
{# renders a menu link extraclass is a optional string with classes to be set on the <A tag
   we asume that the active class is on the element above the link (<li>)
{% macro link(menuitem,extraclass) %}
{% spaceless %}
    {#{{ menuitem['#localized_options']['fragment'] }}#}
    <a {% if extraclass|default(false) %}class="{{ extraclass }}"{% endif %}
            href="{% if menuitem['#href'] == 'menu-dummy' %} # {% else %}{{ (menuitem['#href'] == 'menu-dummy')? '#' : url(menuitem['#href']) }} {% endif %}"
            {% if (menuitem['#href'] matches '/^(http|https|www)/i' )%} target="_blank" {% endif %}
            >{{ menuitem['#title'] }}</a>
{% endspaceless %}
{% endmacro %}

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