '#type': container '#attributes': class: - panel - panel-default - mceg-card customer_information: '#type': webform_markup '#markup': |- <header class="panel-heading"> <h2 class="panel-title h3 mrgn-tp-sm mrgn-bttm-sm">Customer information</h2> </header> inspection_panel_body: '#type': container '#attributes': class: - panel-body - mrgn-lft-md customer: '#type': textfield '#title': Customer '#required': true customer_address: '#type': textfield '#title': 'Customer address' '#empty_value': 'Start typing address of customer' '#required': true '#label_attributes': class: - inherit id: customer-address-1 css: "label.form-required::after {\r\n content: unset;\r\n background-image: unset;\r\n display: unset;\r\n line-height: unset;\r\n color: unset;\r\n background-size: unset;\r\n width: unset;\r\n vertical-align: unset;\r\n margin-left: unset;\r\n height: unset;\r\n}\r\n\r\nlabel.form-required strong.required::after {\r\n content: \"\";\r\n background-image: url(https://tc.canada.ca/themes/contrib/wxt_bootstrap/images/required.svg);\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n line-height: 1;\r\n color: #e00;\r\n background-size: 7px 7px;\r\n width: 7px;\r\n vertical-align: super;\r\n margin-left: 4px;\r\n height: 7px;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.wb-frmvld .checkbox.checkbox-standalone input[type=\"checkbox\"] {\r\n position: unset;\r\n margin-left: unset;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.wb-frmvld label.form-required strong.error {\r\n display: block;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.wb-frmvld div.checkbox span.label-danger {\r\n margin-left: -1.2em;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group.has-error .control-label.valid,\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group.has-error .form-control.valid,\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group.has-error .input-control.valid {\r\n color: unset;\r\n}\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group.has-error .form-control.valid {\r\n border-color: unset;\r\n}\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group label strong.required,\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group fieldset strong.required,\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group label.control-label strong.required,\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group label.control-label.form-required strong.required,\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group label.form-required strong.required {\r\n color: #a94442 !important;\r\n}\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group.has-error .form-control.error {\r\n border-color: #a94442 !important;\r\n}\r\n.wb-frmvld form div.form-group {\r\n // Fix some weird glitch.\r\n display: block !important;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group .control-label,\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group strong.error span.label-danger,\r\n.wb-frmvld .has-error .checkbox,\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-group label.control-label span,\r\n.wb-frmvld .has-error .control-label span.field-name {\r\n color: unset !important;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.wb-frmvld div.form-type-date input {\r\n display: block;\r\n}" javascript: "/**\r\n * Drupal JavaScript APIs are contained in this namespace.\r\n *\r\n * @namespace\r\n */\r\n(function ($, Drupal) {\r\n 'use strict';\r\n\r\n Drupal.behaviors.wetboewRecipe = {\r\n attach: function (context, settings) {\r\n if (context == document) {\r\n jQuery('form.webform-submission-form .webform-button--submit').click(function() {\r\n setTimeout(function() {\r\n var webformSelector = \"form.webform-submission-form\";\r\n var webformErrorSection = webformSelector + ' section.alert-danger';\r\n $(webformSelector + ' div.checkbox strong.error').each(function(index) {\r\n var item = $(this);\r\n //either this:\r\n if (item.next().is('input')) {\r\n item.next().after(item);\r\n //or this:\r\n item.insertAfter(item.next());\r\n console.log('moved checkbox strong element after input element ' + index);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if ($(webformErrorSection).is(\":visible\")) {\r\n $(webformErrorSection + ' a strong.error').remove();\r\n $(webformErrorSection + ' a input').remove();\r\n console.log('running run ran');\r\n }\r\n }, 500);\r\n });// end of click event\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n Drupal.wetboewRecipe = {\r\n settings: drupalSettings.wxt_bootstrap || {},\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Returns the version of WxT being used.\r\n *\r\n * @return {string}\r\n * The version of WxT being used.\r\n */\r\n Drupal.wetboewRecipe.version = 'WetBoew (wxt) component supplement v1.0';\r\n\r\n console.log(Drupal.wetboewRecipe.version);\r\n\r\n})(window.jQuery, window.Drupal, window.drupalSettings);\r\n\r\n" settings: ajax: false ajax_scroll_top: form ajax_progress_type: '' ajax_effect: '' ajax_speed: null page: true page_submit_path: '' page_confirm_path: '' page_theme_name: '' form_title: both form_submit_once: false form_open_message: '' form_close_message: '' form_exception_message: '' form_previous_submissions: true form_confidential: false form_confidential_message: '' form_disable_remote_addr: false form_convert_anonymous: false form_prepopulate: false form_prepopulate_source_entity: false form_prepopulate_source_entity_required: false form_prepopulate_source_entity_type: '' form_unsaved: false form_disable_back: false form_submit_back: false form_disable_autocomplete: false form_novalidate: false form_disable_inline_errors: false form_required: false form_autofocus: false form_details_toggle: false form_reset: false form_access_denied: default form_access_denied_title: '' form_access_denied_message: '' form_access_denied_attributes: { } form_file_limit: '' form_attributes: { } form_method: '' form_action: '' share: false share_node: false share_theme_name: '' share_title: true share_page_body_attributes: { } submission_label: '' submission_exception_message: '' submission_locked_message: '' submission_log: false submission_excluded_elements: { } submission_exclude_empty: false submission_exclude_empty_checkbox: false submission_views: { } submission_views_replace: { } submission_user_columns: { } submission_user_duplicate: false submission_access_denied: default submission_access_denied_title: '' submission_access_denied_message: '' submission_access_denied_attributes: { } previous_submission_message: '' previous_submissions_message: '' autofill: false autofill_message: '' autofill_excluded_elements: { } wizard_progress_bar: true wizard_progress_pages: false wizard_progress_percentage: false wizard_progress_link: false wizard_progress_states: false wizard_start_label: '' wizard_preview_link: false wizard_confirmation: true wizard_confirmation_label: '' wizard_auto_forward: true wizard_auto_forward_hide_next_button: false wizard_keyboard: true wizard_track: '' wizard_prev_button_label: '' wizard_next_button_label: '' wizard_toggle: false wizard_toggle_show_label: '' wizard_toggle_hide_label: '' preview: 0 preview_label: '' preview_title: '' preview_message: '' preview_attributes: { } preview_excluded_elements: { } preview_exclude_empty: true preview_exclude_empty_checkbox: false draft: none draft_multiple: false draft_auto_save: false draft_saved_message: '' draft_loaded_message: '' draft_pending_single_message: '' draft_pending_multiple_message: '' confirmation_type: page confirmation_url: '' confirmation_title: '' confirmation_message: '' confirmation_attributes: { } confirmation_back: true confirmation_back_label: '' confirmation_back_attributes: { } confirmation_exclude_query: false confirmation_exclude_token: false confirmation_update: false limit_total: null limit_total_interval: null limit_total_message: '' limit_total_unique: false limit_user: null limit_user_interval: null limit_user_message: '' limit_user_unique: false entity_limit_total: null entity_limit_total_interval: null entity_limit_user: null entity_limit_user_interval: null purge: none purge_days: null results_disabled: false results_disabled_ignore: false results_customize: false token_view: false token_update: false token_delete: false serial_disabled: false access: create: roles: - anonymous - authenticated users: { } permissions: { } view_any: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } update_any: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } delete_any: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } purge_any: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } view_own: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } update_own: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } delete_own: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } administer: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } test: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } configuration: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } handlers: { } variants: { }