name: Varbase
type: profile
description: 'Varbase is an enhanced Drupal distribution with a lot of necessities.'
# version: 8.x-4.x
core: 8.x
  name: Varbase: Drupal Bundled with Necessities | by Vardot

# Required modules
  # core
  - automated_cron
  - block
  - block_content
  - breakpoint
  - ckeditor
  - color
  - comment
  - config
  - contact
  - contextual
  - datetime
  #- dblog
  - dynamic_page_cache
  - editor
  - field_ui
  - file
  - help
  - history
  - image
  - menu_link_content
  - menu_ui
  - node
  - options
  - page_cache
  - path
  - quickedit
  - rdf
  - responsive_image
  - search
  - shortcut
  - syslog
  - taxonomy
  - telephone
  - toolbar
  - tour
  - views
  - views_ui

  # contrib modules
  - config_update
  - ctools
  - composer_manager
  - page_manager
  - page_manager_ui
  - panels
  - panels_ipe
  - ds
  - ds_extras
  - field_group
  - smart_trim
  - advanced_text_formatter
  - flexslider
  - flexslider_views
  - block_class
  - metatag
  - simplesitemap
  - google_analytics
  - extlink

  # contrib libraries

  # Our own core functionality.

  # contrib themes
  - bootstrap
  - adminimal_theme

# Information added by packaging script on 2020-01-02
version: '8.x-4.0-alpha1'
project: 'varbase'
datestamp: 1577967190

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