<?php namespace Drupal\varbase\Form; use Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserInterface; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormBase; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; use Drupal\varbase\Config\ConfigBit; /** * Defines form for selecting extra compoennts for the assembler to install. */ class DevelopmentToolsAssemblerForm extends FormBase { /** * The Drupal application root. * * @var string */ protected $root; /** * The info parser service. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserInterface */ protected $infoParser; /** * The form helper. * * @var \Drupal\varbase\AssemblerFormHelper */ protected $formHelper; /** * Assembler Form constructor. * * @param string $root * The Drupal application root. * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserInterface $info_parser * The info parser service. * @param \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $translator * The string translation service. * @param \Drupal\varbase\Form\FormHelper $form_helper * The form helper. */ public function __construct($root, InfoParserInterface $info_parser, TranslationInterface $translator, FormHelper $form_helper) { $this->root = $root; $this->infoParser = $info_parser; $this->stringTranslation = $translator; $this->formHelper = $form_helper; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) { return new static( $container->get('app.root'), $container->get('info_parser'), $container->get('string_translation'), $container->get('varbase.form_helper') ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getFormId() { return 'varbase_development_tool'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return array * Development tools modules. */ public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, array &$install_state = NULL) { $form['#title'] = $this->t('Development tools'); $form['development_tools_introduction'] = [ '#weight' => -1, '#prefix' => '<p>', '#markup' => $this->t("If you're only evaluating Varbase, you don't need to install these tools. These tools are needed if you're a developer and you're installing Varbase to build a new site."), '#suffix' => '</p>', ]; // Development tools. $developmentTools = ConfigBit::getList('configbit/', 'show_development_tools', TRUE, 'dependencies', 'profile', 'varbase'); if (count($developmentTools)) { $form['development_tools'] = [ '#type' => 'fieldset', ]; foreach ($developmentTools as $development_tool_key => $development_tool_info) { $checkbox_title = ''; $checkbox_description = ''; $checkbox_selected = FALSE; if (isset($development_tool_info['title'])) { $checkbox_title = $development_tool_info['title']; } if (isset($development_tool_info['description'])) { $checkbox_description = $development_tool_info['description']; } if (isset($development_tool_info['selected'])) { $checkbox_selected = $development_tool_info['selected']; } // Have a checkbox to enable this development tool. $form['development_tools'][$development_tool_key] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $checkbox_title, '#description' => $checkbox_description, '#default_value' => $checkbox_selected, ]; // If config_form is ture for this development tool. if (isset($development_tool_info['config_form']) && $development_tool_info['config_form'] == TRUE) { $form['development_tools'][$development_tool_key . '_config'] = [ '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => $checkbox_title, '#states' => [ 'visible' => [ ':input[name="' . $development_tool_key . '"]' => ['checked' => TRUE], ], 'invisible' => [ ':input[name="' . $development_tool_key . '"]' => ['checked' => FALSE], ], ], ]; if (isset($development_tool_info['formbit'])) { $formbit_file_name = drupal_get_path('profile', 'varbase') . '/' . $development_tool_info['formbit']; if (file_exists($formbit_file_name)) { include_once $formbit_file_name; // Add configuration form element in the formbit position. call_user_func_array($development_tool_key . "_build_formbit", [&$form['development_tools'][$development_tool_key . '_config'], &$form_state, &$install_state, ] ); } } } } } $form['actions'] = [ 'continue' => [ '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $this->t('Continue'), '#button_type' => 'primary', ], '#type' => 'actions', '#weight' => 5, ]; return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Development Tools. $developmentTools = ConfigBit::getList('configbit/', 'show_development_tools', TRUE, 'dependencies', 'profile', 'varbase'); if (count($developmentTools)) { $development_tools_values = []; foreach ($developmentTools as $development_tool_key => $development_tool_info) { // If form state has got value for this development tool. if ($form_state->hasValue($development_tool_key)) { $development_tools_values[$development_tool_key] = $form_state->getValue($development_tool_key); } if (isset($development_tool_info['config_form']) && $development_tool_info['config_form'] == TRUE) { $formbit_file_name = drupal_get_path('profile', 'varbase') . '/' . $development_tool_info['formbit']; if (file_exists($formbit_file_name)) { include_once $formbit_file_name; $development_tools_editable_configs = call_user_func_array($development_tool_key . "_get_editable_config_names", []); if (count($development_tools_editable_configs)) { foreach ($development_tools_editable_configs as $development_tools_editable_config_key => $development_tools_editable_config) { foreach ($development_tools_editable_config as $development_tools_config_item_key => $development_tools_config_item_value) { if ($form_state->hasValue($development_tools_config_item_key)) { $development_tools_editable_configs[$development_tools_editable_config_key][$development_tools_config_item_key] = $form_state->getValue($development_tools_config_item_key); } } } } $GLOBALS['install_state']['varbase']['development_tools_configs'] = $development_tools_editable_configs; } } } $GLOBALS['install_state']['varbase']['development_tools_values'] = $development_tools_values; } } }